krystalpistol posted a discussion topic 12 years, 4 months ago
Don't Wany Sympathy.. NEED ENCOURAGEMENT - 3rd Day home from the hospital. Surgery was on 01/20/2012. I feel decent, but this is while taking no pain meds because they COME RIGHT BACK UP. I have tolereated some ES Tylenol, ...

krystalpistol wrote a blog post 12 years, 4 months ago
3 Days Post Op - A little better today. Was actually able to pass a lot of gas and that was a relief. Basically just ice chips and water so far. Had some skim milk this morning and hubby went to ge...

krystalpistol wrote a blog post 12 years, 4 months ago
Pre-Op Liquid Diet Tips - Disclaimer: I am not medical professional and dont claim to be. These tips are simply things that have helped me get through the last 11 days. 1- Protein Shakes. Yes, the taste ...

krystalpistol posted a comment 12 years, 4 months ago
Thats right, move on! Put the past behind you and pick back up with...

krystalpistol wrote a blog post 12 years, 4 months ago
4 More Days! I CAN DO THIS!!!!!!! - Oh wow, it is finally here, The week of surgery. I am so happy, nothing can upset me, not even my coworker who pounds on her keyboard instead of typing :) HA! The liquid diet ge...

krystalpistol posted a comment 12 years, 4 months ago
OK I am in my Pre Op Liquid Diet stage and I am so jealous cause...

krystalpistol wrote a blog post 12 years, 4 months ago
3 Days Down 10 to Go - My Dad asked me today how the liquid diet was going. My answer "Right through me!"  Is it easy? Sometimes Is it gross? Not really, but not a nice slice of pizza either. I...

krystalpistol posted a comment 12 years, 4 months ago
Well I think you sound like you are doing really good! I am in day 4 of...

krystalpistol posted a comment 12 years, 5 months ago
It will be here before you know it. I hope to be your motivation!

krystalpistol wrote a blog post 12 years, 5 months ago
***APPROVED**** - I got approved by insurance!  My Deductible has been paid! Picking up liquid diet packet today! SURGERY IS SET FOR JANUARY 20TH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

krystalpistol wrote a blog post 13 years ago
And the Dr is... - Dr Garth Davis. I attended his Dad's seminar last week, but after all of my further research and positive findings, I have decided to go with the son (younger eys ;)) Dr Garth Davi...

krystalpistol wrote a blog post 13 years ago
TO DONE LIST! - I made the biggest step, the first step and went to my desired surgeons seminar tonight & I know in my heart I am committed and ready to make this journey. YAY YAY YAY! I know t...

krystalpistol wrote a blog post 13 years ago
Why Now? - I always told myself that I didn't need WLS to help me. I told myself I could lose the weight and I would, lose 30 lbs or so and then feel good and stop. So why WLS now?  Clearly I...

krystalpistol added a goal 13 years ago
have my chest stick out farther than my stomach

krystalpistol wrote a blog post 13 years ago
WOW - I never knew that some many people were going through the same things I was. I am very happy that I found this "network".  I am attending a seminar next week to start my journey. I...
About Me
Surgery Date
May 20, 2011
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