krysunderwood wrote Day 4 Post Op, Back Home, Feeling Great! 7 years, 10 months ago

I reached my goal size of 20 by day of surgery, and I'm down 32 lbs! I'm thrilled with this decision! I feel healthier and more energized than I have in years. 


So here's the very f...

Kathy S. wrote 7 years, 10 months ago
Hi krysunderwood, Congratulations on your surgery. When you feel better give us an update on how you are doing.

TimeToHealRich2016 wrote 7 years, 11 months ago
So close...don't sweat the "where" you are having iut done...or "who" or "why" etc. Focus instead on what you still have to stay under control of and not much else. It'll be fine. Hope to hear all abut the trip when you get back. Rich
About Me
Surgery Date
May 12, 2016
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ish? College graduation

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