Feb 12, 2015 - 11 years Post Op

Jan 02, 2015

To be updated soon


Missed my 9 year Re Birthday!

Jun 18, 2013

I missed my Feb re birthday! This year has flown by. I just read my last post and it was Feb last year when I said I didn't want a colostomy. Well I finally gave in and got one in Sept, 2012. I had gotten down to 105 pounds and I couldn't eat or do anything the pain was unbearable.  Of course I don't like it but it saved my life and it's not as bad as I thought it would be. I have learned to accept the things I cannot change and to change the things I can.  I still eat small and I am back up to 125 pds. I look better. I am in a size 4-6. I am 9 years post op. Wow! 


Re birthday to me 8 years! Feb 16, 2012

Feb 12, 2012

I can remember researching RNY after I found this site. I used to look at the before and after pictures of all the members and I can remember crying. I never wanted anything more then to lose the extra 130 lbs I was carrying around. That was 8 years ago. I haven't gained anything. I am 112 lbs as of today. 2/12/2012.

I wish I could say I was a healthy 112 lbs but since the radiation and brachytherapy from the cervical cancer back in 2009 I have side effects of the radiation. They call it radiation necrosis. It affects my bowels as they were in the path of the radiation. I didn't drink enough water to help shield my internal organs when having the radiation treatments. What happens is my bowels have scar tissue and the radiation continues like a fire ball inside me. It narrows the passage way and it is painful and difficult to go to the bathroom.The only answer my Doctors can come up with is a permanent colostomy. (A bag on my side to defecate in) I am not going for it. I am claustrophobic and even jewelry has to come off after a certain time as I just can't stand anything on me at times when the claustrophobia kicks in. So a permanent bag on my side? No Way!

Instead I have to maintain a NO Fiber diet for the rest of my life. This means nothing with fiber. I survive on cheese, pasta, white bread and little else. My Doctors are telling me I will die if I continue losing weight. Again the colostomy will save my life. Fiber bulks the stool in order to move it. I can't have bulk going through a narrow passage way as it can cause a blockage and immediate surgery.

I have advocated that protein drinks cause you to gain weight over time. I still believe this. But now I need to gain a little weight to stay alive. I have been warned by obesity help staff that Protein drinks are necessary for good health. They are right! But they still will make you gain after a few years out from surgery. Read the posts from post ops after 2-3 years of doing protein shakes.
They are all gaining. I can't say not doing protein drinks caused my illness because cancer is genetic but it may have not helped not getting enough protein in my diet since the RNY surgery.

So I am now going to try a protein drink called 'Honey Milk in Chocolate' 3g fiber and 20 grams protein. Wow, this has a Good taste I am scared of the fiber though. Hopefully it will be OK. I can take it in small doses. May be worth it to get my health back on track. Something else I am trying is An OZ a day of Aloe Vera Juice and 2 papaya enzyme tabs. My Grandmother cured her diverticulitis this way so maybe it will help me. 
I will post a current picture. Congrats to me 8 yrs skinny! Congrats to all of you who have made the decision to take a leap of faith and do what is right for you!! 

Kimmy Tenkate 02/12/2012


Happy Re Birthday to me!! 7 years!!

Feb 16, 2011

7 Years of skinny and moving on! I have never for one moment regretted having RNY surgery. I do NOT miss the 130 lbs I lost 7 years ago today! If not for WLS I would not be here as it really did save my life.

I was told by everyone that I will gain all my weight back and more but it has been 7 years and I haven't gained any weight. As long as I continue to eat very small meals 6 times or more a day I will stay this way. Vitamins are forever!
 Happy Re Birthday to me!!


Aug 21, 2010

I am so homesick I can barely stand it.  My husband and I followed my parents to Texas in 1999. Moms brother lived here so she wanted to move closer to him and away from California. At the time we couldn't wait to leave Ca either having lived there most of my life I needed a break a change. Texas afforded us a real house on an acre and a quarter so we left Ca. too as the job situation was very bad in Ca and we could barely make ends meet.  It has been somewhat easier here except for the first 4 years when my hubby couldn't find decent work driving rigs. I was happy here until my father died in 2006. Thank God he was able to see me as a thin person before he passed away. He knew I was going to be OK or so he hoped. 

If you have read my journey then you are aware of what came after. The Grade 3 Kidney Cancer in 2008, The grade 3 Cervical Cancer in 2009. This year 2010 an egg size tumor behind my throat. I am doing OK though. I have maintained my weight and have not gained, I am still 129Lbs. The gastric bypass saved my life once again.

Now if only I could save my own life. The last few years I have been feeling very isolated. I have become a recluse in my own home staying on the computer well into the morning hours since I started my downward spiral into depression in 2006 after Dad passed.

Now all I can think about is my hometown, where I grew up. I have long lost friends there. Both my brothers and there family's are all there. I am so lonely here in TX. My hubby works very long hours and he is a member of the all volunteer fire department. I do not work as I am still recovering from surgery # 4. (#3 was brachytherapy before the cervical cancer surgery) I want so much to move back to Santa Cruz Ca.  My husband won't move. He wouldn't be able to find work. He loves it here. We have a lot of strays we couldn't take. He has a lot of reasons he wants to stay. Creditors cannot take your home in TX or lean on it so as long as he can pay the mortgage we have a home.

I understand all of that, In my head it makes sense. But that doesn't stop the ache I feel about wanting to go home.  I have discussed all of this with my husband and he understands my need too. He is willing to let me go and live there. He won't divorce me so I can still have health insurance but he cannot support me and I won't make him sell the house.

I feel strongly at this point in my life that I need to be around my family and friends. Being alone here in Texas is not good for me. I need to go home.  I love my husband as he does me and this is why he is willing to let me go.

I have started planning I am making a list of what I will take which is small. My bike, My clothes, My Chihuahua and a few small things .. The first thing I need to do is try and sell my old 1996 Infinity I30 so that I can have a down payment on a used pt cruiser.  I am hoping to get at least $3,000 for my car but I am afraid it will be a lot less if I have to sell it to carmax.
Then once I find a way to get a decent car to make it there then I will need a place to live and a job.  I  am hoping to find a live in care taker position for someone who is older and needs a companion. Someone to drive them to appointments and take them shopping. etc. or an after school nanny. help with the handicap. Something I can do and won't be discriminated against because of my illness.

First I have to find out what this new bulge in my tummy is.  I think it is a hernia and if so I will need surgery to rebuild the cavity wall with grafts from my thighs. Netting won't work as all my tissue holding my intestine in has been burned.   I go Monday for my checkup with my OB GYN Oncologist and to see what this is.

SO what do you think?? Reading over this it looks as If there is no way in heck that I will be able to move back to Santa Cruz. No car, no money, No place to live, No job. and my illness. I have hope any way. I will find a way. I need to go back, I want to go back so bad. I am so Homesick!


Jun 15, 2010

May is a scary month for me. My kidney cancer surgery was May 28, My Cervical caner surgery was May 14 and now I had a large tumor behind my throat taken out May 8Th. Thank God it was Benign.  3 years in a row. I am OK, My Surgeon for this last tumor was a doll. He hid the scar in the fold of my neck. It was supposed to go around my ear along my jaw and down my neck.  But I begged him not to make me look like frankenstein's bride and he didn't. I just have a angry nerve on my lower lip in the corner. It doesn't work and makes me smile funny and drool. LOL But I am alive and i have no physical signs except my lip when i smile so i consider myself one of the lucky ones. I am a survivor.

I am still maintaining my weight. I gained a few Lbs but it looks better on me. I am 133lbs now. I eat whatever I want in moderation and I eat 6 times a day small meals or snacks. I drink a lot of Tea and water. No sodas as they stretch your tummy.

It Is what it is. What will be will be. I take life one day at a time. I tell those that mean so much to me that I love them every day. I don't take anything for granted. When its my time I will go just like every other living thing on earth. Be Happy            .

Update on Pain

Sep 13, 2009

The mass they found on top of my vaginal cuff which was biopsied and benign is called Necrosis it is a localized, unnatural death of living tissue or cells. It is a side effect of the chemo/radiation. Surgery is the only cure but surgery cannot be done as it will stir up the radiation. It is a burning stinging pain like a very bad bladder infection. They have me on anti seizure drugs 3 times a day and pain meds every 4 hours.  I have an MRI scheduled for Thursday. I will update after.

12 weeks Post Op Cervical Cancer

Aug 23, 2009

Yes thats right it was cervical cancer. All was going great. I was feeling better, I was healing well until a month ago when I started having pain in my pelvis where my right Ovary used to be and through to my anus. I thought it was a bad bladder infection and self treated with Cipro for over a week. The pain didn't go away. I didn't want to involve my Doctors because the month before I had pain on the left side so they put me through a CT Scan and it was nothing. So I waited until the pain was so bad I was in a fetal position in bed. The Doctors again put me through another CT Scan and this time it showed something above my Vaginal cuff on the right side where the pain has been. They did an in Office biopsy on the spot and it came back No Tumor present. I am in the kind of pain No one wants to ever feel. Its like a very Bad bladder and anal infection combined 24/7. The burning is sharp and intense a 10 on a pain scale where 10 is the worst possible pain. They are sending me to Pain Management. I am already on the strongest Vicodin they have. But apparently there is no cure for this pain. From what I understand the pain is from the radiation and chemo I had before surgery. It burned a hole in my vaginal cuff. If they do surgery it will stir up the radiation even more. As it is the radiation can continue to cause problems all through my body for the rest of my life. No One Ever Told Me This Could Happen! I may have to be on heavy narcotics the rest of my life.Yes everyone says well at least you are alive. OMG!! Please Pray for me. I lost a few pounds I am 121 lbs. I need to eat more. The RNY Gastric Bypass Surgery?? Saved my life, it would be a whole lot worse if I still weighed 247 lbs. Cancer loves fat.

18 Days Post OP for Uterin Cancer

Jun 14, 2009

I am healing great. Still very sore. The good news is the cancer was gone when they did the radical hysterectomy. Chemo and radiation did what they were supposed to. They eradicated the tumor. I am cancer free. I am still 125 lbs. I will never regret the day I had RNY it saved my life twice.

5:15 AM Surgery May 28, 09 Pray the cancer is gone....

May 27, 2009

My final step a hysterectomy to rid my body of the tumor. Its all going ovaries, uterus and cervix. There will never be a child in my future, nor was there one in my past. God just didn't have that in mind for me. Its a good thing as this Lynch syndrome had a 50% chance of my children having it. Lynch syndrome is a genetic mutation in my DNA it causes aggressive tumors to grow rapidly in the ureter, uterus and the colon. It starts early in the late 40's early 50's. If a parent has it there is a 50% chance the children will get it. I weighed in at 130 lbs at pre op today. Again this Gastric Bypass RNY is saving my life as I have zero fat cells for it to rapidly spread too. I have been weighing close to 120 but weight fluctuates 5 - 10 lbs all day long. I had Ureter cancer 1 year ago. But this is not the same cancer. Its a new cancer. I Pray the cancer is gone that I am cured. There is a 90% chance of cure.  Please Pray for me..
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About Me
Tomball, TX
Surgery Date
Oct 13, 2003
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Kimberly Size 22
Oct 2005 Size 5

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