long time comin

Feb 26, 2011

Well it has been such a looooong time since I have written anything!  I am so happy I am now only "obese" down from super morbidly obese. I am down 136 and still losing.

I am so happy with my progress. I am off all my pre-surgery meds and am now only taking things to maintain my healthiness. Let me count down the "lost" com-morbidities:

Week one after surgery: No more high blood pressure! first week folks!!!

No more high cholesterol, no more sleep apnea, no more diabetes! 

Goodness I finally feel healthy!!  Still have a way to go but sooo sooo happy now!!
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This is how my journey started

Jul 20, 2010

       I had my surgery in April of this year, I have actually been overweight since I was 5 years old. So I have had a long time of carrying around all of this excess weight. 

   When I first started seeing commercials in the 90's about weight loss surgery I thought to myself "If only I could get this weight off, I know I can keep it off" So I did the Atkins diet with my good friend (she was thin) and lost 75 pounds. Boy did I look good, but I was still overweight. Then of course I gained it ALL back and then some!!

      So I called to see if I could get surgery. At that time you needed to be over 100 pounds overweight and have co-morbidities. Oh I was 120 pounds overweight but I was healthy as a horse. So I was not a candidate. Life happened and I figured I was destined to be FAT.

   Then in 2002 I was serious about getting the surgery and started my OH journey. My real intense research started and I explored and I asked questions and I learned what I could about all surgeries. I went to my surgeon Dr. Mark Shina and started the insurance approval process. I was outright denied. I was so disappointed because I had spent almost $500 on fees to try and get my surgery. So I just gave up.

    So I stewed it over in my mind until last June 2009 and went to see my surgeon again. More head butting but his office insurance guru "Rick" finally got me approved and here I am today;15 weeks out and 61.2 pounds lighter since surgery. Life is getting better but it is work.



Jun 13, 2010

Tomorrow will be 10 weeks since my surgery. I have had quite the time of ups and downs. Let me start at the first day of my new life: 4/5/10.

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Mar 29, 2010

Well here it is one week to my surgery date! April 5th is just around the corner. I am having mixed feelings. I am scared, I am anxious, I am excited and I am blah all at once if that makes any sense to anyone. It does to me I guess.

   People are all telling me about ALL these people who have had the surgery and have gained all the weight back and then some. But do you know what it is making me more determined not to be that statistic!! I am going to work my pouch and my body! I will lose and remain a loser! AND I WILL MAINTAIN MY WEIGHT LOSS!

   It has not been too bad this past week. I have tryed a few shakes and have found a few I like. One more thing to do before my surgery and that is a final pre-op blood work-up. And I have my orders from the doctor and will be doing it Wednesday morning before jury duty. WOOT WOOT

   Only problem I have been having is my blood sugars dropping real low. One day it was down to 54 and I had to eat real quick. But other than that it has been okay. 

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Next step

Mar 22, 2010

Two weeks from today is my surgery date. Yes April 5, 2010 is my date!  Started the 2 week diet that the doctor gave me. I am hungry but I know it is going to get better. I hope it is true that you you are not really hungry after the surgery.

The cardiac doctor say I have an irregular heartbeat. Dr Rahman says it is because of my caffeine intake. I know caffeine is bad but I like my cup of coffee each morning. But he has given me my clearance for surgery. Doctor Dairi the pulmonologist had me do a full pulmonary test and my test  went real well. My second clearance is approved. April 5 here I come!!!!

I was in heaven when I got back from these appointments.  I was supposed to have jury duty and I called the judge and told the clerk what was happening and he told me there was nothing scheduled so i didn't need to come. So here I am being held in contempt of court because this clerk was wrong!!! I go before the judge on Wednesday. Please pray for me to get the judge to understand. I also need to be excused for my surgery. I was not approved when my jury papers needed to be sent in so I couldn't request being excused. I am crossing my fingers.

Got a date! Scared..................

Mar 09, 2010

 OMG I HAVE A DATE: APRIL 5, 2010!! Now starts all the prelim stuff for surgery.  Lets see:   
Monday March 15   vascular surgeon for the vena cava filter. That's in Louisville, KY.    
Wednesday March 17  first stop the hospital for a chest x-ray and EKG. Then to the cardiologist to see if my heart is okay for surgery. 

Thursday March 18  pulmonologist to see if my lungs are okay for the surgery.  Then to see Tammy at Dr Shina's office for my pre-op education and information on the 2week liquid diet we all seem to have to do before surgery.

It is so weird that I am actually going to have this done! FINALLY!! But at the same time it is kind of a let down. I was all poised to have to fight for the right to have surgery. But then it just kinda falls into my lap. The only thing I can say is: BUT GOD!  It had to be God because I really wasn't supposed to be approved. But God did it for me and answered my prayers!! 

Thank you Rick at the right weigh "hotline"! You are the guardian angel  that noone sees! You cared enough to call and find out what was happening with me and my journey. You jumped in and tryed to get the ball rolling up a hill that I thought was impossible. I can never thank you enough! I just hope one day I can thank you in person.  

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Mar 02, 2010

OMG !!!!!!!!!!!  I came home from having a wonderful weekend out of state with my boyfriend. Grab the mail and just about fell off my chair.  I have been poising myself for a fight with the insurance company and now this.

  My doctor's office called me out of the blue to find out what my insurance company had said and I informed them that they tell me they "never get the faxes". Well Rick at my doctors office knows about the exclusion on my policy. He has been working at this for a while now.  YEAH ME!!!!!!

  Now it is time to get a date and finally begin the new chapter in my life. I have a new man in my life and we have discussed this decision "I" have made. He is very supportive, it may even make for a better relationship. One can only hope!! If you cannot tell I am sooooooooooo excited. then the fear will come but I am ready to face obesity head on.  the race is on to the finish line 

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Nov 12, 2009

No real update here. Still have not heard from doctor or insurance. I FINALLY got my doctors notes for the past 2 years and have sent them in to the insurance company. STILL WAITING!!! 
       Good news is that I have been making steady progress toward losing weight. But I think that is because I'm "love sick" and it makes it hard to eat when that condition is present.  We will see what the holidays bring! 
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Sep 24, 2009

Just called my surgeon to see if my paper work got there from my PCP. Guess what? NO SUPRISE!!  They never sent it! Called my PCP and of course his office manager is not in like every other time I call. So I left an URGENT message for her to call me in the AM. Will they call
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update sorta

Aug 26, 2009

     Things are moving along at a snails pace. I wish I could speed up this process!!!

     Just had yet another set back in this process. I called my PCP office and was told it would be 3 to 4 weeks before I could get copies of my records. Yes MY records!! Boo Hiss.

      I do have an update in my pesonal life. I have met someone and I think it could go somewhere. I don't want to jinx it so I am going to only say this much. But I am happy. It is making it so much easier to diet when I don't wallow in myself.  More on him later, keep your fingers crossed for me. 

   Good news is I have lost 17 pounds since june. 


About Me
Madisonville, KY
Surgery Date
Jun 20, 2002
Member Since

Friends 43

Latest Blog 17
