I am up and Going Again

Feb 10, 2009

Hello everyone.....

I am  five months out from my WLS..  I have  lost around seventy pounds and for some strange reason I haven't wanted to  get rid of my old clothes  I have been hanging on to my jeans literally the almost fall off me  when I walk. well today after someone finally asked me why am I  hanging onto my pants  of course my reply was to keep them from hitting the ground.  I finally went into the store and purchased some new  pants.  It maybe because of the mirror i have always hated that's in the dressing room which shows all.. I guess i just wasnt ready to face that full picture.   But  I am proud... I have went from  a 26/28 fitting snug  to  a 18w...  I am like WOW...

I have fallen off the wagon and can't get back on!!!!!

Jan 11, 2009

I have been so stressed out since my child got sick over the holidays that I have been really messin up on my routine.  I have not exercised in a month and have not lost any weight. I have been doing all those things I know  I shouldn't  (snacking , sweet)  God Iam just praying that I finally get my motivation back before I start gaining back the weight.

I am also really upset that  I have started to lose my hair.  I was really hoping that would not happen but oh well.....


I had an OH moment

Dec 05, 2008

Well it's been 3 most post and I have finally move from EXTREMELY OBESE  to  OBESE.....   that's my OH moment.. I started at Morbidly so iam ready to more to just being overweight.....LOL


Oct 31, 2008

hey to everyone......... I am finally feeling better and getting ready for my 2nd post op check up... I  took the opportunity to weight the other day and I am down to 262,,,,,  That's a 8lbs lost from last weigh in.  Iam happy to lose  amount of weight.   I have manage to start a  at home work out  program with video tapes..   I have manage to work out twice a day everyday .  Iam hoping  this will speed up my weight loss.. ... But i am still doing poorly on keep tabs on my calories intake .. I focus too much on liquid intake so that's something iam gonna have to work on..  I am also really sick of TUNA AND CHICKEN there has got to be something more tasty out there... got any suggestion let me know....

one month doc visit

Oct 03, 2008

Went to my doc appt.  I have been have some serious trouble with sinsus drainage.  IT'S KILLING ME.... for reall.... It really make things taste worse and not having many things to choose from  that's bad.  Iam not able to get in my liquids as required... I have kinda went into a depression..

surgery 9-08-08

Sep 19, 2008

I am trying to survive the first month post -op..... I have been sick with a cold and very low energy.    My liquid intake has not been good.  Iam at stage two at the moment and the protein shake are not agreeing with me at all.

Let's get this done in 2007

Jan 13, 2007

Hi my name is kim I have been at this since 04 I have had a few hopful moments but never made it to my goal of having wls.  I have been turned down many times due to the fact they say  that i have had so many failed diet attempt.  HUh? But iam back at this again You see my pic they have smiles but inside is a very unhappy person because iam have become so limited to things i can do  as the years pass.  I have been obese since childhood  and iam really hoping that one day i will get help to take control of this up and down rollercoaster of weight gain that iam on..  Iam topping out at 308 lbs at the present....... good luck to all and god bless

About Me
wildersville, TN
Surgery Date
Feb 12, 2004
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