April 2007

Apr 04, 2007

I cannot believe it has been 6 months since my surgery.  The changes in my life are incredible.  First of all I have lost 105 pounds and 67 1/2 inches.  I have gone from a size 30/32 to a size 18.  I am buying scrubs in size XL and not 5XL.  My bra size has gone from a 52DDD to a 42DD and some 42D.  My shoe size has gone from a 11W to a size 10.  My rings are all way too big and I can wear anklets, belts, toe rings, whatever I want to wear.  GOD IS GOOD!  I went today and had my six month lab work done and I go to Dr. Freeman 4/9/07 so I'll know then how everything looks.  I am going to the gym twice a week and working out with a personal trainer.  I have not lost a lot of weight since my January 2007 appointment - only about 25 pounds but I have lost inches.  I know that muscle weighs more than fat and takes up less space but it is really kinda discouraging to not see the pounds come off faster.  I still have an occassional problem with food getting stuck and there are still foods that I cannot eat at all like white meat chicken, steak, rice, popcorn, pork, and roasts.  I don't do well with breads but I can eat potatoes and pasta ok.  I worry sometimes that I am eating too much and have stretched my pouch which really scares me to death.  I know that I can eat more than three months ago.  I stopped keeping track of my calories and maybe that's what I need to be doing to make sure that I don't eat too much in a day.  those calories can really sneak up on you when you don't know it.  I have not done as good with my water but I do try and I am getting my protein in.  The only negative is that I have lost over half the hair on my head.  My hair used to be thick and very curly.  Since surgery I noticed it is not as curly and for the past two months the hair has been coming out like crazy.  I am taking the biotin, protein, and using special shampoo but nothing is working.  I almost hate to wash or brush my hair because I know that even more is going to come out.  I guess I'd rather be bald than fat.  I love getting all the compliments about how good I look and one of the docs said that the one thing he notices is that I smile all the time.  I feel really good about me and my life.  I love shopping for clothes now because I feel better about me.  I don't like all the sagging skin but oh well, I can live with it for now.

February 2007

Feb 04, 2007

Four months post op and I can't believe the changes in my life right now.  I have officially lost 85 pounds and 51.5 inches.  I only lost 10 pounds this past month but have lost 2 inches in my waist and hips and one inch in my bust so I know I am still doing good.  When I started this journey I was wearing a 32 top and 28 bottom.  This past month I am fitting into some size 20 pants (and I bought a size 18 pant too) and a size 22 top (again I bought a 18/20 top that I can fit into but feels snug).  I am going to the gym at least twice a week and working with a personal trainer and am more active now than I have been in a while.  I worry that I am eating too much sometimes but am staying close to 800 calories a day so I'm pretty sure that's good.  I feel good about myself and everyone around me says that I smile all the time now.  I used to stand in front of my closet packed full of clothes and fuss that I had nothing to wear - everything was too tight or didn't look right or made me look fat (huh, like the clothes did that and not me).  Now I stand in front of the same closet and still fuss that I have nothing to wear except now everything looks like a tent on me and my husband refuses to let me wear them looking like that.  I did break down and buy a few pieces to wear to work and to church but hate spending money on something that I won't be able to wear long.  I just have to break down and get rid of the fatter clothes (I think they're still a comfortable crutch for me and it's hard to let go).

December 2006

Dec 26, 2006

I can't believe Christmas has already come and gone.  I am totally blessed with all the changes in my life due to my surgery.  Rick got me an Auburn sweatshirt and bought a size 3X and it was way too big!  We took it back today and I got a size XL.  It's a little tight but I can wear it now and it will look great in a month or more.  I also had to buy a new bra - from a 50DD to a 42DD.  It is just so amazing and exciting and weird knowing that the Christmas clothes that I have worn this year I won't be able to wear next year.  Rick has started calling me skinny which makes me feel real special.  I know I have a long ways to go but I also know that I have come a long way.  Go back to the surgeon on January 8th and I can't wait so my weight loss will be official.  My scales show I have lost 68 pounds.  I still struggle with certain foods and have no understanding of how to get in fruit and veggies when I can just get my protein in.  I have started drinking low sodium V8 juice to try to get the veggie part in.  At least I have learned that if I hiccup when I eat not to eat any more or it's going to come back up.  The problem is that sometimes I don't hiccup and then I'm screwed.  I'll write more later. 

November 2006

Nov 25, 2006

I went on a bike ride today for the first time since surgery.  My friend Molly and I went 12 miles and I was able to ride all the hills even though it was in my granny gear.  I was able to ride in a harder gear most of the time and I had a blast.  I recovered a lot faster than I did before surgery and I did not have to use my inhaler the first time.  We averaged around 9.5 mph during the ride so I feel really good about that.  And I did not sweat like a pig.  I am so proud of me.  After I got home Mom and I went shopping.  I bought three shirts in size 2X (not 4X) and a bra in 46D (not 50DD).  I am so thrilled.  I have lost 48 pounds according to my scales and I am frustrated that I have been at this weight for over a week but I know that it is only temporary.  I still have no feelings of hunger.  Mom and Rick call me at work to remind me to eat.  Work is going ok.  I have been doing chart audits and trying to help the other nurses with paperwork and getting supplies.  I start patient care on Tuesday and that will be the true test.  I did my first 12 hour shift on Thanksgiving and I was really tired afterwards but I am gla to be back at work.

November 2006

Nov 06, 2006

Just got back from Dr. Freeman's office today and it was a great day.  I have officially lost 40 pounds and a total of 9 inches lost.  I can't believe I am finally below 300 pounds.  I am so proud of me.  I feel great.  Don't go back to work until November 27.  I got to see several people who had surgery around the same time as me and boy do we all look different already.  It's just amazing the difference a month can make.  I am already wearing clothes I could not get into a month ago and started wearing my skinny clothes from weight watchers a few years ago.  It is so exciting.

November 2006

I can't believe it's already November.  I go back to the doctor on the 6th for my one month follow-up.    I have had some ups and downs.  According to my scales I have lost 33 pounds and some of those I have lost a couple of times.   I can't stand the scales because you know you're not eating enough to gain weight but then you see two pound gain in the morning.  I know it's probably water weight but I don't like seeing gains.  I have had several wow moments already.  Rick has been wonderful in pointing ou the small differences he can see in me already.  I am wearing jeans that I could not wear a month ago and it feels wonderful.  I am having to rely on a protein shake a day to get my protein in and it's amazing to me that someone who drank water all the time before surgery is having a hard time getting the water in after surgery.  I haven't figured out when you can't eat 30 minutes before or after meals and it takes me almost 30 minutes to eat - when you are supposed to drink the 100 oz. of water in the time left in the day.  I'm doing it though because I want to do everything that I am supposed to do.  I can't believe that my TV viewing during the day is the Food Network and I'm never hungry.  I am also off all my medications except for my vitamins so that makes me very happy.


10/10/06 I LOST 18 POUNDS!!!!!!!!! OMG! I was so shocked. I saw Shonda there also and she lost 12 pounds. I really think we are going to be friends for a long time. I immediately felt better getting the drains out. Rick and I went to Cracker Barrel and I got my first meal - scrambled eggs and cheese. I did ok with it but I am so unsure of how and what to do that I am almost scared to eat. I know its important though and I will push myself. I think Rick is a little upset in that all I want to watch on TV is the Food Network. There's nothing else on TV and since I'm not hungry - it doesn't bother me. I am still having problems sleeping at night and I get real tired fast but Rick and I stopped at a flea market and walked around on the way home so I could get my walking in. He has been so wonderful to me and I love him so much.

10/9/06 - okay here goes about the surgery. Mom and I left 10/3 and stayed at the Jameson Inn the night before surgery. I absolutely hated the cherry magnesium citrate for the bowel prep. The clear liquids sucked also but I survived. Got to the hospital around 6:00am and things went fast from there. Rick and Daddy came up that morning and got there before I went in to surgery. Dr. Freeman called me the night before to check on me and then he came into the preop holding area and had prayer again. He is so wonderful and I truly feel like God led me to him. The next thing I remember was in recovery and telling them they were smothering me. I am VERY claustrophobic and they had a nonrebreather mask on me and I was freaked out. Once they changed to the nasal cannula I did ok. The rest of the day is foggy but I know I hated it when Rick had to leave. Mom stayed with me the whole time. I had to stay an extra day in the hospital because of bloody drainage from the JP drains to see if I needed a blood transfusion and I didn't. The next few days were a struggle to try to get the water and the protein in. I have absolutely no appetite and don't want anything. I threw up the dye for the swallow study and it really messed me up with eating. Carmen Griffin from the OH site came to see me in the hospital and she was an angel. I will never forget what she did. I also met four other people - one who had surgery day before me, two the day of my surgery and one the day after. It was pretty cool to have walking the hall buddies in the hospital. I have so many friends and I love hearing from everyone. What a blessed person I am. I go to the doctor tomorrow to get the drains and the staples out so I'll update tomorrow.


9/13/2006 My surgery is only 3 weeks from today. I went yesterday and made the arrangements for the money for the surgery and I should have it in my account in the next 7-10 days. I think I have everything done that I can do for now. Everything is moving so fast again. I go back and forth between excitement and anxiety. And no one has had a negative comment about my surgery. I can't believe the love and support I am getting. I went to my Aunt Tharon's surgery on 9/11/2006 (already a day of mourning for the nation and now my aunt). My mom was telling everyone and I mean EVERYONE that I was having bariatric surgery. She is as excited as I am. Rick keeps saying - after surgery we can do this, or we're going to the driving range after your surgery. It seems like the last few years my life has been on hold waiting for this particular moment. I just thank God for giving me the opportunity to go through this and I know he will see me through to the end.


8/23/06 - I got the paperwork from the surgeon's office today telling me about my pre-admission testing and pre-op appointment. Seems my surgery date is now October 4, 2006 and I'll be the first case. Have to be at the hospital at 5:00am. We're going to be staying in a hotel the night before since we live 3 hours away. Can't imagine leaving my house at 2am and being so nervous on that long drive to surgery. This will be a lot better. The surgeon's office also told me there was a good chance he would have to do an open procedure rather than the lap but that he does everything possible to avoid this. My life is in his hands. My pre-admission testing and pre-op visit are on September 27. This is also the day that I have to pay for the hospital, anesthesia, and surgeon. Seems weird to pay for things before it's done rather than after but I guess I understand. I am feeling very thankful that I was able to come up with the money needed but I am praying that insurance will cover this. I don't understand insurance companies - they don't hesitate to take your premiums (and probably cancel if you don't pay) but then they won't help you after they take your money. At least I do have insurance and chances are very good that they will pay after BCBS denies the claim. Just doesn't seem real that a person can be covered under two insurances and still be considered a private pay for the surgery. On a better note - I am very excited about the fact that surgery is only 42 days away - OMG ONLY 42 DAYS AWAY. I just can't believe that I will be a LOSER in only 42 days. Everyone I have talked to has been supportive of my decision (except for the nutritionist) and I feel real good about it. I was reading other posts from those that regretted surgery and all the problems and got freaked out completely. Called my mom and talked to her and she got me back on track. I have had so many surgeries that this should be not different. I'm going to try to put together a list of goals for after the surgery - I've seem a lot of people do this on the OH site and love it when I see that the goal has been reached. Post more later.

8/17/06 - My prayers have been answered. I have made the arrangements to have the procedure and I now have a surgery date of October 3, 2006. I'm going to wait until someone who is out on maternity leave comes back to work and then I have a professional conference in Florida toward the end of September. So I'll do my preop September 27 or 28 and have surgery October 3. I'm so excited and now that I have a date I think a little fear factor is now starting. Will just keep praying.

8/13/06 - I was really excited when the nutritionist finally got the evaluation faxed to the surgeon's office. Then I get the devastating call on Friday from the surgeon's office. My Mail Handlers insurance will not pre-determine coverage for the surgery. They want a denial letter from BCBS (my primary insurance) before they will make a judgment. The only way to get a denial letter is to have the procedure done and filed with BCBS for them to deny charges because of an exclusion and then file with Mail Handlers so they can decide if they will cover the charges or not. So without a precertification from the insurance for the surgery I would be considered a self-pay and now need to come up with the money for the procedure. Can't borrow the money because of the debt management program we are participating in. My other alternative is to cancel my BCBS insurance and have Mail Handlers be my primary insurance but I'm not sure if that's an altogether good idea or not. I just have to pray on this. I've always said that things happen for a reason and I have to believe this now even though it is harder than ever for me to do so. I'll update as I know more.

8/7/06 Maybe things are starting to come together. The nutritionist called today and promised me that she would have the evaluation to the surgeon's office by the end of the day. When I called their office to tell them, I was told they would send information to the insurance company in the morning and then give them up to 10 days to get into their system and then keep checking with the insurance about approval for surgery. I feel this is a positive step in the right direction. One thing is for sure, I have enjoyed learning how to update my profile. I lurk around this site all the time and didn't really know how to update or what to do and have seen other profiles that catch my eye. I am teaching myself something new and have found that I like doing this type of thing. Don't think I'll ever leave hospice nursing but maybe on the side - hmmmmm. The latest thing I learned was picturetrail, so this is my first effort. Will update more later.

8/1/2006 - I think frustration is starting to set in. I saw the nutritionist for the second time in three weeks and she has still not completed the nutritional evaluation to send to the doctor. The doctor's office has been super helpful and supportive. I couldn't have picked nicer, more encouraging people. If only the nutritionist had the same feelings. I have left several messages and no one returns my call. I don't want to have to start from scratch but I might have to if I can't get things going. I get several questions a day from friends and family like "do you have a date yet" or "when's the lucky day". I have gotten more support and understanding from my family, friends and co-workers. It breaks my heart to read about other people who don't have the support I have. I am truly thankful. I have been drinking the protein drinks and I have decided that I do like the protein drink supplements. I have also started taking biotin on the advice of my beautician to try to help with the hair loss situation. It seems really strange, my mom and I go shopping a lot and I used to love to look at clothes, never liked how they looked on me but I like pretty clothes. Since I have decided to have the surgery, I have not bought anything new. I MISS SHOPPING. I can't wait until the weight starts coming off and I can go shopping again. I have to continue to practice my patience and pray that once the packet gets sent to the insurance, I'll be able to get an approval quickly and without an appeal. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

JULY 2006

July 22, 2006 - Today is our family reunion in Maryland and I'm really bummed that I didn't get to go this year. I'm saving all my sick and vacation days for my surgery and had to pass on going to the reunion. I miss my parents who have already been gone over a week and I'm feeling blue. I didn't realize how much I rely on picking up the phone whenever I want to and talking to my parents. Oh well, I'll knock them dead next year when I can show up without all this excess weight. I guess the wait will be worth it when I can see their faces. I can't wait to be on the losing side.

7/11/06 Things can change in the blink of an eye. I've had to change surgeons mid stream. My first one was not on my list of preferred doctors for my insurance and the cost out of pocket was going to be a great deal. And come to find out they said they did not have everything and have not been cooperative with giving me the correct information. At first I was really upset with the prospect of starting all over but I got lucky though and found another surgeon that same day. Verified that he was on my insurance and so was the hospital where the surgery would be done. I met with him for the first time on 7/8/06 and I felt he was heaven sent. Everything was explained to the letter. My husband and my mom went with me to the appointment and they were pleased also. The trip will be further to get the doctor (2 1/2 hours) but not too much. As I said before - I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. I just feel blessed to have found such a wonderful doctor. I have also had the nutritionist consult and will see her again in two weeks. Today I went and found some protein supplements to experiment with prior to surgery. I also saw my primary care physician and he will be sending the clinical notes to the surgeon. So now I'm back to a waiting game. I am even more confident that this is the correct thing to do for me and I'm not concerned about the wait now. I know that this will be the tool I need to live a longer healthier life. I can't wait to be able to get back on my bicycle and be able to breathe, climb hills, and enjoy life without the pain and respiratory problems I have now. I want to live and not watch life pass me by as I sit fat and miserable on my recliner.

About Me
Phenix City, AL
Surgery Date
Apr 14, 2006
Member Since

Friends 90

Latest Blog 13
April 2007
February 2007
December 2006
November 2006
November 2006
November 2006
JULY 2006
