Feeling a little down

Oct 14, 2010

I've been a little down lately and very angry.  Everytime I look at myself , I wonder why in the heck I allowed this to happen to me. I'm trying to see the bigger picture and remind myself that I'm taking the steps now to rectify the situation.  This weight is just really geting the best of me.  I was scheduled to vacation in Miami next week and I cancelled everything, got so depressed about my weight.  Didn't ant to be the "Cute fat friend" in the group, haven't worn a swimsuit since last year,  haven't worn any shorts (in public) in over two years.  This weight is really affecting my life, my personality, my $... Everybody is always telling me hw beautiful I am, I just really wish I felt that way on the inside. 


About Me
Atlanta, GA
Sep 11, 2010
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