
Mar 15, 2009

I'm So sorry that I haven't written in a month, but I have been so busy with work,kids and planning this wedding that was only suppose to be for 40 people and now up to 75 people, so please pray that everything works out well.

As far as my weight, I have been slipping with the protein and my water pills and I have been doing alot of snacking. Last night I cook a meal and it was very good. I can't wait for my life to get back to normal. I was telling my husband in 13 days that I don't know what I am going to do with all of my wedding files(LOL). I need to get back to walking and getting in my fluids and just getting back on track and into the swing of things.

The next time I blog I will be a married woman. Take care.

P.S. I did get some emails asking were I was registered. So we are registerd at Target and Bed,Bath and Beyond under Marcia Moore and Jimmy Bailey - Wedding date 03/28/09.


About Me
Cedar Hill, TX
Surgery Date
Mar 15, 2008
Member Since

Friends 47

Latest Blog 38
Just Checking In!!!!!!!!
