5 Months out!

Feb 08, 2009

Hi All,

Well I'm a little over 5 months out and very pleased with my progress.  I'm sure that I could have lost more by now but I'm not mad about what I have accomplished.  I posted my first body shots...nervous as hell about that, but I'll be alright.  I've been trying to focus on eating the right things and not slippin into old habits.  I have never dumped or gotten sick at all and I've tried several different things.  I have some hair thinning but not too bad.  The protein really helps with that.  From my highest weight of 284, I'm down to 204.  That's 80lbs.  Cool.  From surgery I'm down 66lbs.  That's cool too.  Either way, I'm happy that I did this.  Well, that's it for now.  I hope that you all are doing great.  I will be going to DC for the meet and greet in a couple of weeks and hopefully I will see some of you there.  Until then, take care!


2 months out!

Nov 02, 2008

Hi All,

Well, 2 months have flown by and I'm down approximately 40 lbs.  I'm happy with that number.  I just want it to continue to trend down!  I'm feeling great.  My doc said my iron and potassium levels were low so I upped the dosage of iron and added some potassium.  So hopefully when I get my 90 day labs it will show a normal status. 

I'm starting to notice a difference in my clothes.  I can fit into a 18 and some 16's now.  That's cool.  Unfortunately, I don't see it in the mirror.  But, I know that's just mental and I won't worry about it. 

I'm so very happy that I decided to do this for so many reasons.  The main one is that my last Hemoglobin A1C test (measures blood sugar for diabetics over a 3 month period) showed 5.4.  This is the reading of a normal person!!!  WOW...I'm am so excited.  Since I became a diabetic I have never had a normal HA1C test!  They've always be 9 or higher (that's pretty bad).  GOD is great!  Talk to you all later and have a blessed day.

6 weeks out!

Oct 09, 2008

Hi All,

I'm six weeks out and down about 30 lbs.  I thought it would be more than that but don't get it wrong, I'm not complaining.  People comment all that time that I'm slimming down, but I don't see it.  I can feel it in my clothes, but I don't see it in the mirror.  Maybe because I look at myself everyday.  I also became very addicted to the scale.  I recently committed to only weighing myself on Mondays and that has helped.  I totally stalled for about 2 weeks.  This last week the scale finally moved again which put at approx 30lbs lost.  Well, I'll probably put some pics out here in a few weeks or so.  Talk with everyone later and I hope everyone is doing great!

I'm on the loser's bench!

Aug 31, 2008

Hi All,

I completed my surgery on Tues. 8/26 and I am feeling a lot better today.  I had only 1complication after surgery and that was that I was bleeding at the connections.  They gave me a couple of pints of blood and that seems to have got me past the issue.  Other than that, I'm doing OK.  This is the beginning of a new way of life for me and I'm so excited to see the results.  It's been a rough road getting here and now I have to make sure that I maximize this new tool that has been built into my body.  I have been blessed to meet many wonderful and caring people on OH and I thank everyone for all thier blessings and well wishes.  I promise to keep everyone posted on my progress.  Take care and God bless.

Back from vacation!!!!

Aug 11, 2008

So I'm back from vacation and I start my 1000 calorie diet tommorow.  I have to do some meal planning if I expect to be successful.  Who am I kidding, that's not a lot of food.  But I'm determined to do this correctly so it will be done. 

I enjoyed my vacation, went to visit family in Oklahoma.  Had a great time.  I already miss them. However, I am ready to start my new way of life.  I have to buckle down at work to get caught up so that I am not missed too much for the few weeks that I will be off. I have a lot of catching up to do.  But, I did get a call from my surgeons office and they said everything was a go and my surgery is on schedule.  Please keep me in your prayers.  Talk with you soon.

Psyc Eval complete and so are labs

Jul 28, 2008

I completed my psyc eval.  So easy, have a conversation and get approved.  Cool.  So now if all goes well with the results of the lab work and the echocardiogram, then I should be good to go.  Although, I must admit that I have been wondering a little about the VSG.  Does anyone know if it has the same positive impact on comorbitities as the RNY?  I know it sounds a lot safer.  Does it last?  Or does the stomach stretch back out?  Maybe some VSG patients or people who know VSG patients can give me some input.  Thanks in advance and I hope all of you are doing well.

EGD down, PSYC Eval next!

Jul 24, 2008

Well, I had my EGD today.  It went smooth.  I must admit I was a little nervous about being put under.  But the doctor assured me it would be OK and he was right.  I was waking up before I even knew I had gone to sleep.  He said my stomach was ok, but a little irritated.  I have to go on a bland diet and take prilosec until my surgery date a month from now.  I don't know if it will continue after that or not.  We will see.  I have to meet with him again next week.  I hope this does not cause any delays.  But I'm not going to worry about it right now. 

My Psyc eval is in the morning.  I don't know what to expect from this, but I hope it's not too complicated.  I'll keep ya posted.  Hope everyone is doing well.

Moving along!

Jul 18, 2008

I did my cardio echo today.  I did not like this test .  For one, they have to find a vein for the IV and the sh*t hurt.  But, when they put that medicine in that speeds up your heart, that is not a comfortable feeling.  Then, they had to give me medicine to slow my heart back down.  But, it does not appear that I am having any side effects, so that's good. 

All I have left is the psyc eval, lab work, and an egd.  I already finished a 2 week prescription because they said I had a bacteria in my stomach that caused ulcers.  I hope the egd goes well.  Talk to you soon and I will keep ya posted!


Jun 28, 2008

OK, so I started the 6 month diet requirement for BCBS MI at the end of May.  I am about a month into it.  This should put my surgery at the end of Novemenber or more likely the beginning of Decemeber.  Well, let me tell you what surprise I got.  I have consulted with 3 different WLS doctors.  They all wanted me to complete different test.  One of the test was a chest x-ray.  Well, when the radiologist looked at the x-ray he/she realized that there appreared to be a mass on my 7th rib.  WHAT????

Ok, so now I have to go get a CT scan.  I get the scan and go to an Oncologist.  He says I have a 5 X 3.5 cmm large growth on my rib.  He stated that it's extremely rare and the prognosis is to remove my rib!!! WHAT??

OK, so in talking with him I told him that I was inquiring about doing WLS and at that point he told me that my condition was chronic at this point (meaning a thin layer of bone had grown around the mass on my rib and it was unlikely to get any bigger).  He recommended that I go ahead and get the WLS first.  He said that the growth has been there for years and it will be OK for a while longer.  
He said it's not likely to be cancer  but he wouldn't know until it is removed and a biopsy is done.  

OK, so I'm a little conerned, but happy to be informed and back on track for my WLS.  Unfortunately, there's another surgery necessary after this one.  But I will cross that bridge when I get to it.  I just thank GOD that He allowed me to find out that the mass was even there.  It must have been meant.

So, 5 more months to WLS.  I'm really excited!

About Me
Detroit, MI
Surgery Date
May 10, 2008
Member Since

Friends 138

Latest Blog 9
2 months out!
6 weeks out!
I'm on the loser's bench!
Back from vacation!!!!
Psyc Eval complete and so are labs
EGD down, PSYC Eval next!
Moving along!
