11/7, 218lbs.

Nov 07, 2007

All is going well.  I've slowed down my loss by quite a bunch but still seem to be losing the average of 1-2 pounds per week.  I wish it were more but quite honestly I'm not too worried about it because I can eat anything I want, just small portions.  I'm rarely hungry and I don't feel like I'm dieting even though I'm eating such incredibly small portions.  I've not had any problems since getting the unfill.  I go on the cruise in 2 weeks and am pretty happy with the restriction I have.  I expect to be able to try a bite of everything at dinner time but not be able to eat anything completely.  It should be perfect!  My goal for this cruise is to just not gain weight!

People are starting to really notice the weight loss.  I've also been feeling better about myself and worn makeup a few times.  I somewhat hate the attention but it is nice as well that people notice the weight loss.  Halloween candy has been hell to have around but otherwise I'm behaving for the most part.

10/29 221lbs and an unfill

Oct 29, 2007

Well this weekend was awesome!  I rode the bike with my kids.  We went 15 miles the first day down the Augusta canal and around the stadium area downtown.  Then the next day we went riding on the Greenway.  I stopped a mile short of the end so I only, yeah right, ONLY did 10 miles on Sunday!  As predicted, I didn't lose any weight this weekend.

I've been feeling fine but food has been weird lately.  I can eat chips, nuts etc but not get down a piece of meat or cheese.  Thick protein drinks don't go down well either.  At lunch today I started throwing up.  After the 6th episode I called the doc and went in to get an unfill.  He pulled out the entire 1 cc he had put in and then asked how much if any I wanted back.  I said half sounded good because I really wanted some restriction but didn't want it as tight as it had been.  He made a comment about possibly needing to have used the larger vangard band on me.  It was a weird comment since the day of surgery he said it was plenty loose etc.   The unfill was honestly almost instant relief.  I think I'm just going to diet, and be conscience of my intake for the next little while.  I don't want to dare get another fill before the cruise since I'll be out of the country.

So far, no regrets... odd things to figure out but no regrets. I'm the lowest I've been in years and years (10) and getting close to my 15 year low. I rode the bike 25 miles in one weekend, something I never would have imagined myself capable of doing.  I'm down 6 inches in the waist, 2 pant sizes and inches all over the rest of my body. It's a wild fun ride!

10/22 and STILL at 223! Damn these plateaus!

Oct 22, 2007

Ok, went the whole week barely eating, thinking I needed an unfill.  Things have settled down and I'm not thinking unfill now.  But, I went for 3 weeks at 226 and was so excited to get below 225.  I dropped 3 pounds in 2 days after the fill but now it's just still sitting there.  URGH! I posted a challenge for one week to see if I can get motivated to move a little more, eat or drink a little less and break this plateau before it lasts 3 weeks!  All is well... the band is working... I just want to lose quicker and my impatience is truly beginning to show.

Good luck to everyone else out there.

10/17 Big week, 223 lbs and 1st Fill

Oct 17, 2007

I'd been bouncing back and forth between 226 and 227 for close to 3 weeks, or so it seemed.  I had my first fill on Monday afternoon and by Tuesday I was 224 and today I was 223.  It's amazing what 2 days of liquids will do.  I seem to be losing the inches in my upper body but my waist is going down slower.  I'm not real concerned because I know it will eventually and I am still losing weight.  My bra size has gone down 2 sizes and I took out my extenders!  Woo-hoo!  

In regards to the fill, I hadn't felt like it had done anything and ended up eating some chips at a mexican restaurant that didn't agree with me.  Oh well, I'll learn.  It just took me by surprise because I had been able to eat quite a bit and now I'm real tight.  So many people on the boards indicate it can take several fills to get restriction.  I guess I just assumed I'd be one of those.  The funny thing is that I was out with a friend I went out with two weeks after surgery.  When we were out then I nibbled on a chip and she made fun of me... friendly fun... nothing mean.  Anyway, I haven't been out with her since then a month ago and now today I got sick!  I'm probably not going to get too many more invites out.

Everything seems to be going well. I've had 1 PB on a shrimp a week ago and now this is the first time I've gotten sick since the week of the surgery.  I've been walking, riding the bike and getting up and out quite a bit.  I think I'm going to start focusing on situps and stomach crunches to help reduce the waist size.

10/7 226 Pounds and a 13 mile bike trip!

Oct 07, 2007

Well, I have to admit to being a little down about the weight this week. Some weeks are better than others and while finally people noticed I've lost weight and that was great, I'm only down 1 pound this week.  

On a positive side, I walked 4 miles yesterday morning and I just got back from a 13 mile bike ride.  It was awesome.  I bought a bike 1 1/2 years ago but hadn't ridden it.  I've gone 4 times recently, the first trip was 4 miles, the next 6 miles, then 8 and now today, 13!  I'm loving that part of the surgery.  I don't know if I have more energy or motivation but whatever it is I'm enjoying getting out and moving.

I also did schedule myself for a fill.  I can still only eat small amounts at a time but I'm starting to become hungry fairly soon after eating.  I'm hoping a fill will bring me back to where I was in week 3 or 4.

Wish me luck with the weight loss this week.

9/29, 227 Pounds and all is good

Sep 29, 2007

Wow, again a long time between posting considering my goal was to post each week.  Well, I'm down another 6 pounds in the past 2 weeks.  I took my measurements today and I'm down 3 inches each in the waist, hips and breast area.  I'm down an inch each in the upper arm and thigh area.  I still don't see the changes much in the mirror or in pictures but I'm wearing pants I haven't worn in years and wore a 1xl shirt today I had never worn because it was too tight across the breast.  I also took out my bra extender this past week.  YEAH!  Life is good.

I had started to become hungry after two weeks on the liquid diet.  Doc cleared me for soft foods and to try other foods as tolerated.  I went easy the first 2 days but then went a little crazy for 2 days.  I ate a huge meal at one sitting and it took me a few days to figure out why so much went down at one time!  I have found out that things with butter just slide on by the band, like baked potatoes in butter, bean sprouts in butter, crab legs dipped in butter.  Aside from the 2 crazy days, I've been eating very small portions and am still full hours later.  For example, at lunch I eat a lean cruisine microwave meal and can only finish half of it. I can sometimes not finish a complete yoplait yogurt.  It seems weird as all and I find myself still cooking enough food for the family to include the huge portions I used to eat, but I am truly full and satisified hours later on little amounts.  Oh, I did also find I love eating peanut butter out of the jar.  It's my afternoon snack at school, one spoonful.  I had been looking for a protein snack and that does it for me, lowfat, low sugar, 9 grams of protein in a tablespoonful!  YUM!

I've also been walking and biking on the weekends.  I set a goal of 100 miles between now and Thanksgiving.  I'm counting bike miles too since I only do that once a week.  So far I'm up to 15 miles, go me!

9/17 234lbs and all is well

Sep 17, 2007

WOW!  Didn't realized I hadn't posted this past week.  I lost so much in the first few days from not being able to drink.  It's been real slow this week!  That's ok because I've finally rehydrated and started getting thicker foods down.  I was at the doc today and cleared to try some more foods.  He said I probably won't need a fill for a while given I'm already tight.  Oh yeah, I guess.  I need to start eating right though.  Because I have had trouble getting anything cold down and can only get down liquids I went a little crazy when I was told I could have anything I didn't need to chew.  I had CHEESE CAKE!  Mind you, it was only about 3 bites but I still had it and felt like I cheated.  You don't chew cheesecake, do you?

I'm eating thicker soups etc.  The only new problem I've had has been shoulder pain.  I don't fully understand why I have it, but it is there and it is real.  I only have the problem in the afternoon so I'm beginning to wonder if it is related to the surgery or not.  My acid reflux also seems to be worse now at night, which is weird.  Oh well.  I'm gaining energy, not overly hungry at all and am glad to be losing weight.

What a difference a few days makes! (236)

Sep 04, 2007

Wow, reading over the post from the pre-op, it doesn't sound like me.  I've now been home 2 days.  Liquids are going down better, albeit it not fast.  I am feeling a little weak from the lack of fluids but feel confident I'll gain some strength back today.  I've already had more liquids today than I had all of yesterday and it's only 8 am!  I see Blaney at 10:45 and plan on asking for a work release for Friday.  I figure even if it is completely exhausting, I'll have the weekend to rest back up.

I walked about a mile yesterday.  I didn't want to walk much more than that given I'm not taking in fluids well yet.  I slept most of the night last night and didn't gag anything back up.  I did have to finally break down and chew, chew, chew a pepcid.  My reflux has NOT gone away yet.  Hopefully it will soon.  On the wild side of things, I weighed 236 this morning!  HOLY COW!  That is quick.  I know most of it is dehydration, but it sure is nice to see the scale going down.  I honestly wouldn't care if it came back up a pound or two today because I'm able to finally drink.  This is an intereting ride so far.

Home, finally (240)

Sep 03, 2007

Surgery went off as scheduled on 8/31 at around 3pm.  I was walking to the nurses station by 8:30 pm, again at 11 etc.  I was determined to not have gas or other problems.  I ended up with swelling and unable to keep down anything, including my own spit or even an ice chip.  I had to stay an extra few days for the IV fluids and came home today 9/3.  I'm in very little pain or discomfort from the surgery and incisions.  My only real problem so far has been the swelling which is causing me to not be able to drink much at a time and by much I mean not even 1/4th of a normal sip.  Sucks.  I can touch my toes, bend and have full mobility otherwise.

I'm having minor thoughts of regret but trying to keep myself upbeat and determined.  I'm starting this wild ride!

8/28 Pre-op Day (Today sucked!)

Aug 28, 2007

I had my pre-op day today.  I didn't understand why I couldn't have a later appt because I didn't have a clue what all they would do. I really didn't want to take an additional day off from work.  I had an 11:15 appt at day surgery.  I arrived at 11:05.  I was not called into the room until 12:05.  It took about 15 minutes to fill out insurance papers etc and then I was put in another room and I waited there for 45 minutes or so before someone came in.  So now it's up to 1:15.  Finally the anethesiologist came in, talked to me for a few minutes and I was off to get blood work, x-rays and a urine sample.  Made no sense why I couldn't have done that while waiting for 2 hours.  At the end, they tell me I'm supposed to see the doctor.  My mistake but I thought I wasn't supposed to eat after midnight before this appt so by the time I'm done at 2, I'm starved!  I drive over to Blaney's office and they say yes, I need to see him and that I have an appointment.  I sit there an hour and finally go to the desk after a dozen or more people have gone back since I've been sitting there and I find out my appt wasn't until 2:45.  It's 3:05 and I am freaky hungry and thirsty as all.  I asked if I had time to go get something to eat and they tell me not really he'll be able to see me in about 15 minutes.  Ok, 3:45 I get brought back to the room and I don't leave there until 4:30.  It was a long awful day.  I absolutely hate waiting around, hate stupidity and just felt like the entire day was a waste and a half for me.  Between 11 and 5 I waited for 4 hours and wasn't busy the other 2 hours either.  I swear I only saw Blaney, and the others less than an 1 hour total.

On another note, I hate, no hate isn't strong enough, I detest Trinity Hospital.  It is unclean, old and just doesn't give off a good image of a hospital.  The lady at admissions was working on her jammed printer.  It was a dot matrix, continuous feed and was date stamped 1986 on the back!  When I went to Xray the girl gave me one robe to open in the back and there were 2 guys outside xray under police custody.  They watched me and my bareback as I walked back to the x-ray room.  That was so completely unprofessional!  I was embarassed.

The lobby was full of Jerry Springfield rejects and I have never seen so many barefoot people in a hospital!  Both in xray and the lobby there were people without shoes! or bras!  The TV show airing in the lobby was Judge Hatchett.  I just cringe that I have to go to that hospital but it's the only one in town that the doctors go to.  URGH!

Ok, I can't remember the last time I was so frustrated and negative. I hope it's just the stress of the whole situation.  To date, I've loved Blaney and the people at the hospital were very nice and professional in dealing with me.  I need to let the little things roll off me but I think my stress level is a bit higher than I realized.  Doubt I'll post again before surgery.

About Me
Evans, GA
Surgery Date
Jul 12, 2007
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
2 days into pre op liquid diet

Friends 29

Latest Blog 28
3/10, 210 lbs and long time between posts!
1/23/2008, 207, New Year, New Job, New Attitude!
12/18, 212 pounds
11/22, Thanksgiving Day and still 217!
