Not very good at keeping up on the blog, am I?

Mar 11, 2008

Well, it has been a LONG time since I posted a blog out here. 

Things have been going well.  I hit the Century club the end of February, so that is nice, but I have since gained 6 lbs back so I am out of the Century club again, until they go away.  

My boyfriend and I broke up 1 month ago (yesterday), so that hasn't helped my weight loss - I feel like I am trying to sabbotoge myself because he loved me when I was fat, so if I gain it back, I'll get him back.  Which is a REALLY STUPID way to look at it since my weight loss had absolutely NOTHING to do with the break-up. 

Well, life goes on, and so must I, so get back on the horse (both the weight loss and the dating horses, I guess) and keep on heading west.  


Why is that so big?

Jul 06, 2007

Ok, so I told you that I was seeing my Man on Wednesday.  Well, the one side of his family had a reunion, so that is where we were.  They were all eating brats, hot dogs, hamburgers, and there I was with my protein drink and my yogurt (without any fruit in it).  I didn't mind so much.  The main reason I am posting this is because I had something happen that I am looking forward to NEVER happening again!

One of his cousin's grandchildren were there and he is about 3 years old.  A real cutie & a real chatterbox.... He was looking at me real quizzical, like kids that age do, and he pointed to my arm. He asked why it was so big like that. I asked him what he was talking about.  He said "Why you arm so big like that, mommie's isn't?"

I explained that is how I was made, and he asked (as 3 year olds will) "Why?".  Well, that is how God made me, and he was satisfied with that - but in  my brain, I was thinking "YEAH! This should be the LAST TIME this happens to me!!"

Just had to share this with you....

What a guy!

Jul 05, 2007

Ok, I have to share this - my guy is a wonderful person.  Yesterday I was over visiting him, and before I had to leave, since it is the last time I will see him until afer surgery, he prayed with me about it, then after the prayer, he held me and said that he was SO PROUD of me.  That I had come to the realization that help was needed and that I had done all that I needed to do to get to this point, and that he can't wait to see me after surgery.  Yes, he is aware that it is a process to lose the weight, but he still can't wait to see how I am doing after surgery. 
I also remember way back when, when I was first thinking about having surgery, I talked to him about it and I asked him what he would think if he had a "skinny" girlfriend.  His reply....."I won't love you any less, there will just be less of you to love"  What a guy!
Today, while talking to him on the phone, he said that if I was ever scared or just needed to talk about the upcoming surgery, that I could call at anytime, and he would be there for me. 
Like I said...What a guy! 

About Me
St Croix Falls, WI
Surgery Date
Apr 19, 2007
Member Since

Friends 50

Latest Blog 3
Not very good at keeping up on the blog, am I?
Why is that so big?
What a guy!
