Guess What??? I'm home!!!!

Aug 06, 2009

I'm home, home sweet home, well at my mom's place. She said that she is not comfortable with me going home by myself with my 5 yr old daughter. So, I'm at her place. Everything went well with the surgery. I'm very excited about beginning my new life. Thanks for all of your support, I really appreciate it. 



I've got a date!!!!!!!

Jul 05, 2009

I had an appointment on Wed (7/1/09) to sign my consent forms and to answer an final questions. My appointment went well. I've gained weight stressing about my approval. But now the weight loss can begin! My surgery date is Tuesday, August 4, 2009. I don't have a time yet, but I have a date.



My Story...

Apr 21, 2009

My story is like most of your stories….   I’ve always been a “big girl”, but I’m tired of it. My weight has been up and down my entire life. I can remember being in middle school playing basketball and having a physical and my weight was over 200 lbs and the other girls were around 120 lbs.   I’ve tried everything diet pills, weight loss programs, eating healthy and exercise, but all have failed and now I’m at my heaviest ever! But, it will not be like this forever, because I’m very hopeful and confident that with the help of the Realizeband my life is going to change forever, in a positive way. I’m hoping that this will inspire some of my closest friends to follow my footsteps and make a move too. Most importantly, I’m doing it for myself, so that I can be healthy and feel great!

About Me
Jonesboro, GA
Surgery Date
Apr 21, 2009
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