20 Years and 6 months ago I was reborn

Jun 10, 2024

Certainly! Here is a cleaned-up version of your blog post:


I recently revisited this website to check on my surgeon, and it seems social media platforms have drawn many people away. However, I noticed that there are still new members and some of us old-timers as well.

I had my surgery on January 6, 2004. At that time, I was 264 lbs, 5'5", and 42 years old. Now, at 62, I am 5'4" and weigh 125 lbs. My highest weight post-surgery was 155 lbs. I spent some time at 145 lbs but realized I hadn't gone through all that effort to be above my target weight.

I continue to use my weight loss tool effectively. I avoid sugar, eat small meals (two a day), and no alcohol or sugar-free smoothies. I ensure each part of my meal is below 200 calories. I take vitamins and supplements and stay active, (which should include the gym, but doesn't)

Since my surgery, I've accomplished everything I dreamed of. I genuinely believe I wouldn't be alive today if I hadn't lost the weight, especially after witnessing many friends pass away from obesity around age 45.

I've had varied and fulfilling careers. I worked in theatre and film as a costume designer, toured with rock and roll bands as a big rig truck driver, and went back to school to complete my BA, followed by a master's degree and teaching credentials in 2020. Now, as a new teacher at an age when many consider retiring, I plan to continue for at least another 10 years. I'm also a grandmother to two wonderful boys and get to watch them, along with my son, grow. My daughter has found her way and is thriving.

All of this has been my dream—a dream I know I wouldn't have achieved without the surgery. If I hadn't undergone the procedure, I would likely still be sitting in a chair, watching TV, and asking whoever was up to get me some water. Instead, when I'm not at work, I spend my time in my office working with technology, sewing in the tackhouse, or creating with polymer clay in my studio. My mother lives nearby, and we spend a lot of time together. My father passed away about a year ago, but I'm grateful for the years I had with him. My mom, who will be 90 next month, still goes to the gym and remains active in local and national historical associations. Thanks to my healthy lifestyle, I can support my home, allowing my husband to retire and enjoy riding his Harley.

I promised myself when I had the surgery that I would never be overweight again. I made a commitment to keep my tools active and stay disciplined with my eating habits—no sugar, small meals, and no mindless snacking. Sadly, I've seen friends who didn't stick to these principles.

This is just a glimpse of what the surgery has given me. I hope you find some inspiration in my journey and consider taking a similar path to achieve your dreams.


1 comment

5 Year update

Jan 05, 2011

 Today is 5 years out for me.  I am at my goal weight, of 128.  I started at 264 the day of surgery.  I do not eat sugar at all, yes, even with the dumping, you can get use to it and that will be the biggest way to end your weighloss with this surgery.  I have not had plastic surgery, but I have been lucky and my skin tightened up for the most part, I wont be a model, but I don't hangdown anywhere.  Yes I would love to get it, but it isn't going to happen anytime soon.  

I did loose a few pounds last year, as I wasn't happy with where I was, so I went back to basics and used my tool.  It took a few weeks, but I went from 140 to the 128 I am at now.  I had been at the 140 for most of the time since I reached my bottom level.

I have learned alot about how to loose weight either with or without the tool.  I offer help when I am asked.  There are tricks that let you eat the things you love, but with small changes that make them calorie friendly.  

I can not stress enough that once you have this surgery you can NEVER eat sugar again.  Also, the protein drinks and smoothies can be a down fall, in my opinion.  You see, we can drink alot of calories and if not careful, those 2 items are a big reason I see people can not reach their goals.  But it is the sugar I see as the main reason people don't make it.  We absorb every calorie of sugar we take in.  Once you start on the road of sugarland, it is over.  The great tool of dumping is gone.  

Do I ever regret what I did?  NEVER!!!!!!!!!  Would I do it again?  In a heartbeat!!!!!  It saved my life!  

New Recipe SF Pumpkin Cheese cake

Nov 26, 2007

If you use low fat cream cheese, these are the stats, I used non-fat cream cheese in mine and it was great. 

Per serving:210 calories, 9 grams protein, 15 grams fat, 10 grams carbs, 1 gram fiber, 210 mg sodium   I guess that it is around 150 calories per serving with the non-fat cream cheese.

1 1/2 pounds light cream cheese room temp
1 cup splenda (found this might be too sweet, will use a little less next time)
1 1/2 c canned solid pack pumpkin (I used 16oz cans)
1/2 cup whipping cream
1/3 cup sugar-free maple flavored syrup
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
3/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon allspice
4 large eggs

Preheat oven 325 degrees.  With mixer, beat cream cheese and Splenda until fluffy.  Beat in pumpkin.  Add Whipping cream, sugar-free syrup, vanilla, cinnamon and allspice.  Beat until smooth.  Add eggs one at a time, beating until just combined.  Bake 1 1/2 hours or until center is set.  Cool 30 minutes before removing from pan.  Refrigerate overnight.  Serves 12

I loved it.  I did put it in a frozen pie crust, but you can do it without if you like.  Even those who usually didn't like SF thought it was good.

Hope you enjoy.

New foods

Sep 05, 2007

I have found 2 new things I love and are ok in the nut. factor.

One is a tomato and avocado salad.  I mix tomatoes, avocado, Kraft Free Italian dressing 2 tablespoons, fetta cheese.  I just throw it together, so no measureing, just the dressing, as I only want a very small amount or it over powers it.  No idea of the nut. info, I just know it is all ok foods for me.  I even want the fat that the avocado has, as it is a good fat and I really need that in my diet, the fats, don't get enough.

The other is scones.  I am not going to post the receipe as it is available everywhere.  Just to say I use splenda if I add cin. or other stuff.  Also I use whole wheat flour.  This makes it also an ok food for me.  It has no real sugar in it if it is plain, so you can add sf jams if you want or I like cin. stuff, so I add that.
Just some new foods in my life I thought I would share.  I say for further out because there is no protein in either food and one is higher carb than I would have eaten before I got to goal.

have fun!!

Nutrition info

Jun 26, 2007

Posted by Rianne H.  On OH.Com

I realize that not everyone will be able to handle all of the different foods in this article...I just found it interesting!  Go to this link or read on below....


Boost your Nutrition with healthy recipe Additions
By Maureen Callahan, R.D.
Slipping in healthful nutrients here and there can transform an ordinary diet into a nutritional all-star. We polled experts for tips on giving family meals nutritional oomph and good flavor.

Shred a small zucchini into marinara sauce, says University of Pennsylvania nutrition education specialist Lisa A. Hark, Ph.D., R.D. You'll add 1 gram fiber to the sauce, along with 20 milligrams vitamin C, 142 micrograms beta-carotene, and 2,500 micrograms of lutein. Or keep adding chopped veggies, such as onions and peppers, and call it primavera sauce.

Give meat loaf a new identity by substituting 1 cup of black or pinto beans for the beef. You'll add 12 g fiber but subtract 5 g saturated fat.

Thicken creamy sauces and soups with silken tofu, says Terri Simonton, R.D., clinical dietitian at Clark Memorial Hospital in Jeffersonville, Indiana. Just dice and puree, then stir into the liquid. Each slice of tofu contains 4 g lean protein. (CookingLight.com: Power up your plateexternal link )

Add fresh fruit to plain yogurt to gain more vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants, Hark says. Not sweet enough? Stir in a spoonful of all-fruit jam.

Add chopped, slivered, or sliced almonds to hot and cold cereals, salads, and casseroles to net 9 mg of vitamin E for every ¼ cup of nuts, Simonton says. You'll also gain good-for-you mono- and polyunsaturated fats.

Stir a cup of yellow corn kernels into soups, pasta dishes, or corn bread batter. The corn contributes almost 2,000 mcg lutein, an antioxidant that can help prevent age-related vision problems, says Kathleen Cappellano, M.S., R.D., nutrition information manager at the Jean Mayer usda Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University in Boston, Massachusetts.

Double up with nonfat milk powder. Stir 1 tablespoon into puddings, smoothies, and milk shakes to add 100 mg calcium, says Seattle, Washington, sports nutritionist Susan Kleiner, Ph.D., R.D.

Stir ground flaxseed into toppings for fruit crisps or use it in recipes that call for breadcrumbs to tap into the seeds' heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids -- 4 g for every 2 tablespoons. (CookingLight.com: Test your knowledge of star nutrientsexternal link )

Add a few slices of avocado to sandwiches and salads for healthful monounsaturated fat and a dose of cholesterol-lowering beta-sitosterol, Cappellano says. Bonus points: Studies show avocados help boost absorption of other antioxidants in the meal.

Color yourself healthy

When it comes to choosing fruits and vegetables, simply picking produce of a brighter color can help you automatically increase your nutrient intake.

Grapefruit: Choosing ruby-red over plain white adds nearly 50 times more beta-carotene, plus 1,700 times more lycopene, a carotenoid that's been linked to heart-disease prevention in women and prostate protection in men.

Lettuce: Cup for cup, romaine's darker leaves have nearly four times more vitamin K and folate, seven times more lutein, and eight times more vitamin C than pale-green iceberg.

Peppers: Any green bell pepper will eventually change color; red and yellow peppers are simply mature green ones. And maturity counts -- a medium-sized red pepper contains twice as much vitamin C, four times more vitamin E, and eight times more beta-carotene than a green one.

Protein Chips

Jun 24, 2007

Ok, it is a little guess work because where the recipe use to be is gone.  But basically

Take a dinner plate, spray it with Pam non stick spray, MAKE SURE YOU DO THIS I had to throw my plate away.  Next, spread a good layer of parmesan cheese over it to cover it well.  Cook in the oven until melted, probubly 350degrees is good, time is by site.  Let cool some and cut into chips.  Don't have the nut info, but it is a protein and is good at any stage of real foods.

Hairloss and why

Jun 18, 2007

What is Telogen Effluvium (Hair Loss related to WLS, for the rest of us) ?

At any given time, about 85% to 90% of the hairs on the average person’s head are actively growing (the anagen phase) and the others are resting (the telogen phase). Typically, a hair is in the anagen phase for two to four years, then enters the telogen phase, rests for about two to four months, and then falls out and is replaced by a new, growing hair. The average person naturally loses about 100 hairs a day.

In a person with telogen effluvium, some body change or shock pushes more hairs into the telogen phase. Typically in this condition, about 30% of the hairs stop growing and go into the resting phase before falling out. So if you have telogen effluvium, you may lose an average of 300 hairs a day instead of 100.

Telogen effluvium can be triggered by a number of different events, including:

  • Surgery
  • Major physical trauma
  • Major psychological stress
  • High fever or severe infection
  • Extreme weight loss
  • Extreme change in diet
  • Abrupt hormonal changes, including those associated with childbirth and menopause
  • Iron deficiency
  • Hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism
  • A new medication

 Because hairs that enter the telogen phase rest in place for two to four months before falling out, you may not notice any hair loss until two to four months after the event that caused the problem. Telogen effluvium rarely lasts longer than six months, although some cases last longer.

Although losing a great number of hairs within a short time can be frightening, the condition is usually temporary. Each hair that is pushed prematurely into the telogen phase is replaced by a new, growing hair, so there is no danger of complete baldness. Because hair on the scalp grows slowly, your hair may feel or look thinner than usual for a time, but fullness will return as the new hairs grow in.


If you have telogen effluvium, you’ll notice more hair than usual accumulating on your pillowcase, on the shower or bathroom floor and in your hairbrush. Your scalp hair may feel or look less dense than usual. Often, though, the hair loss is subtle, and other people may not notice anything different about your hair.

Expected Duration

Typically, hair loss begins two to four months after the event that triggered the problem, and lasts approximately six months. New hairs begin growing immediately after the hair falls out, but significant growth may not be noticed for several months.


Nothing can be done to prevent most of the types of physical shock that can start telogen effluvium. Some cases may be caused by a poor diet, and these might be prevented by eating a balanced diet that provides enough protein, iron and other nutrients.


No treatment for active telogen effluvium has been proven effective.

Some causes of the disorder can be corrected. For example, if you have a poor diet, consult a dietitian to help you balance it. Many times, however, the cause is a specific event in the past, and you can expect that the hair will grow back. In cases where hair growth has not returned to a satisfactory level, your doctor may prescribe minoxidil (Rogaine), a lotion applied to the scalp that stimulates hair growth in some people.


The outlook for telogen effluvium is very good. Most cases run their course within six to nine months, and the hair usually grows back. In some cases, the disorder may last longer. In other cases, not all hairs grow back.

Oven Fried Chicken

Jun 05, 2007

This is from a cooking mag. I got a sample of called Cooks Country.  I don't like any of the other stuff in it, but this was good.

2 Cups buttermilk
2 tablespoons dijon mustard
2 1/4 teaspoons salt
1 1/2 teaspoons garlic powder
1  1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon hot pepper sauce
8 split bonie-in chicken breasts (10 to 12 oz. each) skin removed and ribs trimmed with kitchen shears
2 1/2 cups crushed corn flakes
3/4 cup fresh bread crumbs
1/2 teaspoon ground poultry seasoning
1/2 teaspoon paprika
1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
2 Tablespoons veg. oil

1. Whisk buttermilk, mustard, 2 teaspoons salt, 1 teaspoon garlic powder, 1 teaspoon black pepper, and hot sauce togther in large bowl.  Add chicken, turn to coat well, cover and refrigerate at least 1 hour or overnight.

2. adjust oven rack to uppr-middle position and heat oen to 400 degrees.  Line rimmed baking sheet with foil, set wire rack on sheet, and coat rack with nonstick cooking spray.

3. Gently toss corn flakes, bread crumbs, remaining 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder, 1/2 teaspoon black pepper, salt, poultry seasoning, paprika and cayenne in shallow disch until combined.  Drizzle oil over crumbs and toss until well coated.  Working with one piece at a time, remove chicken from marinade and dredge in crumb mixture, firmly pressing crumbs onto all sides of chicken.  Place chicken on prepared rack, leaving 1/2 inch of space between each piece.  Bake until chicken is deep golden brown, juices run clear, and instant-read thermometer inserted deep into breast away from bone registers 160 degrees.  35 to 45 min.

Nut info

Traditional fried chicken
Cal. 552
fat 34g
saturated fat 10g

Oven Fried
Cal. 216
Fat 9g
Sat. Fat. 4g

Ulcer Bleed round 2

May 24, 2007

It looks like I am bleeding again, black stool a few minutes ago. I suspected it this am because I have been dizzy.  So I have a call into my surgeon to see if he wants me to go to his hospital or my closest one.  I think it will be his.  So I might not be on line for a day or so, at least I hope it is no more than a day.  This is my worst fear.  More for my family I think.  But some for me.  Itis like volunteering to be violated again.  You would need to read my profile to see why it fits this. I hope it is better this time.  It is better already because it is earlier.

I just had labs done last week and my hemo was absolutely normal, so it is very new.  All my labs were great.  So here I go.  I am practicing what I preach, acting right away on something that can be a bleed or serious.  Talk to you all later.

Yes, I was bleeding again.  They put me under general for the scopes, both ends by the way.  I freaked out because it took so long to get to it.  I got to the hospital at 6pm on Sun. and at midnight went on nothing by mouth.  Well, the procedure was at 6pm the next day.  I had way too much time to relive my past experience.  But after alot of vallium, I made it thru.  I remember nothing.  Woke up with a sour throat.

Anyway.  My surgeon said I had an ulcer at the edge of my stomach and intestine, actually on the intestine this big (holding his hands up to the size of a basketball) and a blood vessel the size of this ( again showing it as the size of a very large thumb)  Of course, over exagerated, but they were very big.  They burned the vessell and out they went.  

This type of ulcer is caused because the intestine is not use to the acids in the stomach hitting it and it burns it.  It only happens in RNY patients for the most part.  Most get use to it over time, mine didn't.  So I will be on protonix for pretty much the rest of my life.

I am in pain now, the ulcer didn't hurt till they messed with it (not unusual to not feel these ulcers at all), and I am having major gas pain.  I think it is normal, but not sure.  I can't reach the GI guy and that is who my surgeon said to call.  

I am home now.  My blood was 10 when I got to the hospital, normal is 12 and was 9 when I left.  So I am still weak, but it should get better soon.

Thank you everyone for the messages, I did read them on my pda, but it was real hard to get on the internet where I was from it.  But thank you.

Addiction, not just for those who transfere

Apr 03, 2007

A new thought brought about by a post and the People mag. article on addiction transfere.  I am looking at my life very hard to make sure I don't do the transfere part.  But forgot to look at how I was handling the actual addiction.  I live with an alcoholic, recovering and I have to walk a different path than he does, but the outcome has to be the same.  We must both beat the addiction so as to live a healthy life.

We live with an addiction.  Unlike drug addicts and alcoholics, we have to eat food everyday.  There is always a fear of falling off the wagon and more so with us because we have to control the addiction rather than avoiding it all together.  Yes, most will fall off the wagon and eat wrong.  Yes this can send us into a tail spin.  Yes, we have to live in some fear of that food demon getting us again.  But, we can learn over time how to deal with it and make it so that that demon has no control.  By this I mean if you retrain your habits with food, then if you do fall off, your choices will probubly be ok foods and not the whole bag.  The tool keeps us from over eating for awhile.  It makes us choose food differently too.  But over time, the tool looses some of it's edge.  Some can eat alot, some can eat sugar, some can eat anything.  But if you really use the tool, not abuse it, it can keep working for you.

Part is faith.  Like sugar will make you dump, but you haven't tried it, so you go on faith that it will and not test the waters.

As time goes by, you realize that this really works and as long as you are aware of the food problems, you can soon look that fear in the eyes and say "You have no control over me!"  Habits make this possible.  It starts at 30 days, the length of time it takes to build a habit.  After that, it is maintaining and not pushing the boundries.  When you get there, you know that when you want to eat for emotional reasons, you now reach for that SF pudding that was already part of your daily plan, so it was ok to have it.  

I guess that falls to it is also ok to eat.  Interesting.  Something I am having to teach myself now.  It is ok for me to eat more carbs and such (as long as they are good carbs)  It is ok to up my calories.  It is also ok for the scales to stop moving down.  

It gets easier and the fear gets less.  There are many places you go thru before you can truely beat the demon.  First to relearn to eat, then to not eat the wrong things, then to learn to eat enough to stop loosing and then to learn to not eat too much so as to gain weight.  Eventually you master all of this and the fear will be gone.

It is a great theory and I have seen people conquer this, so I know I too can do this and I believe you can too.  We all can if we are honest and believe in ourselves and a higher power for some.

About Me
wildomar, CA
Surgery Date
Jan 13, 2006
Member Since

Friends 56

Latest Blog 20
New Recipe SF Pumpkin Cheese cake
New foods
Nutrition info
Protein Chips
Hairloss and why
Oven Fried Chicken
Ulcer Bleed round 2
Addiction, not just for those who transfere
