2 Years Later........

Oct 15, 2011


Year and a half

May 17, 2011

I am a year and a half, out of surgery. I was 310lbs day of surgery and now I am 148lbs. That is a total of 162lbs lost. Before and After


November 28,2010

Dec 20, 2010


1 year later 310-140=170 I did it!!!!!!!!!

6 months out of surgery! Loss over 120

May 11, 2010


44 days later

Dec 11, 2009

A gastric bypass is a surgical procedure to help you lose weight. The stomach is stapled to make it smaller, and part of the small intestine is bypassed. The rest of the small intestine is then reattached to the new, smaller stomach. There is a small
opening called a stoma between the stomach and the small intestine.

Right after surgery, it is normal to have some swelling at the site of the stoma. There may also be some scar tissue developing at the site. Normally, this is not significant enough to cause any problems. However, sometimes the scar tissue causes the stoma to narrow significantly, making it difficult for food or even liquids to pass through into the small intestine. In some cases, the opening can close completely. This is known as a stricture.

Strictures after a gastric bypass are not that uncommon. They can be serious, however, because obviously you have to be able to get food and liquids in. The most common symptom of a stricture is vomiting after eating or drinking. Now, vomiting after eating is not that unusual after a gastric bypass, especially in the early days after surgery. Eating too much, eating too fast, or not chewing well enough can all cause vomiting. Many people cannot tolerate certain foods anymore after a gastric bypass, such as sugar or fatty foods. Eating these foods may cause vomiting. But if you vomit every time you eat, especially if you are eating slowly and making sure to chew well, it may be a sign of a stricture.

Strictures are most common about four weeks after surgery, but they can occur sooner or later than that. If you had surgery a few weeks ago and if you vomit every time you eat, you should suspect a possible stricture. If you vomit after drinking as well, a stricture is even more likely. If you think you might have a stricture, you need to contact your surgeon as soon as possible. If you are not able to keep down fluids, you may need IV fluids to rehydrate you.

1 month

Dec 01, 2009

      I have made it to one month as of nov 28. I cant beleive I did it. I felt like I was going to die. And if it was not for the people around me I just might have. I cant eat much and alot of things get stuck. I have thrown up a few times, but most of the time it passes. I have learned little ways to help it go down better. I feel that I haven't lost as much as I should. My doctor has let me go back to work. That has been helpful. Instead of just sitting around doing nothing. I notice my weight loss in my collarbone, I can see it now. And in my legs. thanksgiving sucked for me but what more can I ask for? I know I wiill never be able to eat like I did before or drink like I did before. It took me trying and getting sick to figure it out.

   Recently over the last 2 days I have notice I have no energry. No matter how much 12 I take I feel very low, not depression but weak. I also notice I am not peeing as much as  I did before. But I am drinking more? I am not sure what it is. I will have pictures up later...... If any one has any good recipes for me to try that would be great.


2 weeks after surgery

Nov 10, 2009

Today is my 2 week out of surgery. I have lost only 20 lbs. I wanted to lose it alot fast. Becasue I went through a lot of pain, I feel I should weigh less. My doctor says I am above average. I am doing way more then anyone thought. I am walking more, Losing more, best  for being 19. I think that I could have done this on my own. I could have worked out more, or done the lapband. Less stress on my body. I should have researched the emotional part of this. I was not ready for this and now I have fallen in to a  deression. I am glad I get to start pureed food but its not the same. I miss food. Its so hard to walk away from.

I am not sure what to do now,


Pills before and After

Nov 08, 2009

Before Surgery

After Surgery


Week after Surgery

Nov 05, 2009

As of tomorrow it will be one week from my surgery, Let me tell you. No one will ever be fully prepared for something like this. From Surgery I was in a lot of pain. They found out that i am now allergic to morphine and had a hard time getting the pain to stop, then 2 days latter I got to go home with one of the worst nights to imagine. I cried, got sick.hen when my dad got home and fixed Everything, it got better. With Halloween being the next day it was hard to watch others eat, and see candy but that was not that bad. My birthday sucked but what can i say, I stated to get dry heves, and for two days.The was the hardest. Then finally got medicines for that. It did not hit me till last night. How much this has changed everything. I was home with my dad and brother and we had soup from tim hortons. BAD MOVE, I took to big of a bite, and got sick, then persisted to sit there an watch others eat. I was not mad at them but at my self for letting food control me this much. I then took a shower and relaxed. As i was laying in bed, I felt like i regret this and my get well balloons fell over to me, it was like a sign from some one. (THANKS MOM) I have talked with 100s of friend most saying it will get better. that dose not help! I have learned that i should not push the ones close to me away. I really do miss some people, they know who they are...... I have learned already so many thing that i cant do and its not nice. LOL Now on Friday i get my drain port removed and hope some of the staples. Things should get better from there.

Today is thursday, tomorrow I get my port out and that should change alot of the pain. I feel like 80\20 I regret this surgery. Its because I am a big baby. I cant stand pain to my stomach. And I cant use my stomach muscles. I get stuck in the smallest areas and cant move. ALL I want is to beable to sleep like i did before.

I miss
Frosted flakes
Chicken, girlled, fried,
Pork chops,
I want something to munch!

This is the point of me crying again. I should have waited a year, and exersized or something, I could have done this one my own. I feel I was not ready for this.
1 comment

14 days before my surgey

Oct 13, 2009

I have recied my approval letter from BCBS for my surgey today. I SO FRAMED THAT. Its weird but liitle check points is really want makes this worth it. I am going to be starting a video journal soon with stuff before the surgey and after. I am excited but also sad because i found out that i will be in the hospital on my Birthday.... BOOOO It sucks. But other then that nothing else new.


About Me
Macomb, MI
Surgery Date
Aug 19, 2009
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