Philip Straka

"He did my tummy tuck, eyebrow lift and neck lift. Due to how wrinkled my neck was he was not able to fix entirely during surgery but will correct in office. He prefers to have you very natural looking. His staff is wonderful as well!! He has helped do a few wls surgeries before and his favorite surgery to do is a tummy tuck"

Voravit Wongsa

"I liked Dr. Wongsa. He was very direct and to the point. He did explain that the sucess would depend on me and he explained the risks. I got the impression that he did not think I was ready but I'll show him that I am!:) He has done 250 laps rny and has only had to open on one. He says he has had no deaths from the procedure and complications are only about 3%. Regarding surgery- The drug man was excellent. He got it 1st try and I am a hard stick. Gave me a happy shot and I remember nothing until I got to my room. No recover room memories. There was no foley and all other tubes were inserted and removed while I was out. I can honestly say that I had no surgery pain. Only soreness.... Dr. does not believe in gall bladder drug. Says if it goes bad, then you come back and have it taken out. "
About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 12, 2001
Member Since

Before & After
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