I hit my 8 month surgiversary this week, so I guess it's about time I posted my story.  I've been overweight since I was 5.  I remember going on my first diet at age 7.  I struggled with my weight and all the guilt issues that came with it all thruogh my school years.  I managed to lose weight my senior year in high school and freshman year of college, but by the time I graduated from college, I was back over 200 lbs and in a few short years, I was over 270.  I continually tried to battle my weight and bounced back and forth between 230 and 290 for almost 25 years. 

In the last 5 years, I have seen my husband's health devastated by diabetes, including stents, quadruple bypass, amputated leg and infections that almost took his life.  My health deteriorated each year as I focused more efforts on caring for him and trying to keep my career going.  I finally decided that if I didn't do something about my health, I would no longer be able to help him. 

So I started looking into weight loss surgery.  I did quite a bit of research into types of surgery and felt that VSG was the right answer for me.  I'm not much of a grazer, more of a big meal eater.  I met with a couple of sugeons, but I knew I had found the right surgeon when I met with Dr James Davidson.  Like many on this site, I felt like surgery was my last chance at saving my life.

I had no complications after surgery, but lots of nausea, both pre and post surgery.  Turns out I had an unknown sensitivity to whey.  Felt great after surgery until they did a barium leak test.  That made me sick and so did all the liquids afterward, including meds.  I never want to go through that first few weeks again, but now I can say that it was well worth it. 

I've been a slow loser, but then, I have carried this weight a long time, so I can't expect it to fall off over night.  I would like to be closer to my goal, but I can't believe how far I have come.  I am closing in on 100 pounds lost  and only have 31 pounds left to goal.  I am much more active and healthy.  I've had great support from family and friends.  And although I rarely post, it would have been a much more difficult journey without OH as my constant support.

About Me
Surgery Date
May 23, 2011
Member Since

Friends 1
