Work out Lunch!!

Jun 05, 2007

Today I went on my workout lunch which is provided by our co. I did 45 min on the eliptical and didn't pass out! I feel great , have started walking more.  All is well. I will update soon. Oh yeah I now have meet my 50 lbs goal YEAH!!! So much more to go but I am getting there.  My children are very supportive. I LOVE them more than life!!


Jun 01, 2007

I feel so much better. I sleep better. NO back   pain. I have been walking over 5 miles a day. This is a blessing. I have lost 45 lbs to date. I  won't weigh again until Sunday. I will be mee again real soon. Take care all I will return!

3 Week check up!

Apr 30, 2007

Hello All,
I went for my check up today. Drum Roll Please!!!!! I lost 27.5 lbs!! Yeah. I really feel great I thought I HAD ONLY LOST 25! 2 extras are great. I have a follow up in 3 more weeks. Can I do it again?! Hell yeah!! I'm in this to lose this! Okay Corny!! I will check in later!

I love this!

Apr 27, 2007

 Hello world! This is wonderful!!! I have had no reactions to ANYTHING!!!! ~Not typical I hear. I can eat whatever iwant with  no problem. That is of all the foods I have been allowed so far. No sick feeling at all. I am glad. IT MAKES THIS SO MUCH BETTER.
My son stayed with me both nights while I was at the hospital. He brought my the cutest card and was very helpful. I started to go alone I am one of those i can do things by myself types. I must admit I was glad he was there. When in recovery the doctor asked me who was in the waiting room . he was going to tell them how the surgery went. (everyone referred to my son as my husband:), He always hates that! When the doctor said it;  in my  head I heard myself say "no one" I told him me son was there and was very glad I didn't have to say that. I learned my lesson. Sometimes you need to count on other's.

Surgery Completed!!

Apr 12, 2007

I have completed my surgery 2 days ago.I have ZERO PAIN, Everything went smoothly. Home in 2 days and minus 2 lbs...And a ton more to go! I,ll update later, going to rest! I am on the losing side!!!!!!!! 

On Our Weigh!

Apr 09, 2007

Tommorrow I check in at 5:30AM. I am the first to have the surgery. Surgery at 7:30AM. I want to wish all having surgery April 10,2007 the best and dispatch God's Angels in the Operation and Recovering Rooms with you. My words for today.




by Kirsti A. Dyer

 My light and my life  
provided me hope for a future,  
a reason to live  
and the strength to exist.  

 Suddenly extinguished,  
taken away without warning.  
I was abandoned,  
left in the darkness  
trying to survive  
searching for any glimmer  
on the distant horizon.  

 I stand precariously  
on a piece of solid ground  
barely large enough for my feet.  
Around me, a vast expanse  
of desolation and emptiness  
for as far as I can tell.  

 It waits  
with extending arms  
to engulf and surround me  
in a permanent shadow.  



I remain tenuously balanced  
on this small bit of solid footing  
Providing me the last vestiges of hope,  
Unsure where to turn  
or how to find an escape.  



No path in sight,  
it has decayed into the abyss.  
No light to guide my footsteps,  
it has been withdrawn.  



In complete blackness  
I close my eyes  
waiting to fall.  



A light appears before me  
from within me.  



I discover  
a brilliance inside  
An internal source of strength, power  
and illumination.  



This force surges through my body  
filling me with courage.  
I open my eyes once more in the darkness  
finally lose my balance,  
and descend  
into the eternal night.  



But in falling, I discover  
that I possess wings.  



With new courage, my own light,  
and wings to save me  
from the everlasting darkness  
I take flight  
high above the waiting chasm  
towards a faint glimmer  
far on the horizon  
and hope.   

Will update as soon as possible. 

Much Love ,



WOW!!! It is for Real!!!

Apr 06, 2007

It is really going to happen!! I think today is the first day I got butterflies in my stomach! I think I have been trying to get this done for so long...Today for the first time it is real!
Congrat to all the Graduates!! You are keeping me motivated and BIG TIME! 

Much Love

Change for My sister

Apr 03, 2007

Hello All,
My sister's date has changed! She won't be able to have her surgery until April 23 or so.. Oh well. My show must go on! I got some news . someone I use to date I just found out is married! I cared for this person I have moved on since then but it was still a shocker. I don't know why it effected me??Any ways by this morning I was happy for him. He is wonderful and should be happy. (BUT IF HE GETS DIVORCED!! I AM RUNNING HIS WAY:)

Waiting Still

Apr 02, 2007

Hello All,
All is well. I am waiting to get this on. Reading everyones update and wishing everyone the best. I am excited for those that are losing. Wow!! Can't wait for that to be me. 7 more days!! 7 More  Days!  7 MORE DAYS!!!!!! Okay I just braided my hair up.  I want everything to be as care free as possible. I want to focus on getting this weight off and not what to do with my hair. Wash, condition and GO! I am making my transistion easy, My 2 year old is going to stay with  Grandma on surgery day and for about a week after. I have a very supportive group.  I know there are some with their claws out but who gives a !! I don't. This is all about me, My health my happiness, my life and I LOVE IT!!!! 

Keep up the great work those that have completed your surgery. I am keeping up with your updates for inspiration!

Much love ,

Ladies in Wait

Mar 28, 2007

Hello Everyone,

13 days to go! I am doing the right things at this point. I walk about 5 miles a day. I haven't started going to the gym yet. I am increasing my water intake. Ordered more protein powder,vitamins,calcium and iron.....Anybody else got some ideas pleaase shoot them my way. Hoping everyone is focused and have a great time! 
Much love will update later

About Me
Beaverton, OR
Surgery Date
Jun 26, 2006
Member Since

Friends 60

Latest Blog 34
I decided!!!
Hello everyone
I am doing well !!
I am back!
Go to Hell
Nearing the year mark!
Great is thy faithfullness!
This past year....
