
Nevella Review: Stevia, Sucralose and Monk Fruit To Go

Dec 10, 2012

Nevella Review: Stevia, Sucralose and Monk Fruit To Go

December 11, 2012 By Leave a Comment Article courtesy of Your Lighter Side


It’s so nice to be able to stick a liquid sweetener in your purse and run out the door knowing that wherever you end up, you can sweeten your coffee or tea without worrying about what you’ll be able to find. Nevella sells their sweeteners throughout WalMart SuperCenters, which make them an easy-to-locate product, and for a reasonable price. Simple grab your favorite sweetener choice, from sucralose, to stevia, to monk fruit, and you’re golden.


How do each of these sweeteners measure up?

That’s where it gets a little iffy, literally–at least in terms of measurements. Each container claims the same thing: A squeeze is equal to 1 tsp of sugar.

But  how much is a squeeze really? Is it the amount released in a second? It would be more helpful to read “20 drops” or “1/8 tsp”.

As well, the Monk Fruit requires twice as much sweetener than the sucralose and the stevia, yet they all say a “squeeze”. From this, you pretty much infer you squeeze each one the same amount, and that’s not true, since the monk fruit claims to require .6 grams of squeeze, while the stevia and sucralose only require .3 grams per squeeze. But even though the Sucralose and the Stevia both claim a squeeze equals .3 grams in weight, the Sucralose to Go claims 200 uses, while the Stevia claims to contain only 160 uses (and they both contain the same amount of liquid per container). I am a stickler for this stuff.

Have you tried these sweeteners? What did you think? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below!

Monk Fruit to Go ♥♥♥♥♥

Requiring about twice as much to sweeten as the Stevia or the Sucralose, don’t let that niggling detail cause consternation; this  0-carb, 0-calorie liquid sweetener has a nice, sweet taste that derives from monk fruit, a type of small melon that grows in Southeast Asia. 200 times sweeter than cane sugar, the fresh fruit is crushed, infused with water, and then concentrated into an extract. Other ingredients include malic acid, sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate. One of the things I like best? Even after finishing my coffee, I am still enjoying a pleasantly sweet aftertaste.

1.68 fluid ounces yields 80 uses for a .6 gram serving.

Stevia to Go ♥♥♥♥

I want to lead off by saying I’m not a stevia fan in terms of taste, but Nevella did the smart thing by adding erythritol to the mix to help level the flavor out while still packing a nice, sweet punch. If you are a fan of natural sweeteners, definitely consider this as a fantastic, portable option. If you love stevia, you’re going to love that this product is derived by steeping stevia leaves in the same way one steeps a tea at home. The result is a sweetener 200-300 times sweeter than sugar, but for 0 calories and 0 carbohydrates. I addition to eater, erythritol and stevia, the sweetener contains natural flavors, malic acid, and potassium sorbate. I only rate this one so low because I don’t like the taste of stevia.

1.68 fluid ounces yields 160 uses for a .3 gram serving.

Sucralose To Go ♥♥♥

A typical favorite for many users, sucralose is an easy-to-find sweetener in many forms, from powder to liquid. In Nevella’s product, the 0-calorie, 0-carbohydrate sweetener delivers a nice, sweet flavor without being overbearing. And because this sweetener (600 times sweeter than sugar) is derived from sugar, its capabilities make it the post popular sweetener available today. And because it’s liquid, you don’t have the powder-bulking agents or the excess carbohydrates; instead, you have water,  sucralose, malic acid, sodium benzoate, and potassium sorbate. The aftertaste isn’t as pleasant as the monk fruit, but I prefer it to the stevia.

1.68 fluid ounces yields 200 uses for a .3 gram serving.

Nevella To Go Liquid Sweeteners

Rating: ♥♥♥
Save: Print a coupon for $1 off your next purchase (coupon).
Usefulness: Anywhere you would typically use sweetener
Found at: WalMart SuperCenters
Website: (See above for each type)

Disclosure: Nevella provided these products  free of charge for review, but this has not affected my review of the items.



Eat Your Water by Leslie Goldman

Dec 04, 2012

Hydrating foods provide plenty of fluid and nutrients to fuel hot summer or heated fall runs.

By Leslie Goldman; Image by Mark Laita Published May 26, 2011 Media: Eat Your Water

Here's some juicy news: Drinking water isn't the only way to stay hydrated. According to the Institute of Medicine, 20 percent of your water intake comes from food. "Eating a three-ounce cucumber is like drinking three ounces of water, but better," says Howard Murad, M.D., author of The Water Secret. Besides being water-rich, vegetables, fruits, and a few other key foods contain nutrients that can boost a runner's performance and health. In addition to filling your water bottle, add these foods to your diet for hydration, nutrients, and a tasty change of pace.

These fruits are mostly water and rich in potassium, an electrolyte lost through sweat. "Potassium and sodium work together to maintain fluid levels in the body," says Wendy Bazilian, Dr.PH., R.D., author of The SuperFoodsRx Diet, "which helps regulate your heartbeat and circulation." One cup of each contains between five and 10 percent of your daily needs.
Toss strawberries into guacamole. Or make a cool soup (soup for non bariatric patients): Blend together peaches, cantaloupe, peach nectar, lime juice, and sea salt, says culinary nutritionist Jackie Newgent, R.D.

Vitamin C helps maintain cartilage and joint flexibility, and these fruits provide at least a third of your daily need per serving. It also plays a role in protecting your skin. "UV rays, pollution, and sweat negatively affect your skin," Bazilian says, and vitamin C counters those effects. A study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found watermelon and kiwi are nearly as healthy six days after being cut, so make fruit salad for the whole week.
Stir-fry tofu, bok choy, and scallion; add grapefruit segments. Combine kiwi with greens, avocado, pistachios, and onion. Toss watermelon with feta and mint.

Tomatoes are rich in lycopene; studies link this antioxidant to a reduced risk of lung, stomach, prostate, breast, colon, and cervical cancer. While it may not seem juicy, broccoli is 90 percent water and contains compounds called isothiocyanates. A 2010 study in the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry found isothiocyanates block a defective gene that causes cells to become cancerous.
Skewer cherry tomatoes and grill until lightly charred; add mozzarella balls, balsamic vinegar, and fresh basil. Stir-fry broccoli with grated ginger; add minced grapes and sunflower seeds.

Both fruits may help you recover and rehydrate postrun. Studies show the enzyme bromelain, found in pineapple, may reduce inflammation and speed muscle repair. "Tart cherries contain anthocyanins and melatonin, which reduce inflammation," says Russel J. Reiter, Ph.D., professor of cellular and structural biology at the University of Texas Health Science Center.
Skewer pineapple with chicken and bell peppers; brush with low-salt, low-sugar light teriyaki sauce and grill. Stir minced cherries into dijon mustard.

Studies show that eating probiotic-rich foods can protect you from catching respiratory-tract infections that might otherwise thwart your run. Yogurt usually delivers between one and five strains of probiotics (healthy bacteria); kefir, a yogurtlike drink, can contain up to a dozen. One cup of each also contains 10 to 12 grams of protein, an immune-system building block.
Mix together hummus and yogurt; add lemon juice. Whisk together equal parts maple syrup and kefir for a pancake topping.

One cup of cooked beans (like kidney, pinto, and garbanzo) provides a half cup of water, as much protein as two eggs, and half your daily fiber needs. Fiber keeps your digestive system moving, helps lower cholesterol, and controls appetite. "Beans are the perfect runner's food," says Bazilian. "They're a balanced combo of carbs and protein, which allows for a slower release of blood sugar for optimal performance."
Combine beans, celery, onion, olive oil, and red-wine vinegar; add herbs and salt.

Drink Up
Beverages with benefits

The liquid found in green coconuts has fewer calories and more electrolytes than sports drinks.
CONCORD GRAPE JUICE (Diluted 50% with Water)
Research shows it has more antioxidants than other common juices.
ICED GREEN TEA (Diluted 50% with Water)
Compounds called EGCG give it anti-inflammatory properties.

EAT Better: Stick to plain non-fat yogurt (which is water-and protein-rich), since sweetened varieties can contain four or more teaspoons of sugar per serving.



What's up with calcium supplements? by Go Ask Alice

Dec 04, 2012

Dear Alice,

What is the difference between and the pros and cons of the three types of calcium: oyster shell, calcium carbonate, calcium citrate? Does one stand out for osteoporosis?

Curious about calcium

Dear Curious about calcium,

Calcium is only one component necessary to build and/or maintain healthy bones; you also need vitamins C, D, and K; the minerals boron, potassium, and magnesium; and, adequate protein and resistance exercise — all the more reason to eat a variety of foods and move your body.

However, many people need to supplement their eating plan to get enough calcium for good health and osteoporosis prevention. Calcium supplements may help a person reach her or his daily need for this important mineral, but dietary sources of calcium provide many other nutrients needed for bone health and blood pressure regulation — two key functions of calcium.

Daily calcium needs are listed as follows:

Age (years) Adequate Intake [AI] of elemental calcium (mg/day)
1 - 3 500
4 - 8 800
9 - 18 1,300
19 - 30 1,000
31 - 50 1,000
51 - 70 1,200
> 70 1,200

Calcium supplements contain calcium as part of a compound: calcium carbonate and calcium citrate are the most popular supplement types. Others also exist, such as calcium gluconate, calcium citrate malate, calcium phosphate, calcium lactate, and calcium from dolomite (an extract from limestone and marble that also contains magnesium). Oyster shell is a form of calcium carbonate that has been known occasionally to contain small amounts of lead, a toxin. Reports of lead in dolomite or bone meal (another form of supplemental calcium — just as oyster shell is one) have also surfaced in the past. Calcium supplementation from sources other than oyster shell, dolomite, and bone meal would be safer to take.

The form of calcium a person takes depends on his or her individual needs. You may have heard or read that one form is more easily absorbed than another. As long as you take in enough elemental calcium to meet your needs, the type is not that important. Look at the label to see how much elemental calcium is supplied by each tablet. If the label doesn't state the amount of elemental calcium, you can figure it to be:

  • 40 percent for calcium carbonate
  • 21 percent for calcium citrate
  • 13 percent for calcium lactate
  • 9 percent for calcium gluconate

This means that if you take 1,000 mg of calcium carbonate, you will get 40 percent elemental calcium, or 400 mg. Calcium carbonate tablets typically hold more elemental calcium than calcium citrate, so one can take fewer calcium carbonate than calcium citrate pills to get the same amount of elemental calcium. Many antacids are merely calcium carbonate. This is a convenient way for some to take their calcium to meet their daily needs, since they are easy to carry around and are chewable.

If someone prefers to take a supplement that can be swallowed rather than chewed, s/he may want to consider its absorbability and purity. Labels that contain the letters USP indicate that the product meets the purity and dissolution standards established by the U.S. Pharmacopoeia. This is a voluntary process, and many fine products do not have this distinction on their labels. If USP is not listed on a calcium label, The National Osteoporosis Foundation recommends placing a tablet in a glass of warm water for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. If it hasn't mostly dissolved in that time, chances are it won't get absorbed by the stomach.

Calcium, in any form, is better absorbed when taken in smaller doses, 500 mg or less of elemental calcium from a supplement at one time. If you need to supplement with more calcium, split the dose into two or three, and take them four hours apart throughout the day.

When to take calcium supplements depends on the type. Calcium carbonate needs to be taken with meals, as the acidity of the stomach is greater when food is being digested. This acidic environment allows for its absorption. Calcium citrate, however, is absorbed more efficiently than calcium carbonate on an empty stomach, so it needs to be taken between meals.

Another factor to consider is how well one form of calcium supplementation is tolerated over another. It's recommended to begin by taking no more than 500 mg of elemental calcium per day to see how it affects you, if at all, and then to increase after a week or so to meet your calcium needs. If the kind you are taking causes gas or constipation, and you should know after one week, try another type.

Avoid taking calcium supplements at the same time as any medication that needs to be taken on an empty stomach. Also don't take them at the same time as tetracycline (an antibiotic), iron supplements, thyroid hormones, or corticosteroids, because calcium binds to these substances, interfering with their effectiveness and also its own absorption.

One form of calcium won't prevent osteoporosis better than another — it's more important to take in a sufficient amount throughout a lifetime, along with the other important nutrients mentioned earlier. The real time to prevent osteoporosis is when bones are forming, during childhood and the teen years. After this time, maintenance of the bone mass that's been built is key. Since our bones are constantly taking in and releasing calcium (known as absorbing and resorbing calcium), we need to protect ourselves by preventing net losses that result in softening of the bones. We can do this by taking in adequate calcium, participating in regular resistance exercise, and eating a balanced diet. Stay away from excessive sodium, protein, smoking, and caffeine — the "bone robbers" of calcium.


Source: Go Ask Alice | Columbia Health



Why You Should Drink Warm Water & Lemon

Oct 16, 2012

Why You Should Drink Warm Water & Lemon

By Ashley Pitman


The way you start each day is incredibly important. Whether you're a mom, a coach, a writer, a small business owner or a yoga teacher, what you do first thing in the morning matters.
  According to Ayurvedic philosophy, choices that you make regarding your daily routine either build up resistance to disease or tear it down.
  Ayurveda invites us to get a jump-start on the day by focusing on morning rituals that work to align the body with nature's rhythms, balance the doshas and foster self-esteem alongside self-discipline. 
  Your mind may say you have to check emails, take the dog out, get the kids out the door, that you can't be late for work or that you just don't have enough time to cultivate your own morning rituals.
  But, if you can only make time for one ritual that will improve your health, let it be this.....
  Start the day out with a mug of warm water and the juice of half a lemon.
  It's so simple and the benefits are just too good to ignore. Warm water with lemon:
  1. Boosts your immune system 
  Lemons are high in Vitamin C and potassium. Vitamin C is great for fighting colds and potassium stimulates brain and nerve function and helps control blood pressure.
  2. Balances pH
  Lemons are an incredibly alkaline food, believe it or not. Yes, they are acidic on their own, but inside our bodies they're alkaline (the citric acid does not create acidity in the body once metabolized). As you wellness warriors know, an alkaline body is really the key to good health.
  3. Helps with weight loss
  Lemons are high in pectin fiber, which helps fight hunger cravings. It also has been shown that people who maintain a more alkaline diet lose weight faster. And, my experience is that when I start the day off right, it's easier to make the best choices for myself the rest of the day.
  4. Aids digestion
  The warm water serves to stimulate the gastrointestinal tract and peristalsis—the waves of muscle contractions within the intestinal walls that keep things moving. Lemons and limes are also high in minerals and vitamins and help loosen ama, or toxins, in the digestive tract.
  5. Acts as a gentle, natural diuretic
  Lemon juice helps flush out unwanted materials because lemons increase the rate of urination in the body. Toxins are, therefore, released at a faster rate which helps keep your urinary tract healthy.
  6. Clears skin
  The vitamin C helps decrease wrinkles and blemishes. Lemon water purges toxins from the blood which helps keep skin clear as well.
  7. Hydrates the lymph system
  This cup of goodness helps start the day on a hydrated note, which helps prevent dehydration (obviously) and adrenal fatigue. When your body is dehydrated, or deeply dehydrated (adrenal fatigue) it can't perform all of it's proper functions, which leads to toxic buildup, stress, constipation, and the list goes on. Your adrenals happen to be two small glands that sit on top of your kidneys, and along with your thyroid, create energy. They also secrete important hormones, including aldosterone. Aldosterone is a hormone secreted by your adrenals that regulates water levels and the concentration of minerals, like sodium, in your body, helping you stay hydrated. Your adrenals are also responsible for regulating your stress response. So, the bottom line is that you really don't want to mess with a deep state of dehydration!
  Adopting just this one practice of drinking a cup of warm water with lemon in the morning for a month can radically alter your experience of the day. Don't be surprised if you begin to view mornings in a new light.
  Like I said, the recipe is really simple—a cup of warm (not hot) water and the juice from half a lemon.
  In the comments below, tell me which one of these benefits is going to get you to try this morning ritual. Or, if you're already a lemon water junkie, what specific benefits have you noticed?


Published May 10, 2012 at 10:30 AM About Ashley Pitman

As a Wellness Educator, Cleanse Specialist crusader for whole-body nourishment, Ashley Pitman supports thousands of people in achieving a hot body and radiant beauty with a blend of raw food education, Ayurvedic inspiration, guided detoxes courses, and lots of loving encouragement. All the action takes place at, a digital ashram for wellness-inspired people looking to use food as medicine and health as a spiritual practice. Stay devoted to your radiance and well-being by joining the free weekly newsletter with health and lifestyle tips that work.


Nutrition Deficiencies of Roux-en-Y Recipients... There Is Help

Oct 02, 2012

I am constantly reading, and attending seminars, about good nutrition and absorption of phytonutrients.

I recently read an article written in 2008 by the American Society for Clinical Nutrition (

In short, the article, to no surprise, indicated the results of studies completed showed deficiencies for recipients of Roux-en-Y in vitamin B-12, iron, calcium + vitamin D, and folic acid.  Considering we, Roux-En- Y recipients, follow a regimen of vitamin supplements, we still have some gaps to fill.

Wellesse (  and JuicePlus (  seem to provide quickly absorbed phytonutrients, folic acid and iron. Click "Watch The Video"..

However, Juice Plus has the advantage of being substantially medically recommended (Dr. Titus Duncan, Dr. Richard DuBois, Dr. Katz (Pediatrician), Dr. Sears (Pediatrician), Etc)  , tested for years to be bioavailable (effectively absorbable into the bloodstream) and NSF Certified.   Also, Juice Plus is 100% natural, 100% vegetarian and is whole food based nutrition with no preservatives or additives. 

There's not even a safety/tamper resistant opening!!! Consuming too much , at worse, would leave you "in the can" for quite some time. :-)

Another proven way to obtain enough whole food, pure vegetables and fruit based nutrition like Juice Plus would be to purchase a Vitamix.  I have one and I love it!!! It's gets to be expensive to buying all the fruits and vegetables but the texture of my smoothies are soo smooth.  Yummy!!


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