6 Month Update & Happy Holidays!

Dec 24, 2011

 I hit my 6th month anniversary on my birthday, December 16th.  I had a wonderful birthday, but I was slightly disappointed that I hadn't hit my goal of being down 100 pounds total at the 6th month mark.  I missed it by 5 pounds.  Yep, I let 5 measly pounds get me down!

Scales aside, my life is so different than 6 months ago and a complete 180 from a year ago!  This surgery and lifestyle change has been a lifesaver for me, literally.  A year ago I felt like my body was dying.  Here are some of the changes I've undergone, both positive and negative.

1.  Loss of 95 pounds.  I have lots of flab, lots of flaps!  Lying on my bed, on my back, I lift up my leg and everything drops.  I am going to have a large amount of hanging skin/flab everywhere.  My large panniculus is a big flabby flap that pretty much prevents me from wearing pants.  My love handles are literally love flaps.  I have a large fat pad above my butt on my lower back--I don't have a butt--and that fat pad is deflating and so I have the beginning of a butt flap!  I have to arrange my big floppy pannus in bed and when I walk.  It isn't fun.  On the pannus grading scale I would be a 4-5, hanging down my thighs to my knees.  It will definitely have to be removed sometime in the future.

2.  Clothing--from 6X to 3-4X, depending on the cut of the item.  I haven't bought anything new except 4x bike shorts (that are too big now) and a new bra.  I am literally walking out of my clothing.  My blouses, which used to fit snug, fall off of my shoulders.  My caftans are so large on me that I flash my husband unintentionally.  My skirts, which have elastic waists and drawstrings, must be cinched up as tight as I can get them so they don't fall down. I'm seriously considering visiting some thrift stores for some new to me clothes after the holidays.  I have a sewing machine, but some of my stuff probably wouldn't look/fit right if I took them up, especially since I'm not a seamstress.  I also don't know whether to pass on my clothes or pack them in a box.  I am NOT going back to that size, ever!

3.  My mobility has improved drastically!  I will always have rhuematoid arthritis, but losing weight is making it less severe.  A year ago I couldn't even walk down the ramp from my front door to the car.  I had to be wheeled.  6 months ago I could walk up and down the ramp, but was totally spent afterwards.  NOW I can go up and down with no problem AND I can walk to my daughter's house down the road and visit with her and my grandkids (I have a new grandson, James Dean, born Dec. 5, 2011!!) and then walk back home!  When I get back home I am still able to get around!  Before I would have to recuperate for a couple of days after leaving the house for even a short doc appt.  Of all the positive things, gaining my mobility back is one of the best!

4.  My lab work is good!  I do not have high blood sugar or cholesterol.  My hair isn't falling out as bad and I actually have a few new hairs growing in.  I do find it tedious to take so many supplements on a daily basis, but that is a small trade-off for the positives.  I take Centrum Silver vitamins, Citracal calcium petites, dry vitamin D, fish oil (fixing to try krill oil), iron, B-12 injections, Biotin.  I also take several prescriptions--Enbrel injections, pain medication, thyroid, bipolar meds, anxiety meds, allergy meds, asthma meds.  My blood pressure is only bad if I eat salt.  

5.  I'm going to talk about digestion issues because they are such a big part of this process and newbies need to know what they can expect.  I am aware everyone has individual experiences, so I can only tell people about my experience.  I became lactose intolerant.  I can't drink milk without very adverse effects.  I mean pooping my pants effects.  Yeah, not pleasant.  I don't have to take the anti-gas meds very often anymore, but I have noticed that if I eat too many carbs I get bad gas and it isn't pleasant gas, either.  I am very definitely mal-absorbing fats--the proof is in the toilet.  Eat bacon and it looks like I poured a half of cup of grease in there.  The color and consistency of poop matches what Dr. Oz says about poop with digestive problems--light colored and looser than normal.  It also has a different odor that is not easy to get accustomed to--like a sour/acrid smell.  It is NOT a pleasant smell and about the only thing that gets rid of it is ozium spray.  

6.  Diet is always a hot topic on OH.  I'm not going to go into great detail, but I will say that I haven't thrown up in awhile.  I was throwing up about once a day.  It is strange...some days I eat my portions and feel like nothing is different.  Then another, like yesterday, I am eating my scrambled egg and it just doesn't set right and my pouch feels tight and uncomfortable.  Same food, same portion size.  I never know from day to day what I'll be able to tolerate.  My favorite meals are crock pot stews--usually vegetable beef with LOTS of veggies.  I eat a LOT of beans.  Chicken, pork, beef, fish.  Tomatoes.  Pickles.  Cheese.  Coffee & tea.  I can't tolerate noodles or pasta.  They gum in my pouch and cause pain.  Not worth it.  I can eat bread, but of course I limit refined carbs to about 30 grams a day (I don't limit carbs in vegetables).  I ate yogurt & cottage cheese before surgery and right after, but now I don't care for them.  I LOVE spicy foods and put habanero or jalapeno on everything.  The only caloric drinks I have are V-8 and protien shakes.  I don't do a daily shake anymore---I will make a chocolate shake and freeze it for a sweet frozen treat.  Many times I will blend frozen chocolate shake with coffee ice cubes for a mocha frozen treat.  Strawberry protein shake blended with frozen strawberries & freeze is also a good treat.  I often add a packet of vanilla Carnation instant breakfast for a more creamy texture.

Well, that's about all I have to say to update at this time.  Happy Holidays everyone!!

