just bored..

Jul 11, 2009

Soo... I am home, on a sat night- bored! i cleaned my room, emptied my closest of clothes that dont fit- i NO longer have much of a wardrobe! crraaapp=)  as of today, I am officially 64 lbs down.  which I guess isnt much when I compare to the other OH'rs but I will take what I can get! =)  I did have 3 beers last night- and yes- i was plenty drunk.  i dont intend to drink again anytime soon, either.  I am fairly happy- and slowly working to get over the love of my life!  Everyday I feel like I take a step forward-and a phone call or text message 20 minutes later,  I take 2 steps back.  but I can do this. healthy living, healthy lifestyle also means a healthy heart- and relationship.  thank god.    Everything is gonna be alright- I know it.  I have been working out like mad lately. I have been not scheduling clients and missing out on money- a lot of money to try and get my body right, and well- i haven't lost much, but like my ex told me- consistency will show results. just keep doing it. 
As a matter of fact I am going to a friends house right now to do her tae bo with her. pfft.  i hate billy blanks.  especially when im super tired.

anyways.  I just want to see results already. i will post a before and current very soon so we can compare. =)
 anyhow- i am 5.5 months out and i am at 174 lbs, 44 lbs from my doctors goal weight.

and im just wondering why doesnt my dr give me protein shakes? i mean really everyone else takes them?  i am supposed to eat my protein- and I am wondering why everyone else got drains and I didnt? dont get me wrong a drain would suck, but how was my procedure diff than one with a drain?

i guess...i am babbling.  hit me up on myspace or facebook and chat www.myspace.com/effinsnax
or www.facebook.com/effinsnax

i know- creative right?

well. thanks for all the support. =) all of your emials and comments are really sweet and really help me out- i love that i can emial anyone with a question and get an honest answer.


im here if ya need me
xo val

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Sep 23, 2007
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