2 years.... and counting

Apr 14, 2010

Wow, I didn't realize how long it had been since I've been to OH.  Time is just flying by.  Well, two years ago today my life took a drastic change.... and one for the better.  I am at my goal weight of 175 lbs.  I actually fluctuate between 174 and 177 and I am okay with that.  I fit comfortably in a size 12.  I have more energy than I ever thought possible.  And thank goodness I do because my life hasn't slowed down the past several months.  I am hoping to change jobs soon and get on a schedule that I can work more fitness into my schedule.  I've tried a pole dancing class and I loved it.  I just need to work my schedule around the classes.  Hopefully soon.  Not much more to say than that.  Life is good.  I am blessed.  To all my OH family stay well.


I made it to my goal... now what?

Aug 26, 2009

Well, I have made it to my goal of 175 lbs.  That is a total of 137 lbs. since I began this journey in March of 2008.  What a ride it has been.  I know my surgeon wants me to lose more but I'm happy.  I am comfortably wearing a size 12 clothes.  I have more energy than I ever thought possible.  So, I've decided if I lose more that is the icing on the cake and if I don't, I'll be content with my success.  I am thankful for the opportunity to take control of my life again.  Thanks, Dr. Jawad.

On the home front, things are still crazy busy.  It seems that the boxes keep multiplying overnight.  As soon as one is emptied, there are two more in its place.  School started this week for my son.  He is a high schooler this year.  I look back and wonder where the time went.  I remember his first day of kindergarten like it was last week.  Oh well, he is becoming a fine young man.  I'm proud of him.

I hope to make my rounds some time soon.  I make no promises.  However, if any of my friends on OH are reading this, know that you are in my thoughts and prayers and I'm sending you lots of warm wishes for continued success on your journey!!!

Crazy busy...

Aug 02, 2009

It's been a crazy couple of weeks.  I've been working full time at my first job and 20+ hours at my second job.  Also during this busy work schedule we moved to a new house.  So, it was packing, moving and trying to unpack.  There are still boxes everywhere but we are enjoying our new home.  Needless to say I've been away from here for awhile.

On a positive note, I'm down to 180 lbs.  I'm just 5 pounds from MY goal of 175 pounds.  My surgeon's goal for me is 146 but I don't see me making it there.  I'm not saying that I couldn't do it but I really don't want to.  I want to keep a little bit of meat on me.  I already feel so bony... not that I am... but for a girl that's been "fluffy" all her life it is a new feeling.

This journey has been a whirlwind of emotions and changes.  I have noticed how people treat me differently or at least I feel that they do.  I don't get stares at me due to my size any more.  I don't get the snickers and the whispers behind my back.  I am an average (still overweight) person.  I can do anything I want without worrying about my size.  That is a great feeling.  I have so much more energy.  There is no way that a year ago I could have kept up the pace that I have during the past 3 weeks.  It would have been impossible carrying over 100 pounds more than I am now.  I am grateful and still in awe when I look back at where I've come from and where I am right now.  This surgery truly is a wonderful tool to be given.

Hopefully my life will slow down during the next month.  I can't wait to catch up on every one's progress.  Until then.... keep a smile on your face and a song in your heart.

1 comment

Pondering plastics....

Jul 06, 2009

I went to try on clothes this weekend and found myself still pulling clothes off the racks that were one to two sizes too big.  I still find that when I look in the mirror, I see the "fluffy" girl.  I don't see the thinner, healthier me. I guess it will take time for my brain to catch up with my body.   I wonder how many others that have surgery feel the same way.

So far I've lost 123 lbs.  I'm still amazed by that number.  When I first started pondering the thought of weight loss surgery, I said I would never have plastic surgery.  I now find myself seriously considering it.  My skin is sagging all over... even my ankles.  I wish the Doctors could just start pulling from the top of my shoulders and all the skin would magically move up and they would cut the excess off and be done with it.  But, I know it's not that simple.  Plastic surgery scares me.  It truly is a "cosmetic" procedure.  It won't improve my health per se but it would improve my mental image of myself.  It is no where in the near future due to financial reasons but it is definitely something that has been on my mind.

I hope everyone had a fun and safe 4th of July!!!  Peace, love and happiness to all..... 

15 month check up

Jun 29, 2009

I had my 15 month check up today.  My bloodwork came back good.  My weight loss was good.  I got a clean bill of health.  I'm a happy camper!!!

Officially overweight

Jun 21, 2009

Well, it is official.  I'm overweight.  Not morbidly obese.  Not obese.  Just overweight.  I know to those who haven't battled this evil called obesity, you wouldn't understand the excitement of this.  But for me... I'm thrilled.  My starting BMI was 48.9.  My BMI today is 29.9.  Wow.

I put on a size 14 pants today that were given to me a few months ago and to my surprise, they fit... nicely I might add.  I bought a cute denim skirt this weekend that was a size 12.  It was a little tight but I know in a month it will be perfect.  I'm still amazed when I look at where I was over a year ago and where I am today.  I feel so good.  My health is great.  My energy is through the roof.  My confidence is soaring.  I'm living the life that for so many years seemed like only a dream.

I hope to stop by to see everyone sometime this week and check in on you.  Until then... peace, love and happiness!!!

17 pounds to goal

Jun 18, 2009

I stepped on the scale this morning and 192 lbs. popped up.  I'm only 17 pounds from my personal goal.  I'm fitting comfortably in size misses 16 clothes.  I started out at 26/28 plus size.  That in itself is amazing. 

I am starting to have more difficulty sleeping since I've been losing weight.  All of my "padding" is gone and if I sleep on my side, my shoulder and knees hurt because of the bones protruding.  Don't get me wrong, I like the fact that I'm losing the padding but I guess I never realized that I would have a hard time sleeping.  Oh well, I'll take a few sleepless nights to keep this healthy lifestyle.

I go for my blood work this weekend followed by an appointment with my surgeon on June 29th.  I'm looking forward to following up with him.  It's always nice to have the reassurance that I'm doing things right.

I hope everyone has a great weekend.  I'm not sure what I'm doing but you can bet it won't be sitting on the sofa like I would have done two years ago!!!

Hypoglycemic episode

Jun 08, 2009

Well, I had my first scary episode since my WLS.  On Saturday while we were walking the dogs, I felt a little weak.  I told my husband and we headed back towards the house.  On the way, I broke out into a cold sweat.  By the time we made it home, I was drenched.  I checked my blood sugar and it was 50.  Yikes!  My Dad being a diabetic, I knew that this was low so I ate something and felt better fairly quickly.

I realize from all of this that I need to eat more carbs.  I've been trying to avoid them as much as possible but I need to get some carbs from fruits and vegetables.  I'll still stay away from sugar, flour, etc. 

On an up note, I'm down to 195.5 pounds this morning.  I can see my goal of 175 just on the horizon.  It's exciting.  I hope everyone is doing well on their journey.


197 and dropping...

Jun 03, 2009

Today I stepped on the scale and I weighed 197.  In the past two weeks of watching what I'm eating, I've lost 8 lbs.  I never realized how I was sabotaging my own weight loss with my diet.  I wasn't eating a lot of carbs (quantity) but I wasn't eating what I should (quality).  I've never felt as motivated as I do at this moment.  My goal from the beginning was to get to 175 lbs.  My physician's goal for me is 142 lbs.  I'm only 22 lbs away from where I think I want to be.  I'm not sure if I will stop there or drop a few more pounds after that.  All I really know is I can do this.

I had a wonderful "wow" moment yesterday.  I went to court mediation for a custody matter with my son.  The Guardian-ad-litem walked right by and didn't recognize me.  When I walked into the room where he was waiting, his jaw dropped.  He took a second look.  Without missing a beat, I said, "I look great, huh?"  He said, "You look amazing."  The look on my ex's face was priceless.  I started this journey to get healthy but oh how I love these unexpected "wow" moments when people see me.

I hope that everyone is having a great week.  Stay healthy & motivated.  We can all do this together!!!

Good-bye 200's

May 31, 2009

I finally did it.  I'm at 199 pounds today.  So farewell 200's.  One of my goals when I started on this journey was to get below 200 pounds.  What a wonderful feeling to step on the scale and see that I have achieved it.  I haven't weighed this since I was in high school... and that was a long time ago.  I've lost 6 pounds in 2 weeks after starting back on the program.  I can honestly say that I didn't lose 6 pounds in 2 months when I was enjoying the carbs.  It is nice to see that I didn't break my "tool", I was just misusing it. 

I thank God every night for Dr. Jawad and the skill and the knowledge that he has to change lives.  I am so grateful for this opportunity to take my life back and enjoy it.  I am so much more confident in EVERYTHING but especially in myself.  I walk with a bounce in my step and my head held higher.  It's amazing.

So, to anyone that may read this and be struggling with your weight loss... get back to basics.  Eat your protein first.  Limit your carbs.  Drink lots of water.  Take your vitamins.  And hang on for the ride.

About Me
Kissimmee, FL
Surgery Date
Feb 25, 2008
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