It's been a while...

Dec 27, 2008

Well, it has been a long time since I have written anything. I wish I would have been documenting more but I haven't been feeling too good and my computer was running really slow. So, as of today, I am down to 185 pounds. 77.5 lost so far. I am amazed at how fast it is coming off. Back in November I had a bit of a complication. I had a perforated ulcer and needed another surgery. That really came out of the blue and it was extremely painful. I still am not eating much solid food. I pretty much stick with the protein shakes. For me right now that is the best way I can get all the protein in. I feel pretty nauseated most of the time so my doc put me on compazine. That really helps! That's about it for now.

On the mend!

Sep 15, 2008

Ok. So. It is finally over. They say, "Be careful what you wish for!". It was more than I imagined. I don't know what I thought, but this was more painful than I thought it would be. I am getting stronger every day though. It is funny when people ask if I am happy that I did it. I just tell them to ask me again in a month. Right now, in pain, DUH? No-I am not happy. But I know I will be. I came home on Oxygen. I got a little touch of pneumonia.


Aug 31, 2008

Well, I am just a couple of days away now. Today I start on liquids. I never did have "The Last Supper" mentality. I think I did that earlier in my journey back in January when I decided to go for it! Looking back, it has gone by quite fast. I have some personal friends who have been through this process and it took them much longer. I feel very blessed to have found this website. Thanks to everyone for your kind words of encouragement.


Aug 25, 2008

I am currently scheduled for September 2nd! Wow, that is actually sooner that I expected. I am going for pre-admission testing this Wednesday. OK, now I am nervous. Is that normal?

Waiting for a date

Aug 18, 2008

Now that I have been approved by my insurance company, I sit waiting for 10 days now to hear from the hospital to schedule a date. My last weight documentation was 6/2/08. I was denied 2 times! The psychologist I was referred to by my surgeon was not approved by BCN so I had to get another psych. eval. I did that very quickly and now I wait...again. I wanted to have this done by the time my kids went back to school but it isn't looking so good now. I have been patient, but I am starting to lose it!

About Me
Sterling Hieghts, MI
Surgery Date
Aug 18, 2008
Member Since

Friends 14

Latest Blog 5
On the mend!
Waiting for a date
