my life

Feb 25, 2007

I was thin my whole life wore a size 7 or 9.  I started gaining weight in 1993 and continued straight threw until 2006.  I am 5 ft 7 and now 250 lbs.  I never thought I would get this heavy.  I have tried all the fad diets which work for a little while and then the will power leaves me.  I have found myself to be an emotional eater and if I am bored or upset I eat.  My husband is 20 lbs overweight and can lose his weight by stopping pop and drinking water it is amazing.  It has taken me a year to decide if I wanted to have a RNY performed but one day I looked in the mirror and said I want my life back.  My kids and husband need me healthy.  I am an Emergency Room Nurse at Emanuel Hosptial and I need to be healthy.  I am a week before surgery and I am an emotional mess.  My husband doesn't understand why I am so emotional, so I have been crying by myself for two days trying to figure things out.  Hoping somebody out there has some advice or a dry shoulder.

A whole new experience

Feb 23, 2007

This is my first time on this website.  I learned about it from a very nice lady at the pre-op class.  I think her name was Kelly, but my memory is failing me.  Thanks for the information I really appreciated it.  My surgery is scheduled for March 6th with Dr. Hong.  I have been saying I am not nervous, but now I am nervous.  I guess for me it is the fear fo not knowing what to expect afterwards.  I am a nurse in the emergency room and I am just afraid I won't be ready to go back to work in three weeks.  I have been overweight since 1993 and I feel like I lost myself over the last 14 years.  I am married and have two beautiful children and we live in Sandy.  My husband is very supportive of my decision to have surgery, but he too is afraid of what complications might arise from the surgery.  I have told only a few family members about my decision and I chose to not tell people at work in fear of being judged.  I wish I would have known about this website earlier.  I think it would have helped me with my questions.   But, better late than never.  If anyone has any advice, please feel free to share.  I would really appreciate it.

About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 23, 2007
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my life
A whole new experience
