4 mos post of

Dec 11, 2008

I am now over 4 mos post op and feeling great.  I still get sick mostly from not chewing my food well enough and it gets stuck.  Every now and then I eat a little to quickly and get a little to full. 

I have tried sugar, and depending on your outlook, my reaction wasn't what I wanted.  I was hoping to get so sick that I wouldn't look at another cookie, candy or cake.  Unfortunately I did NOT get sick.  I have tried a cookie and some reeses pieces and nothing.  They just tasted yummy.  So I am going to have to use my head and not give in to these crazy cravings and urges. 

I looked into sugar free chocolate for those bad times, but they are so high in fat and carbs I stay away.  However I found that Hershey's sell These chocolate sticks that are only 60 cal. with little fat, 6 carbs with 4 of them being sugar.  I have one of those and it satisfies my cravings. 

I exercise pretty well.  I use a treadmill, pilates ball and our home weight machine.  I already have a ton of extra skin on my arms thights and abdomen, but maybe I can tone some of that up.  I know not all of it, but some would be good.

I still get a little scared about what the future hold for me not only weight wise, but health wise and I take a deep breath and just worry about today.  I am happy I got this surgery.  Not only for my physical health, but for my mental.

Feeling Good

Oct 14, 2008

It's been a little over two mos. now and I am feeling great.  Once all of the anesthetic was out of my system and the drain tube came out I was feeling fine.  I am now down 70 lbs and have 49 to go.

I have been getting sick a lot lately.  Mostly due to eating a little to fast or not chewing well enough.  Chicken gives me a hard time and so does anything microwaved (dries it out).  I will have blood work done next month for my 3 mos check up and I am very curious to see how my vitamin levels are.

On a great note, I had to go for my annual bus drivers physical and had my blood pressure done.  The highest my BP has been recorded was 203/99 and yesterday it was a near perfect 121/73. 

I just can't believe how wonderful I feel. 

Surgery Complete

Aug 10, 2008

I had my surgery on Thursday 8-7-08 and cam home Saturday 8-09-08.  I'm feeling a little scared and depressed.  I admit that i wonder why I did this.  All these months of studying I knew what I was getting into and now that it is done I am so scared that I made a huge mistake.  I know I will feel better as time goes on and I get the drain tube removed, but I am still scared.

I have approval!!

Jul 17, 2008

I got the call today from Sue and I have approval!!  We set a date for August 7, 2008!!!  That is in three weeks!!!  I am so excited and scared!!!

Awaiting Approval

Jun 26, 2008

I have finally completed all the requirements requested by my surgeon and insurance.  The Psych exam, pulminary, endoscopy and a 6 month supervised weight loss program.  I am so on pins and needles waiting for either an approval or denial from the insurance company.  
My surgeon seemed confident that I will be approved and can have a lap rny rather than open.   
I started out at 254 and I have managed, with a lot of ups and downs, to drop
16 lbs to 238!  That was a lot harder than I thought it would be.  Keeping my fingers crossed. 

First Month Weigh In

Jan 24, 2008

I had my first of six weigh ins today and I lost almost 10lbs!!!  Of course I feel like I am starving.  
I will be seeing Dr Monk next month along with the pulminary spec and the dietician.  Hope all goes well!!!!

Jumping Through The Hoops

Jan 09, 2008

I have already had my consultation with Dr. Monk and I am now working with my family phys on my six months of a weight loss program (I am working with my dr. because the WLC doesn't accept my insur.)  I will have my first weigh in at the end of January.  I have another appt with Dr. Monk on Feb 20 and then a meeting with the dietician that same day.  Then I will be meeting with the Pulminary Spec on the 21st.  I am really not looking forward to the sleep test!

About Me
Hanover, PA
Surgery Date
Jan 09, 2008
Member Since

Friends 3

Latest Blog 7
4 mos post of
Feeling Good
Surgery Complete
I have approval!!
Awaiting Approval
First Month Weigh In
Jumping Through The Hoops
