
Jul 21, 2011

I am super bad about updating here so visit my blog to see how I am doing! www.OfThisGirl.com


Wow, what a difference a year makes!

Apr 05, 2011

Wow, what a difference a year makes! Last year I made the toughest decision of my entire life. Even with all of the complications I have had and continue to experience I still know I made the right decision for me. As of today I'm down 192 pounds from my highest weight. Down 161 pounds since my WLS. I'm 2 pounds under my surgeons goal and 13 pounds away from my personal goal. I used to wear a 26/28w and now I'm wearing 8/10.  I feel amazing and can't wait to see what the future brings!

feeling amazing!

Mar 21, 2011

Just a quick update! I'm down 160#s and I will be 1 year post op in a few weeks. I have about 14#s left  until I reach my personal goal and I am under my surgeons goal by 1#. I feel amazing and have so much more energy now. :)

1/2 of me gone

Jan 13, 2011

Today I weigh 185 pounds. wow just wow! My highest weight was 370 pounds so I have now lost 185 pounds since my highest weight or simply put I have lost half of me! I am down 154 pounds from surgery.

I still want to lose 20 pounds (maybe more...I will know once I get there) and I need to lose 5 more to hit my surgeons goal weight for me which was set at 180 pounds.

I feel great! I registered to run my first 5k in September. Funny thing is its my birthday present to myself. I want to prove to myself that I can do a 5k (and hopefully a marathon one day!) so I decided to run one the weekend before my 32nd birthday.

I still can't believe how far I have come in a little over 9 months. I am so proud of myself and excited to see what the future holds for me!


yep yep yep :)

Jan 07, 2011

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com

almost 8 months out :)

Nov 22, 2010


Surgery Bills!

Nov 11, 2010

I'm a little bored tonight. So I decided to add up all of my bills from my gastric bypass. I included all of the bills for my aftercare, labs, psychiatrist visits, the supervised diet visits, nutritionist visits, and any visits I had to make to my primary for approval. I also added in the bills from the complications I have had like the dehydration/low potassium and gallbladder surgery. Basically everything I had to pay to have this surgery so far. The totals amazed me. This doesn't include any prescription medicines I have had to have. I will add those up later and edit the post to include them :)

Total bills received: $134,241

Total paid by insurance: $55,690 (I have an Aetna PPO and Aetna has been nothing but AMAZING!)

Total out of my pocket: $2320 (my co-payments, deductibles and Dr visits)

another long update!

Nov 11, 2010

Where oh where do I start?

The past few months have been full of excitement. To re-cap a few months after my surgery when I was hospitalized for the dehydration/low potassium I was having a pain on my right side in my mid back area. My surgeon ordered an ultrasound and they found sludge. He felt is was too soon to put me through another surgery so we both decided to wait and see if it developed into stones.

    The beginning of September I went to Disneyland and the day after I got home I started having this horrible shoulder pain on my right side. I figured I pulled a muscle or somehow got hurt on a ride at Disneyland. I went to my primary Doctor in mid September. He prescribed me a muscle relaxer and some pain meds to help out. It hurt so bad. Over the next few days I noticed the muscle relaxers were not giving me any relief and neither were the pain meds. I stopped them both. I started to research shoulder pain and came to the conclusion that it was my gall bladder and not a pulled muscle. So back to my primary I went. He still felt it was a pulled muscle and really didn't listen to me. ugh I hate it when Doctors won't listen!
  I went to Dr Takata (my surgeon) on October 12th for my 6 month check up. My labs looked good and he agreed that it was most likely my gallbladder. He ordered an ultrasound and it showed stones. So a request for surgery was sent to my insurance. Unfortunately my gallbladder couldn't wait for insurance to pre-authorize the surgery. I went to the urgent care on October 28th. I checked in to urgent care at noon and was in surgery with Dr Takata at 3pm having my gallbladder removed.

    As soon as I woke up from surgery I felt relief. I didn't realize how bad the pain had been. I guess I had just adjusted and become accustomed to it. My recovery has been slow. I feel as if the pain has lasted longer then the pain from my bypass but the pain isn't as intense...if that makes any sense! I took about 2 weeks off of work. I just want to make sure I am 100% when I go back this time.

    Now for the good news!

  * I've hit wonderland. I don't remember the last time I saw a one as the first number on the scale :)

  * I'm down about 143 pounds in about 7 months from surgery and about 174 from my highest weight.

  * I have so much more energy now.

  * I volunteered in my niece Ashlynns class and without thinking sat down in a little kid school chair. After I sat down. I was like whoa! I didn't worry about sitting down and breaking the little kid chair!

  * My butt bones hurt. I took my nephew Cody to his ice skating/hockey class and my butt hurt so bad the next day from sitting on the hard bleachers so long. I have so much less cushion now!

  * I'm wearing mostly 14s for bottoms and L for tops.

  * I can wear my sisters clothes. Some people will never understand how accomplished this alone makes me feel. I was always the "big" little sister and now we are the same size :)

  * My hair loss has slowed down a lot. I also have tons of new little hairs growing in.
* Insomnia...it sucks! it seems to hit us post-ops a lot harder. I just can't seem to fall to sleep and stay sleeping anymore.
  * I still love the tortilla crusted tilapia from Costco. I eat it several times a week with a Greek yogurt/salsa dip.

  * I did really really good for about 2 months with taking all my supplements but since my gallbladder surgery I suck at it but I did get all of my vitamins in yesterday and I'm off to a good start today...Remember one day at a time :)

  * I still don't have any hunger pains but I can tell when my tummy is hungry it starts to make all kinds of crazy noises and sometimes I feel a full sensation after eating. I still weigh all of my food portions.

  * CLICK! I love it! This is the only protein drink I can handle. I usually blend it with some FF milk. SF vanilla syrup and some ice...YUMMY! and a lot cheaper then Starbucks!

  * I have realized that my niece Ashlynn is my biggest cheerleader, She is just so proud of me and my nephew Cody is just so helpful. He even helped me make some sugar free fudge :) He is so sweet. He asked me when my surgery was going to be over so I  can eat normal food. I told him I do eat normal food. (well really normal for me) He replied to me and said yep "you eat 4 ounces". He is just so cute and he tries so hard to understand what I am going through.



Aug 28, 2010

Wow what a ride so far!. I'm so bad at blogging. As of this morning I'm down 111 pounds since my surgery and around 142 pounds from my highest weight.  I'm so happy with where I am. I know I still have a ways to go but even if I don't lose another pound after today I will still be happy and secure with my decision to have this surgery. This gave me my life back. I have more energy and feel so much more productive now. At my last visit my labs looked good and Dr. Takata said he was happy with where I was at. I have an appointment with my nutritionist September 15th (I think) and then I go back to Dr. Takata sometime in mid October for my  6 month check-up. I still want to lose about another 60 pounds. I have come so far in such a short period of time. I'm still amazed at all of this. Here are somethings I have noticed over the past few weeks:

* I can now wear bras and panties from Victorias Secret.

* I can now wear tall boots. I could never zip them up all the way since my calf was too large and now they fit perfectly.

* When my niece Ashlynn hugs me she can fit her arms all the way around my waist. She was so happy about this and so am I.

* I'm a large in my top and a 16 in bottoms. Shopping is starting to be fun again.

* I'm still getting migraines and not being able to take NSAIDS sucks. I haven't found a migraine medicine that works for me.

* I still love the tortilla crusted tilapia from Costco and I make a little dip of Greek yogurt and salsa so it sort of is like a fish taco. I could eat this everyday oh and homemade chili...yummy!

* I have not dumped once since surgery. I read all labels and weigh all of my food before I eat it. I am terrified of getting sick so I follow my Dr's plan 100%

* I still see myself as a 300+ pound person. My head hasn't caught up with my weight loss.

* I still have no feeling of fullness or no hunger sensation.

* Battling head hunger just plain sucks. The past few weeks have been super hard. I had a mini meltdown one night for no reason what so ever. My solution was to drink a glass of water and go to bed early.

* I have horrible insomnia. I can't sleep. I don't know what to do. I have had to take Tylenol pm 3 times in the past 2 weeks. I need to figure out something soon. I am just so exhausted.

* It is still a struggle to get 64 ounces of fluids in. Some days are better then others but I'm hitting my goal 90% of the time.

* My hair. Yep still falling out. I think it has slowed down some. Thanks goodness I had thick hair to start out with.

* I have committed to doing a Girl Scout 1 mile run with my niece. I would never of agreed or been able to do this 100+ pounds ago.

* I have realized I suck at taking my vitamins. I read someones post about mymedschedule.com and I set up text/email reminders. So I am a lot better about taking my supplements now :)

* Attention. Yep. You lose a bit of weight and people do notice and some don't know how to react and others are completely supportive and amazing.

* I've never had so many doors help open for me in my entire life. It sort of makes me a little sad that now more guys notice me and I'm still the same person as before. Just makes me realize that societies standards suck.

* Unfortunately the one guy I want to notice me I haven't seen and I dint have enough guts to contact him and tell him how I feel. Oh well maybe I will soon. I got nothing else to lose, right? :)

Overall I feel great and am looking forward to continuing my journey. OK time for my night vitamins and some sleep.


100 pounds

Aug 10, 2010

more later. I have a follow up with Dr Takata today but Im down 100 pounds as of this morning :)

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com

About Me
San Diego, CA
Surgery Date
Dec 26, 2006
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