One year ago today...

Jun 15, 2011

One year ago today I began a new journey and a new life. One year ago today I had gastric bypass. I began my journey at 256 lbs and I wore a size 22 pants. A year later and I'm a size 11/12 and I now weigh 170. I have 14 more pounds to lose to reach my goal. At goal weight means I would/ will have lost 100 lbs. I can't express how happy I am and how grateful I am for this amazing journey. I give GOD all the credit and thank him for giving me the means and the ability to do this. I also than HIM for loving me! I thank my hubby and my sister for being my biggest support!

I've had my ups and downs, mostly ups. My strictures, my low potassium and my hair loss was the worst part of the whole experience. My strictures which caused food to get stuck but I had two procedures done that took care of the issue. During one of the procedures when they checked my blood work they found out that my potassium levels were extremely low. While I was there they put me on an IV and pumped potassium in me. OMGosh that was the worst pain I have ever felt. It felt like my veins were on fire and there was nothing I could do about it. I don't ever want to go through that again. During my first year, actually the first few months after my surgery, I began to lose my hair. It came out in clumps, especially when I took a shower or combed my hair. It became very thin, so much that you could see my scalp in some places. It reminded me of someone going through chemo. While I am grateful that that was not the reason for my hair loss, I could empathize with those that lose their hair. It's quite humiliating and does a real number on your self esteem. I didn't ever think that it would affect me the way it did. Another thing that happened with my hair that really bothered me was the texture of my hair. My hair has always be comparable to horse hair, but for a while it was worse it was just like straw. There was no flexibility at all to my hair. My hair has since gotten thicker and I fight daily with conditioner to make it some what manageable. It is getting some of the flexibility back but like I said its a daily battle. However, looking back and knowing what I know now I would do it over a million times. I am so very Blessed!!! Thank you Sweet JESUS!!!
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4 lb loss in 3 days and 5 lbs gained in 2.5 days

Apr 05, 2011

Ok here's my story! I had WLS on June 16, 2010 and to date I have lost 80.5 lbs. My starting weight was 256lbs  and I currently weigh 175.5 lbs. To me that is a Blessing! Thank you Lord for giving me the tool. Having given praise where it belongs I still have a dilemma and need some explanation. Last week, March 28 to be exact I weighed 176 lbs. I was somewhat ill that Wednesday with a terrible migraine and had quite a bit of nausea. By Thursday March 31 I weighed in at 172. That's a weight lost of 4lbs in 3 days. I was ecstatic. That's the most weight I lost in months. I chalked it up to water weight loss. To me though a loss is a loss. Ok so here's the kicker, I went camping Friday April 1st and we didn't come back until Sunday April 3rd. While the food options weren't the best I don't' think they were all that bad. I ate a lot of all grain chips and my usual bananas and carrots. I think what did it was the fruity little alcoholic beverages I drank, 3 max but still I hadn't done that since the surgery. Also what might have contributed was not doing a lot of activity. We were on a boat and there's not a whole lot of activity you can do on a boat. We fished all day Saturday, I'm burnt like a lobster heehehehehe. Ok so we come back Sunday and not in the least to my surprise, I gained weight. I expected it, but to my surprise I gained 5 pounds in 2.5 days. WTH! Ok so now I've come to the realization that I was prepared for the gain, just not that much. In any case I weighed again yesterday morning, Monday and I weighed 177 lbs, same as Sunday. Ok I can live with this so I'll just work harder to lose the gained weight. Today, Tuesday (morning) my typical routine I weighed myself and low and behold I weighed 175.5, now that's a weight loss of 1.5 lbs in one day. OMGosh! While I'm happy with the reduced number I need an explanation. What in the world is going on? I have to vent and I have to let it all out. I need it to make sense! By the way, it's in my nature to weigh myself on a daily basis. It works for me. I'm totally lost and spastic if I don't weigh myself. It keeps me on track. (I average losing about 3-4 lbs a month for at least the last 6 months) So nothing is abnormal except the 4 lbs in 3 days weight loss and then the 5 lbs gained in 2.5 days. That's just crazy.

update hair loss Feb 2 2011

Feb 01, 2011

Oh I forgot to mention my hair loss. Well I lost most of my hair and it looks funny. But that's ok I'll sacrifice my hair for my weight loss any day. ok Truth be known at first it really bothered me and it really weighed heavy on my mind and I was concerned about my looks. One guy at work asked me what was up with the Cleopatra look, this kinda hurt my feelings, because I have always thought Cleopatra look beautiful. (I'm referring to the movie with Liz Taylor). I thought maybe if I cut my hair it would look better but I chickened out because I know David doesn't like short hair. So now I have resorted to blow drying my hair under and then using my hot iron to flatten the fly aways and then I use it to make the bottom curl under. For the most part I think it looks ok, I'm not going to win any Miss America pagents but then again I wouldn't have ever won even with a full set of hair. LOL Most days I feel good about my appearance and my hair.


Be blessed, stay blesssed!

God expects you to do what you can and he will take care of what you can't!

Checking in after all this time Feb 2 2011

Feb 01, 2011

Good Tuesday morning!
It's 20 degrees here in good ole Del Rio. The Artic cold front hit last night and bburrr it's cold.
Well I noticed it's been a while since I last wrote in my blog. I have tracked my weight faithfully but have failed to write about my experience. So where do I begin....

God has blessed me beyond my comprehension and I am truly so grateful! I am not deserving and yet he loves me and continually blesses me everyday. I am humbled by His love and forgiveness.

Today is Wednesday February 2, 2011. I officially weigh 180 lbs. My journey began with a weight of 256. To date I have lost 76 lbs with 24 lbs more to go to hit my goal weight of 156 lbs. Yay me!!!! Thank you Lord Jesus, lover of my soul!

If I keep losing an average of 3 lbs a month I will meet my goal weight in September 2011. I would really like to make a new goal weight of 136 but for now as it was back then 156 lbs is more than fair and reasonable and most of all attainable.

Oh by the way September 2011 will be my 15 post surgery. Wow sometimes I just can't wrap my mind around what as happened thus far. It's truly amazing and such a blessing.

I feel great!!! I might have mentioned it before but I'll say it again "I feel like I am living, not just merely exsisting"!

Life is great and I am blessed!!!

As I was watching Biggest Loser last night it occurred to me that I'm full of life. Before I was content to lay around and not want to do much anything else but maybe eat. Now I just don't feel like sitting around doing nothing, I want to do something. I am no longer content with just sitting there, ok well maybe a little but for the most part I want to move and get out. Something else I noticed is I move 100 percent better. I can bend over, I walk faster and I don't get out of breath as before. Oh too I don't snore, hehehe aahhh the little things. This is 'LIFE"!

God is good, life is good!!!


Oct 18, 2010

Oct 17, 2010

I'm checking in...I weigh 194 pounds. I'm at the point now where the pounds are slowing but steadily dropping off. I lose about 1 pound a week. I thank God every day that at least I'm not gaining any weight. Over all I'm happy with where I'm at, however I have began to lose my hair. I finally went and got a hair cut on Oct 12 and it seems to help. It's been real scarry cause all I have to do it run my fingers through my hair and just get globs and globs of hair in my hands. I have to clean the drain every time I take a shower. It amazes me when I see how much hair I have actually lost. I can't believe I still have hair. On the positive side it just looks like it's thinning and at least there not any bald spots. Oh I am finally wearing a size 16 pants and even those are getting to be big on me. My hubby has lovingly dubbed me as the "incredible shrinking woman".  I ahve gotten more attention from him than I could ever want. He tells me all the time how sexy or hot he thinks I am and it pleases me beyond comprehension. It makes me feel good. I have rambled but I just wanted to bring my blog up to date.


Sept 24 2010

Sep 23, 2010

I'm so excited...I weighed myself this morning and I finally am under 200 pounds. I weigh197.5 lbs to be exact. Wow, yay me!!! Ok so I think me being sick yesterday had something to do with it but I'll take it anyway I can get it. The day before my hubby cooked/grilled chicken and I cooked french cut green beans and chicken rice. After a few bites I was done.   I felt like I was going to explode. Robyn put her ear to my tummy and she said it sounded like boiling water in my tummy. UGHHH! All I felt was a sharp stabbing pain. I finally took some med and went to bed. I didn't sleep much, mostly tossed and turned. At 2 I got up to go to the restroom and get something to drink. I took a few sips and it all came back up.   :(
Finally I got up at my usual time took a shower and my head didn't feel right, tried to finish getting ready for work and nope.... it wasn't happening. I called in sick! Through out the day I continued to throw up, or more like dry foamy heaves. I think I was throwing up bubbles or burps. I called the doc and they said that I probably had some chicken stuck. They told me to take meat tenderizer and roll it in a ball and eat it. Ok I couldn't figure out how you do that so I just waited and let the situation take it's own time. TMI I know blog blog. Today I feel better, I do however have a head ache and my sides hurt from yesterday. But as I started this entry I am so excited because I weigh under 200 lbs, 197.5 to be exact!!!!

3 months post op

Sep 09, 2010

Yay, three months post op I'm down 53lbs, yesterday 9-8-10. Yay me!!!! It's been a fantastic life changing experience. I've had my ups and downs but the benefits of weight loss out weigh all of the down times. Well actually I really can't complain about one single thing. This has been an amazing journey and the results are unbelievable. 
Would I do it again? Heck yeah, in a heart beat!
I am wearing a size 16-18 pants. I can finally fit into David's pants with them zipped up. Ok, ok so I have a muffin top but I am still amazed that I can get them on and zip them up.
Over the weekend my oldest daughter gave me the best compliment ever. She said mom I wish my arms looked like yours. How sweet is that?  I love my girls!!!!
Thank you Lord Jesus for all you have given me and for all you have taken away from me!

Be a while

Sep 03, 2010

It's been a while since I last wrote on my blog :( .
Things have been going really well. At the beginning of this week I finally hit the 50lbs lost. Yay me!   I can't believe... My body goes in positions I nver thought possible, especially when I was at 256lbs. It's amazing what 50lbs gone does!  Life is really great!!! We are going to spend Labor Day weekend with Amber, David's daughter. I am so excited and nervous all at the same time. It's a long story but we will get her for the weekend, as long as mom says it's ok.
Oh I had another procedure done on the 16th of August. They made the 9mm opening to a 15mm opening. Dr. Bell said 15mm is normal. He wants me to go back and have another one just to make sure but I'm doing fine and I don't think I need another one. I am now able to progress my diet to normal foods. I still have issues with eating to fast and not eating the right foods. It's not out of control and I won't let ever be. I don't throw  up a lot but every once in awhile I do like I said when I eat too fast too much and not the right things. Life is good and  I can't complain. God has blessed me beyond what i deserve. He is good and I love God very much!!!!!!!
Oh last week or the week before I purchase 3 new pair of pants. 2 of them were size 16 and the other was a very loose 18. I went through my closet and got rid of alot of my old pants. Now I don't have anything to wear.  I'm not ready to fork out a lot of money not to mention I don't have money either. Robyn did give me some of her pants that didn't fit her and they will work for the time being.

That's it for now

8-11-10 (2 months post op)

Aug 11, 2010

Two months post op today and I have lost 42.5 pounds. Yay, me! I feel really good. Still having some slight trouble keeping foods down but I go back on Monday and have another EGD to open the stricture. I need to start working out but I still don't have the will power yet. I can tell my legs are weak, especially if I climb stairs. My arms a beginnin to wave in the wind LOL. Over all I feel great!!!!

Body Fat Calculator

Aug 08, 2010" target="_blank">" title="Diet Calculator" alt="Diet Calculator" border="0"/>

About Me
Del Rio, TX
Surgery Date
Jun 24, 2010
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