Almost 10 months out.

Jun 22, 2008

I should be posting more.  I don't know where the time goes. 

I am down 136 from my highest weight ever.  So that is great.  Although the weight loss is slowing down.  It is kinda depressing when it slows down.  But I guess it has to when you are closer to the end of the journey.

My Dr says I am a success.  he would like me to lose another 10 lbs.  I would like to lose about 40 or 50.  But I guess if I have some plastic surgery that wil cover maybe 20 lbs of it.  So really I only have about 20 lbs to lose I guess.  WOW it is amazing!!!

Should post an update!!!

Jan 04, 2008

Well hello everyone, I was one of those people that was going to keep this up to date and not let it go a long time without posting.  LOL  What happened to that??

Well it has been now 4 months, and I am down a total of 95 lbs since the beginning....although 35lbs of that was the pre-surgery diet.  

everything has been going well.  Eating is not hard.  I am never hungry.  Feeling great.  Losing alittle hair though.  But the Surgeon said that will grow back.  No problem.

Still have about 70 more lbs to go to what I would like to be at.  Hopefully that will go fast!!!

Hopefully I will write more soon!

Surgery coming up soon! August 29th, 2007

Aug 25, 2007

Well the surgery is coming up, next wed I have to be at the George L Dumont hospital in Moncton at 5:30 in the morning.  

Getting pretty nervous now.  Had a dream last night that they couldn't put me to sleep before the surgery.  he he he

I don't think it really hit me until I booked the hotel room for my Dad, Mom and my Fiance Blake.  Right after I hung up the phone I was pretty shaky and nervous.  I guess it didn't seem real until I started to prepare and make plans.  

Hopefully everything will go well, I haven't been in the hospital before ever, so getting pretty nervous.  

Send all your good thoughs and prayers my  way if you can!   Thanks!

Jan 24th, 2007

Jan 24, 2007

I guess I haven't written in a while.

I went to the internist in June 2006 and he wrote the letter for Medicare.  I didn't hear anything from medicare at all.  So I emailed them.  They sent back an email saying that a letter was sent to the internist as well as Dr B.  and for me to call the internist for the answer.  

So I called the internist....he was on vacation.  I couldn't wait 2 weeks for him to come back to see what the answer was....emailed medicare again and told them he was on vacation for 2 weeks could they send me a copy of the letter.  They did!  they attached the letter they had sent out.  It was dated the day after I saw the internist.  I was approved.  

So I waited a month and a half....didn't hear anything.  decided I should call Dr B to see if they had a date for my all day session yet.  GOOD THING I CALLED!!!!!!!  He hadn't gotten a copy and was still waiting for me to be approved.  I would never have gotten a call!  

She said that they were waiting on a girl to see when she was going to be out who does part of the all day session and would get back to me.  I heard back from them in Nov.  The day before they wanted me down for an all day session.  Which is ok.  They are pretty good here at work so I was able to go with short notice.  

next call was for the signing of the papers.  That was Jan 5th.  Now I am all signed and waiting for a call to go for the 3 hour tests.  haven't heard anything as yet.  When i did sign the papers the Dr said that likely I would have surgery in a couple of months.  So hopefully I will hear soon.  From talking to other people they have all gotten an answer of 3-6 month waits, and reading about people who are getting calls for surgery seems like you get a call for the 3 hour tests about 2 months after your signing, then about a month after that surgery.  So I am hoping that March will be the month!  I want the process to get under way!!!!  Want to get this done so that I can be healthy and try to have a baby before I am too old to have one.  :)  I am getting up there so not much time left.  Actually I should have done all this long ago...should have all my baby trying done by now.  I hope I am not too late!

About Me
Fredericton, NB
Surgery Date
Mar 28, 2003
Member Since

Friends 14

Latest Blog 4
Almost 10 months out.
Should post an update!!!
Surgery coming up soon! August 29th, 2007
Jan 24th, 2007
