Tomorrow at 6 in the morning

Feb 08, 2009

Well tomorow is the BIG DAY,  My surgery is scheduled for 6 in the morning so I have to leave Orlando at around 4 in the morning.  I feel as if I am dreaming I cant believe that this is really going to happen.  I have been wanting to have this surgery for a long time now since 2005 and now I am really really really going to have it,  somebody pinch me.  I feel so miserable right now because of this liquid diet that I have to do today but that's alright I don't even care about not being able to eat what I want to eat.  Well this is the real test now am I a soldier or a wimp,  am I all mouth or action.  I will keep you all posted of my progress.

My Pre-Op Visit, ARE YOU FOR REAL!!!!?

Feb 05, 2009

Well yesterday was extremely busy,  I had to drive 0all the way to Gainesville from Orlando,  well it was not really all that bad.  I had my pre-op visit today .  I met with the dietitian, surgeon, anesthesiologist and the admissions people so it is really official because I have all of my admissions paperwork done for Monday.  The surgeon is really nice and confident 0, he really made me feel at ease.  I expressed concerns about me not loosing the entire 30 pounds that they had initially requested but he did not seem to mind he said I lost 20# and he was fine with that but at my consult they made it seem like ,  don't loose thirty and no surgery  0  so I was relieved and mad at the same time cause I kinda felt tricked.    Is thirty pounds the magic number that they tell every one? Well at least I am down about 20# pre op so I guess that's good  and then I told him that I was concerned that my liver may be toooo fat and I might wake up not banded and he said that he has done numerous of bands and he has never met a liver that was to fat for him. 0 WHAT?!!!  WHATS REALLY GOING ON?  So all of this time I have been stressing over nonthing.  Well,  I did say that I work best under pressure.  So after seeing the surgeon I was fine until I talked to the man who is gonna put me to sleep.  Why did he have to tell me the risk associated with anesthesia and everything (step by step )what they were gonna have to do to put me to sleep?  YOU HAVE TO DO WHAT AFTER I AM SLEEP?!!!) 0 WOW!!!   What you do not know wont hurt ya.  So now I am back to square one I am a worry wart.  But the other side of me says girl stop trippin you know you are going to do just fine, so I think I will listen to  the other side.  0



Feb 03, 2009

ok guys I am 6 days pre -op and I feel like I am loosing it ( And I aint talking about weight loss )   Lately when I go to sleep I have all of these weird crazy dreams.  One night I had a dream that an alligator was trying to eat me,  then I dreamed that I was in a flying elevator that was about to be set on fire,  then I dreamed that I was in a plane crash.  What's really going on.  Maybe it is the fact that I am only consuming protein drinks during the day and a small meal without carbs at night  or may be I am stressed out about the surgery.  All my life I have been big on encouraging other people,  telling them that they can make it and everything will be alright ,  but when it comes to myself  OH BOY  I loose it some times.  I keep telling myself, "Girl this is gonna be a breeze ,  You have been exercising every day and you have had 3 c-sections so this should be a piece of cake."  But for some reason that pep talk is not working at all.  At one time I told my 12 yr old that maybe I should not do this  but she said  mommy you have no choice  (from the mouth of a babe)  and she is   soooo very right.


my motivation

Jan 26, 2009

1 comment


Jan 25, 2009

Today is Monday and I feel like today is the weekend,  I am not dragging like I usually do on Mondays.  I fee like I can conquer anything that comes my way.  I feel unusually strong.  I feel like superwoman,   I am wondering where all of this energy is coming from?  Although I am feeling like this I am going to be cautious,   I do not want to get besides myself.  I remember the last time I was trying to loose weight I became overly confident and put myself in some compromising situations that allowed me to easily mess up.  Do not get me wrong I love feeling good about myself but I have to remember that I have not arrived yet.  I still have a long journey ahead so I need to save some of this energy for that.

MY Confession (part 1)

Jan 24, 2009

Well, Friday night I backslid a little,  I was naughty.  I had been craving chocolate so instead of eating a sugar free choc late jello pudding snack as I usually do,  I ate a big brownie from 7- eleven and a 3 musketeer candy bar.  Boy did I pay for it.  My stomach was hurting sooo bad and I had a terrible headache.  When I used to eat sweets like this before I would feel just fine.  I guess it is a good thing that I can not eat sweets like this any more because that is what was keeping my weight on.  I am a sugar addict.  The good news is that I quickly jumped back on my healthy eating and work out routine.  Although there was no weight gain that I could see, I truly believe that there would have been a greater weight loss if I had not eaten all that stuff.  With my surgery so close and the amt of weight that I still have 2 loose I am disappointed in myself because this is serious business.  (no time for brownies and candy bars!!!!!)  While I am confessing I also had a pack of cookies


Another Lovely Creation



I'm doing it!!!!!

Jan 16, 2009

I weighed myself 2 day,  I lost 10 pounds and have 20 more to go.  I have been doing water aerobics at the gym because of the knee pain.   I am starting to feel better now  , not as light headed.  I can really do this, yes I really can

Trying to hold on

Jan 15, 2009

I could kick my self that I waited until the last minute to try and loose weight for my surgery.  My consult was on nov. 13  and at that time the doctor's assistant told me that they wanted me to loose 30 pounds before surgery,  so what do I do?  I start trying  30 days before my surgery.  Oh boy am I catching it.  I feel so light headed because I stopped eating sweets cold turkey.  I usually perform better under pressure but this is alittle to much pressure.  Well I have to do what I have to do.  People please if your doctor tells you to loose weight before surgery do it as soon as he tells you,  Do not wait until the last minute like I did.

Lap Band Or Bypass?

Jan 14, 2009

Hello  I am looking for some input.  With only a few weeks away from my surgery I am torn between the band and the bypass.  I would like to know if there is any one out there that is/was 360+ pounds who has reached their ideal weight with the lap band.  the doctor is telling me that statistically most people only loose up to 60% of their excess weight.  But I do not want to be a statistic.  I want to reach my ideal weight but I want to do it slow and not to fast. 


How tight is to tight?

Jan 13, 2009

Hello everyone,  I just read a post about the disadvantages of having your band to
 tight.  I was not aware that a doctor would allow a persons band to be tighter than need be.  I  will not be banded until 2/9/09 and I have no idea when my first fill will be  but when I do get a fill will it be my responsibility to tell the doctor that my
band is too tight or will the doctor automatically know?  Can some one please explain and ease my troubled mind!!!

Another Lovely Creation


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orlando, FL
Jan 09, 2009
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