2 months out...

Aug 30, 2008

Ok, so I can feel the inches coming off mostly from my back area (weird huh?)    The pounds are coming off slower than I thought.  But they are coming off slowly but surely.  I know I am eating the  right things.......so confusing)


11 Days home from surgery...

Jul 11, 2008

O.K. so the gas stopped at about day 7.  THANK GOD!  That was definately the worst!  Now this GTube is poking me in my incision and I hope it doesnt get infected.  Can't wait till August 4th it is coming out.

The inches are definately falling off.  I know I shoudn't but yes I weigh every morning when I wake up.  And unlike the lapband, I am impressed with the results.  I think I will be ready for work on Monday.


6 Days Home from Surgery

Jul 06, 2008

Well I must say.... this really hurts!  Nothing like the lap band!  I have a G-Tube that will be in me for 4-6 weeks (preferably 4) I have terrible gas that won't seem to come out. I am emptying the tuble at least 8 times a day. (recommended 3)  Plain uncomfortable.  I took 2 weeks off of work and I just don't know if that's gonna be enough time.


Revision TOMORROW...

Jun 28, 2008

So preop was long but necessary.  I decided to work today because I need all my sick time for after the surgery, also I figure it will take my mind off of having to drink all clear liquids today. (can you say starvation?) I have just sent out my email to my family and closest friends all the hospital information and @beginning and end times for the surgery tomorrow.  Will I even be able to sleep tonight?  Will I make it through today with liquids only without passing out from starvation?  Will I cheat?  Is this real?  Will my kids be ok?  What if something happens?.....  
I just want to get to the moment when I wake up from surgery and know that everything went fine.  I want to thank everyone for the support on my journey, and I will be back on to post just as soon as I can.  Wish me luck!

1 week to revision...

Jun 23, 2008

Only 7 days to go.  This time next week, I will be recovering from my gastric bypass.  I have decided to share my wls with family and friends because I know this time the surgery will work.  I am a very open person who pretty much doesnt hold anything back.  I am not ashamed that I am having wls.  For some reason, I'm not even that disturbed that my lap band was a failure.  At 1st I was a little disturbed at the thought that I went thru "all that" and am still big as hell.  But I am at peace with that now, knowing that there is a time and place for everything, and everything happens for a reason.  I must honestly admit... the most shocking event for me is this:  Even with a bmi of 40, YES I know I am overweight.  But, for some reason when I tell people I am having the surgery, I expect them to say "What? You are not big enough for that!  (don't get me wrong, a select  few do say that) But the majority of the people say "Oh, okay..."  Maybe I see myself smaller than I really am or something because like I said, I am overweight, but if I didn't know me.... I wouldn't look at me and think I needed it. (if that makes sense)
Well, bye for now.  Much love and respect!

2 weeks to revision...

Jun 15, 2008

O.K. time is really winding down.  I can't believe that in 14 days my life is going to take a turn for the BETTER!  I have officially started the day by day countdown.  I didn't even do my "3 weeks to revision" post!  Time has really been flying by.  I have not started my pre surgery diet.    However, I have started purchasing Boost w/protein and I have been taking Bioten and B12 becz I am majorly concerned with losing my hair.

4 weeks to revision...

Jun 01, 2008

I have officially regained every pound that I lost from my band. I am convinced it's because of the 2 steroid shots I recieved in March for my herniated disc.  That's ok though. In 4 weeks I'm gonna be a happy lady!

5 weeks to revision

May 27, 2008

My family and friends are telling me not to have this 2nd surgery because it's too dangerous.  Too many possible complications. What if something "happens?" I just want to improve the quality of my life.  Lord please be with me .....


May 19, 2008

OK.  So it's been ONE year since I had the lap band done.  No weight loss, one denial for the revision from lap band to rny with BCBS Federal, and a lot of frustration later.   .... I have finally been approved for the revision.  I have my surgery date now for June 30, 2008 and can't be happier!


Mar 02, 2008

I was denied for my revision from lap band to rny by Federal BCBS because my bmi is 38 with no comorbidities.  So I am now in the process of "upping" my bmi to 40 and working on a response to send to Federal  BCBS. 

About Me
Orlando, FL
Surgery Date
May 27, 2007
Member Since

Friends 43

Latest Blog 14
2 months out...
11 Days home from surgery...
6 Days Home from Surgery
Revision TOMORROW...
1 week to revision...
2 weeks to revision...
4 weeks to revision...
5 weeks to revision
