Waiting for the GI Test.

Apr 06, 2009

Well I go for my Barium Swallow (upper GI) test on Wed at 9 to make sure I don't have any GI issues and get kicked out of the trial. I saw today that my surgeon has posted 5 more cases before mine is scheduled. I work at the hospital so I see the surgery schedules- guess I'm lucky to know he has had SOME practice. Since the procedure is in trial stage nobody knows very much so research is out of the question but hopefully once I meet with him I will know more information. I do know that he will make small folds in my stomach then use polyester sutures to shrink the size of my stomach. It's crazy that I haven't even met with my surgeon but am making all of these plans. I am in the trial as long as I pass the test and the paper I have to take with me has a date on it so I am planning on it! 

It stinks that it's 5/19 the day before my birthday but it will be easy to keep up with my bday and new bday after WLS! I had to fill out 26 pages of paperwork that I am to drop off at the office after my GI test Wed. I didn't realize how much I have struggled with weight my entrire life. It comes and goes but has been there as far back as I can recall. How sad to have such wonderful memories but have them plaqued by obesity and total lack of health.

I am VERY excited and a bit nervous still about this journey but am certain this is what I want to to. If I don't pass the test on Wed and am kicked out of the trial I will still pursure WLS. I don't know my I'm so nervous about the dang swallow test, she mentioned many ppl have hernias and don't know it so I guess that's what threw me off. I have no symptoms of anything like that so am trying to keep a positive outlook. The trial is closed so I'm one of 20 that are in from our site. She does have a back up list for those of us waiting to get the GI test incase we don't pass. Wish me luck and I hope to be posting good news Wed after I drink the chalk! Yummmyyy


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