
May 21, 2008

Yesterday I went for a walk while I was home.  No gym, no eliptical and no treadmill.  Just me and the road/sidewalk and the hills!  tee hee  I normally would not go walking by myself and since the hubby or I HAVE to stay home with our son...needless to say I don't go out walking at home very often.

Anyway - yesterday I was walking and about half way through the walk.......I started jogging!  I couldn't believe it!  I've never ran/jogged in public for more than a few feet.  I was having so much fun!  Can you believe it?!  ME!?  I had fun while jogging!  People probably thought I was insane running around with a huge grin on my face - but I really was happy!  I think I'll have to start doing that more often.

Just wanted to share that little story with everyone! 

Also - at my surgery f/u appt yesterday I weighed in at 207.2 pounds - which brings me to a total weightloss of excatly 111 pounds!  WOW!


Apr 24, 2008

Stuff happens so fast I honestly forget to post on here.
I have to be quick here (I'm at work) so here it goes!

I reached the century club (a total of 100+ lbs lost) 2 weeks before my 6 month surgiversary!  Then I stalled for 2.5 weeks!  Stalling (in case you didn't know) sucks!  I honestly thought I was done losing weight!  =(
Anyway I've lost another pound now so hopefully that is a sign that the weightloss is back in the game!  I really REALLY want to lose more weight!  I'd be happy with just 10 pounds a month for the next 7-9 months!  =D  tee hee

Ta Ta for now - I'll post more later.  Promise!

A little article that I like to think sparks the interest in us

Feb 26, 2008

After weight loss, patients gain more interest in sex BY COLIN STEWART
Orange County Register
Article Last Updated: 02/21/2008 04:38:55 PM CST

It was just what the doctor ordered: an hour of talk about sex.

Recently, 18 women gathered to compile a list of what they find sexy, from candles and jazz to "my legs," "kisses on the ear" and firemen. Then, they examined dozens of sex toys and bought a few.

The women squirmed and giggled at times, but they didn't shrink from the evening's activities, sponsored by their doctors at the N.E.W. Program surgical weight-loss center in Newport Beach, Calif.

The goal of the evening was to nourish newly revived feelings of sexuality in formerly obese women. It's an innovative offering from a medical practice that strives to help its patients change their lives after the weight-loss surgery that changes their bodies.

Many of the women used to weigh 300 pounds or more, had hated looking at themselves in the mirror and couldn't imagine anyone finding them attractive, according to them and their doctors at N.E.W., which stands for Nutrition, Exercise, Wellness.

That changed after they underwent bariatric surgery, which reconfigures the digestive tract to encourage weight loss. Within a year, many found themselves about 100 pounds lighter. Gradually, many of them became more interested in, and interesting to, the opposite sex.

"When you're fat, people don't see you as a person. They see you as a blob. They look past you," said Jeanette Ko, 39, of Santa Ana, Calif. She weighed 316 pounds before her gastric-bypass surgery eight months ago. Since then, she has lost 112 pounds.

Now, at 204 pounds, she is still adjusting to a new image of herself as sexually attractive. "The first time someone checked me out, I was, 'Oooooh! What's going on?' " Ko said.

Being attractive takes getting used to, said Nicole Davison, 29, of Carlsbad, Calif., who had gastric-bypass surgery last June. Dropping from 248 pounds to 150 pounds has changed her relationship with formerly platonic friends, she said.

"I had always been the buddy. Now, they say things like, 'So-o-o, what are you doing tonight?' After six years without going on a date, it's an adjustment," she said.


'Sex drive and interest in sex can dramatically improve after weight-loss surgery, but many patients need help adapting," said Dr. Brian Quebbemann, a bariatric surgeon and partner in the N.E.W. Program.

John Jolliffe, a licensed marriage and family therapist at the program, said anger could be an obstacle to intimacy after weight loss — especially if the patient thinks a spouse wasn't encouraging enough about the surgery.

For other patients, weight loss triggers feelings of insecurity in a spouse, Jolliffe said. They feel threatened, worrying their now-slimmer partner will leave them or will be unfaithful.

Because bariatric patients' skin doesn't contract when they lose weight, self-image can also remain a problem, Joliffe said.


Now that the sexual-awareness event has broached the subject, Joliffe plans to tackle those issues during his twice-a-month group sessions, which are attended by about 35 bariatric patients.

Several women at the recent event said they had hoped the evening would include more discussion of physiological and psychological issues. In fact, it largely consisted of a presentation by Dana Myers, co-founder of Booty Parlor of Signal Hill, Calif., a distributor and online retailer of products ranging from massage oils to vibrators.

Myers encouraged the women to adopt a positive attitude about themselves, even if that takes an effort.

Try the "I'm So Sexy" lip gloss, she said. "Put on lip gloss, look in the mirror and say something nice to yourself. Acknowledge what's nice about yourself." Try the "Don't Stop" massage oil, she said.

Dr. Justin Braverman, a bariatric surgeon and partner in the N.E.W. medical practice, explained to the patients that the sexuality workshop was part of their treatment.

"Our goals here are to improve appearance, health and quality of life. A healthy sex life is important for a good quality of life," he said.

The medical practice also organizes other activities aimed at promoting healthy lifestyles and positive self-image, such as cooking classes and a fashion show with formerly obese patients as models.

The sexuality workshop is a "cutting-edge thing" that can be revised in the future, based on patients' comments, said Braverman.

"It's not something new to me," said Marion Phillips, 41, of Santa Ana, Calif." We enjoy sex aids — and it's more fun to play now," she said of her relationship with her husband after she dropped from 271 pounds before surgery to 151 pounds now.

"When you're huge, you aren't so sexual. You aren't comfortable with your body," she said.

"Before, sometimes it was more 'wham bam, thank you, ma'am,' " she said. "Now, there's more emotional connection, a little romance."


Jan 20, 2008

Well - my 3 month Surgiversary was Saturday (the 19th).  I was down 64 pounds and feeling good.  So far I haven't really had any complications.  I've only dumped the one time and I haven't had anything 'stuck' or done anything that has caused me to throw up.  All in all I'd say I'm really lucky.

I can't speak for anyone else - but I'd really like to start to lose more weight in the bottom half of my body.  I started out as a 26/28 on both bottom and tops.  As of today I can wear a size 24 on the bottom but a 18/20 (albeit a bit tight) on the top!  Hopefully I'll become a bit more even.

Plastic surgery - we'll see how much this changes by the time that I can actually look into this (not to mention that I can only dream of affording it).  As of right now this is that I'm looking into:
~Tummy tuck (since I can't spot weigt reduce here and I have plenty that could go away)
~Breast Lift (I'd love for my girls to be perky for once in my life!)
~Breast augmentation (sp?) aka - breast implants.  This is only if I lose the volume that I have now.  As of this posting I'm still a 40DD.  I never realized that I was that well endowed!

Yesterday hubby and I booked our first trip ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
We're going with6 other friends on a cruise to the Caribbean!  7 nights on a boat seeing some of the most beautiful beaches in the world!  And me not afraid to be in a swimsuit!  All of the girls are telling me that I'll have to wear a two-piece.  ME IN A TWO-PIECE!  I can't believe that they are encouraging me already!  But I doubt I'll be able to find the confidance to do it.  If I do it will have to be a binki that covers most of your tummy and such.  But what a hoot to think about!  I just have NO CLUE what I'll weight in a year!

I had my first class last Monday.  The teacher seems very nice and funny.  But we sit and listen for 4 hours and then study the chapter for the week.  Not very fun at all.  This week we have off though - due to today being MLK day.


Jan 08, 2008

Well I didn't get into the Biology class that I wanted - so instead I registered for the 'Lifespan Psychology' course that is required.  Also - I get a grant that covers the cost of the class plus the textbook!  Yippie!  I get the grant because it's been more than 7 years since I've been to school.  Hopefully I'll get an A this semester!  At least that is my goal.

Had my monthly RNY support group last night.  I really like the group I'm in.  It is FULL of nothing but very sweet and nice and supportive people.  I haven't missed a group in 5-6 months (I can't remember when I started going!).

Worked out again for the first time in 3 weeks and DAMN did it feel good to get back!  I really shouldn't have gone so long without working out.  But live and learn I guess.  This is the first time in my life that I'm actually working out!  Who knew that there was an athletic person inside me!  lol

01.03.08 part 2

Jan 03, 2008

I just applied to go back to school!!!!!!!!!!  Yippie!

It's only for one class - but it's a prereq to get into the Nursing Program!  I had to ask the professor to let me in since the class is full. I'll post as soon as I hear the answer!  Wish me luck!  (I haven't been to school in -8-9 years!)


Jan 03, 2008

Well - New Years was better than Christmas.  I went out to a bar with my hubby, his brother and 2 friends.  They drank beer while I did cheat and have a Shirley Temple.  Then watched the ball drop in NYC - then went to our friends house to quietly ring in the New Year while playing a card game!  It was lots of fun!

All in all - I never gained any weight during the holidays.  So I'm happy about that too.  In fact the pants that I bought 1 month ago and were tight on me are now loose on me!  It is a great (and yet at the same time - annoying) feeling!

I just heard from a friend who had the same surgery about a year before me that she is 2.5 months pregnant!  I'm super excited for her.  She'll make a great mommy and her hubby will spoil them both rotten!  lol

Well - that's it for now.


Dec 27, 2007

So I had this HUGE post that was going to update you on me and my life - and it just flippin disappeared!    That is such BS!  Damn computer!

Anyway - as I typed before:

It's been 2 months since my last post!  My bad
As of today I weighed in at 262.6 which is a total loss of 56lbs and a post surgery loss of 46lbs!  So that is 46 lbs in 2 months and 9 days!  GO ME!  tee hee

When I started this journey I was a tight 26/28 and had some (gasp) size 30 pants too!   But today I am wearing a size 24 pair of pants and wore a brand new size 22 winter jacket! 

It was okay.  I have been into 2 huge fights with family members (my mom and my sister) and that mixed with all these new feelings with WLS and the Holidays has just put the good will and merry spirits out the door! 
It's certainly been a different holiday than before.  I lot of family stuff going on this year and the fights did not help my mood.  I'm actually at the point where I just want to move out of state - to CO or CA or anywhere just to be away from them!  

I wish I could tell you all what happened - but I really don't feel like typing all that over again!  /sigh 


Oct 25, 2007

I'm going to try and re-tell everything I remember.

Thursday before surgery
The liquid diet is killer!  I want to eat and I'm hungry.  But keep the prize in sight and it's all worth it!  I have to keep telling myself this or I might slip and have a chip or something.
My in-laws are over and bless them they are WONDERFUL!  I got so beyond lucky with my in-laws, I truly enjoy being around both of them.  
They were so full of questions and it was great to get food off my mind and talk for a bit!  
I did spend most of the day upstairs after drinking my bowel prep.  In all honesty - it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be.  I'd just have a liquified BM every few hrs and felt fine in between.  I wouldn't have gone shopping or anything - but fine none the less.

Friday before surgery
Urgh!  I had to get up at 4am so I could get all my stuff together and jump in the shower to scrub my belly one last time before surgery.  I was more awake than I expected to be - but now that I look back I'm not suprised
We (my hubby, mom and me) get to the hospital and check in around 5am and sit for a little bit. 
When they call me back to prep me for sugery I'm not nearly as scared as I thought I'd be.  They bring me to area B4 and I get a special bariatric bed (which its lots nicer) and they have me strip down and take my weight (302) and some blood.  Then my family can come back and wait with me.
Everyone who was going to be in the surgery room came to say hello - which was really nice.  I met my circulating nurse, the Anes. Dr, the CRNA, and both my surgeon and the surgeon assisting him.  
The CRNA did such a GREAT job on my IV!  Only 1 stick!  That's a first for me and the part I was looking forward to least (dreading it even more than the surgery itself!).
Right before they bring you back to the OR they give you a drug through the IV called Versat (sp?).  It calms you down and makes you forget what you do for a short period of time. LOVE IT!  I remember being being wheeled into the OR and looking around.  I remember the Circulating nurse saying hello to me and then looking at the bed I'd be moved onto and asking the Anes Dr. "I'm not going to remember any of this, am I?" and him replying "maybe - maybe not".  That's the LAST thing I remember!  I personally find that a bit funny.
I remember briefly waking up in Post Anes. and the nurse telling me it was all done and thinking "but they didn't even put my on the OR table yet".  haha
As they were brining me up to the hospital room I was assigned (station 40 - 4th floor) we ran into my mom and hubby.  Both were happy to see me - but I was to tired to care.  When we got to the room I guess that I was literally in the middle of anwering a question and fell asleep!  LOL  Not just asleep mind you...I snored first then feel asleep!  LMAO!  
The first night went pretty good.  I kept taking the pain meds as soon as they would give them to me and I never felt any pain at all!  Still can't believe it!  I did try to get up with my nursing assistant (Charles - the nicest guy you'll ever meet!).  After I stood up I said "I think my cath is leaking."  We both looked down and I was bleeding!  So needless to say I went straight back to bed and he called the nurse.  One of my incisions opened a bit (which we later found out was mainly because it was done on a blood vessel - so no fault of my own!  yay!  Plus the surgeon said I probably lost more blood there than I did the whole surgery!  WOW)
I was able to get up Friday night towards 11pm - I was slow and steady but made a full loop around the station.
The only problem the whole day was the fact that I was now NPO!!!!!!!!  Grrrrrrrrrr.  I couldn't even drink water until 11:30am the next day when I had my upper GI.

I've come to the conclusion that people here think I'm a human pin cushion or their inner vampires have come out of hiding so close to Halloween.  I keep getting Heperain shots (blood thiners) plus my blood drawn twice a day. 
I go down at 11am for the Upper GI that I need to make sure that there is no leak in my new stomach.  It is the most rechid (sp?) clear brown liquid I've ever had in my life!  Ewwww.  I pray no one I know ever has to drink that shit!  But it did give me the seal of approval that there was no leak in my new tummy and that another trip to the OR was not needed!  /cheer
I was able to have lunch that day - a 1/4 cup of chicken broth and a 1/4 cup of sugar free rasberry jello.  It tasted wonderful!
Visitors were plentiful and all were wonderful to see!  My mom, dad, sister, hubby. my baby, and both my in-laws.
I was moving around a lot better on Sat and even able to take a shower!  again.../cheer

My best friends Mary and Jackie came for a visit early in the morning.  Jackie brought her son Alex with and I swear he is soooo cute!  You just want to hold him and squeeze him and pinch his perfect little cheeks!  I know its hard for them to get away during the day (even on weekends) so it really meant a lot to me that they were able to stop by for a bit.
My nurse was from Latvia which is a country my sister went to school in for a year.  So I called my sister and asked her to come over again so they could meet.  It was so fun listening to the both of them.  Just a cool little side step from my day 
I was discharged at noon and left by 12:30.

The rest of this post will have to wait untill tomorrow.  It is 11pm and I'm tired.

Weight Stats

Oct 24, 2007

Starting Weight 318    (Around 8.24)

About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 05, 2007
Member Since

Friends 15

Latest Blog 22
A little article that I like to think sparks the interest in us
01.03.08 part 2
Weight Stats
