Hi, I'm 33 yrs old , married with 2 kids ages, almost 12 and 10. Just like most everyone else I'm not happy with myself,on the outside. I have a wonderful husband who loves me just the way I am.  Ive been thinking of WLS for awhile but just recently spoke to my husband,who is very supportive. I have health issues that are now hindering my way of life and Ive decided this is my next step. I'm hoping to golf 18 holes and not feel like i'm going to die with S.O.B./ To not wear plus sizes anymore.To not worry about being the girl with the "pretty face" instead be the all around "beautiful girl" and to beat the depression i feel from being so overweight. Ive been overweight since i was 20. Ive tried diet after diet,pill after pill, DVD & VHS tapes and of course the lovely gym.I'll lose the weight or at least some then gain it back plus more.I've been on dr assisted weight management,with very little to show for it.........Im just tired of my current lifestyle and I need to change for myself and my family. To become a healthy mom,role model. thats all, I'm starting the process,Im not sure how long it will take i'm figuring at least a few months,I have all the things i need already done do to my health issues except the psych eval and the dietition appt so i'm already almost there. I'm scared and excited at the same time,but the thought of my family will keep me motivated along with reading everyones progress and knowing i'm not alone.

About Me
Jun 19, 2007
Member Since

Friends 14

Latest Blog 5
i need to get back on board
The waiting game
next step
