Looking back at my history it is clear how I got to be here today. At age 11 or 12 I started having episodes of hypoglycemia. I never told anyone about how I was feeling until my 20's. When I did I was worked up for a pituitary gland tumor, thyroid problems and a adrenal gland tumor. All were negative and I got no answer. In high school I started noticing a few coarse hairs cropping up on my face. I started to gain weight at about 16. I never "started" my period. When I was about 23 I needed a D&C because of excessive bleeding. That started a 10 cycle of needing D&C's. At age 33 I went to a new GYN and he diagnosed me with PCOS. Finally an answer.

Along the way about about age 26 I was started on high blood pressure medication. I have a bad gene pool there. My dad had it and died from a stroke, his mother had it an died from a stroke and so did her father and he died from a stroke.

In the fall of 2006 I was diagnosed with Melanoma. I had it removed along with a lymph node at Stanford in December of 2006. Nothing like being told you have Cancer to make you evaluate your whole life.

I started doing research on my long term outcome with PCOS. The picture was not pretty. Everything seemed to point back to the weight. Get rid of the weight and almost everything else wrong with me will go away including: Hypoglycemia ( a precurser to Diabetes), GERD, joint pain, PCOS will likely resolve and I may ovulate for the first time in my entire life. Not that I want a baby at 47 but maybe I'll have all the goofy hair go away, and be able to keep my uterus. If I don't do this it's only a matter of time before I become a Diabetic, need a hysterectomy, need cholestorl medication and the list goes on and on.

Now that I have a surgery date of March 26, 2007 I can see myself walking on the beach with my husband in Hawaii. Me wearing the size 10 sundress I have hanging in the closet!

It's A Good Life! That's for sure....


About Me
Hollister, CA
Surgery Date
Dec 31, 2006
Member Since

Friends 17

Latest Blog 1
Pre-Op Timeline
