waiting for insurance approval

Jun 14, 2008

On Friday, June13, I finally heard back from the surgeon's office that info was sent to my insurance for their approval for WLS.  Now we play the waiting game lol.  I still haven't started the protein shakes yet.  I did buy some jello and fruit.  I can't seem to get started trying to lose weight pre-op.  I haven't met with the nutritionist  yet.  No one has told me to try to lose weight now, but i figure it is just a matter of time.

I have decided to have the Lap Band procedure done.  Hubby is neervous about another surgery for me.  My last one was a cervical laminectomy 5 levels.  My nerves in my neck were irritated during surgery and have not healed yet and right hand and fingers are not very useable.  All previous surgeries have gone great.

need to get serious

Jun 07, 2008

Monday, June10, will make 3 weeks since this journey started.  I must try to lose some weight.  I have the time why can't I get started?  I  bought the protein powder for mweal replacements.  I get up in the morning and start doing or eating what I am used to without even thinking.  I must get serious and quit sabatoging myself.  Today is a new day.  Maybe it will be the day to start making things happen in my life, in my eating.  Why is it that those of us who have worked in fields where we are constantly helping others solve their problems, can't help .ourselves?

waiting for next step

Jun 04, 2008

I called Dr. Merriman' office and won't be able to do anything until Donna is back from vacation.  So now is a good time to start some pre-op weight loss.  Wish me the strength to drink the protein shakes and eat what is appropriate for weight loss.  Don't you just wish you could go to bed, say a prayer and wake up skinny and healthy?  Well, I do.  Something tells me that it  isn't going to happen that way, too much I need to learn on this journey.

I am bad!

May 30, 2008

Well, it has been almost 2 weeks since meeting with Dr. Merriman.  I am waiting for his office staff to contact me and tell me our next step.
I bought some protein powder from Sam's Club two days ago, to prepare myself for pre-op diet????  I have to be honest, I made a wonderful apple cake recipe and I made 2 of them in a week's time and ate both of them.  Hubby was lucky to even get a taste.  Me Bad!   Guess I am afraid of having to give up everything I like.  Yet these are the foods thaat got me this big so far.  Daughter Sherra tells me to get with it and start my pre-op  eating.
Got to get back to sewing; some projects to finish.


The journey has begun.

May 26, 2008

   I met with Dr. Merriman in  Shreveport on 5/19/08 and had my initial consultation.  Lap Band  is the only option at this time for me due to my Parkinson's disease and malabsorption issues with all the gastric bypass surgeries.  Not enough research has been done yet to know how WLS will really affect my PD.  I am ok with this.  I just hope the weight loss won't be too slow.  From what I'm told, weight loss is much faster with the gastric bypass surgeries, etc.  I am now waiting for clinic staff to call and tell me the next step in this journey to become half the woman I am today.  Starting weight on 5/19/08 was 297.5 lbs. 

About Me
Bossier Cirty, LA
Mar 28, 2008
Member Since

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waiting for insurance approval
need to get serious
waiting for next step
I am bad!
The journey has begun.
