It has been far too long since I have added to my profile.  My life has changed dramatically since my last entry.  I am back to working again at a job I never could have handled before my weight loss.  Besides that, I have energy and ability to keep busy and have little time to do nothing with.  That is a totally different lifestyle than I have ever had.  People that I haven't seen for a couple of years don't even recognize me, which is probably the greatest compliment I have gotten.  One day my husband and I were out and ran into a guy he works with.  He didn't say a word to me.  We found out later that he thought my husband was with another woman.  I can't put into words what that has done for my ego, moral, pride and everything else.  Much to my husband's dismay, I now love to shop for clothes.  There is so much more to choose from.  Even when I find something that I really like that I see is too big, I can't help but smile.  It's a disappointment that I can live with.  Saying that my life has changed is an understatement.  It's more like I am now living and that's something I had a real problem with before my surgery.  Anyone considering it won't regret it.  At least I don't and never will.  I thank God, literally, for everything that I now have and can't wait for tomorrow to see what I will have.  I will never forget waking up every morning and dreading the day to come.  God bless everyone that has gotten me to this point.  Especially everyone on this site that helped me get to and through my surgery.

About Me
Middletown, CT
Surgery Date
Feb 24, 2006
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
4/8/2006 ... 2 days before surgery
