
Jul 10, 2014

Hi, I am Sophia. I am 36, wife, mother to 2 little beautiful boys, I work full time; all-around Super Mom! I have been heavy my whole life but as I got older and had my children, it got worse. My heaviest was around 370, size 28 jeans. I've tried many diet plans and some were successful but always I slipped or got lazy and eventually the weight came back. Christmas of 2013 was really the final straw. I was talking to my aunt (who had Lap-Band 7 years prior and looked and felt fantastic) and she knew that my husband worked for a company that probably covered it. I did a little research, thought I had decided on the Gastric Bypass. Lucky for me, Northwest Weight Loss Surgery Center is right down the road from me. I called our insurance and found out that, indeed, we had excellent benefits and it was a covered procedure. I made an appointment with NWWLS for after the New Year. I met my surgeon, Dr. Alana Chock, and she spent a lot of time with my husband and I. Considering how big I was, I didn't really have any major health issues: no high blood pressure, no high chlorestral, nothing. So Dr. Chock said that it would be a matter of personal choice as to what surgery I want, she had no medical opinon. She went through the 3 types and my husband and I decided on the Lap-Sleeve. Considering what a huge decision this was, making that first decision on what type of surgery was relatively easy. Insurance required that I meet with NWWLS nurtrionist for 4 monthly appointments, for which I was happy to do. Sarah taught me a lot during those 4 months! It was also a requirement of NWWLS that I have a psych-evaluation. After speaking to a friend of mine that had the bypass 5 years earlier, I was very apprehensive. Was the therapist going to dig deep into why I was heavy? Was I an emotional eater? (duh) Why? Was she going to make me cry? Was she, did she have the power to deny me my surgery? Needless to say, the week leading up to her appointment, I was a nervous wreck. And it turns out, it was for nothing. She didn't press me on any of the stuff I had worried about. She said I seemed to have a good head on my shoulders, had the support from family and friends and spouse and she would give her blessing. Fast forward to April 29, 2014, I had my final nurtrionist appointment. Time was close, I could feel it. NWWLS just had to submit my final approval letters to insurance and I was off and running! Monday, May 5, I got the call from NWWLS insurance rep, Leah. She was surprised that the approval came in so fast, but I got it and was ready to schedule my surgery. I was elated....finally, I was going to get the help I needed. Finally, I was going to be able to get down on the floor and play trucks with my boys. Finally, I was going to be able to walk more than 15 minutes without knee pain. Finally, I might be able to climb stairs with breathing so hard. Finally, I might get my self-confidence back and wear smaller-sized clothing. I couldn't wait. Surgery was scheduled for Tuesday, June 17, 2014. Starting on Tues, June 3, I was to start my pre-surgery diet. It was pretty rough the first couple of days: a max of 870 calories, Lean Cuisines (which weren't that bad, at all, I found a couple that I really liked). I had to lose 15lbs before the surgery, to make my liver smaller, etc. On Surgery Day, I checked in at 346 with a BMI of 54.1. (I had lost 13 lbs in the two weeks.) Checking in, I was super calm, 'no big deal' attitude. My husband and best friend were shocked since it was so unlike me. They took me back, I spoke very briefly with Dr. Chock and the anesthelogist. Then the surgerical nurse took me to a bathroom to get on my surgerical socks, gown, etc. And then I started to cry and freak out and get nervous. Came out of the bathroom and practically fell into my husband's arms in tears. He hugged me tight and whispered calmly to me, reminded me why I was doing this. That, yes, it was going to be hard, but wasn't it going to be worth it. I, as they say, 'manned up' and walked to the OR with the nurse. Laid down on the table, got my surgical cap on. The anesthelogist started to do his thing and I started to cry again and damn near hyperventilate. Then I got the drugs and that was all she wrote. Previously, we were that the surgery would last about an hour. Amazing to hear, considering all that the doctor was about to do. 


About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 10, 2014
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