Day After The ER

Nov 19, 2011

Last night I spent the night in the ER on Day 5, after my upper left incision exploded in red and green gunk with a smell I don't want to remember.  I had actually called my Docs office before noon to ask about the pain and pressure, but was reassured it was natural unless there was a discharge.  I can't think of anything that wasn't prodded, scanned, tested, cultured and of course yet another IV...yikes.   Everything looked good except the wound infection, which was good news, I suppose.  Got off track with exercise and liquids today but feeling certainly better than last night.  I wished for family support, but had no idea that I would need so much.  Perhaps it is my age, but I don't feel terribly independent these days and this morning it dawned on my that the ER Doc commented on my braids because I was an old woman!  One of the ER nurses had By Pass Surgery several years, sounded entergetic and was still delighted with her choice...I really did need that encouragement

About Me
Meridian, ID
Nov 02, 2011
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