All of these new features...

Sep 24, 2010

 Well they are new to me b/c I am a total slacker and have not been on this site in forever and a day. LOL

Anyways, I am still journaling over at LiveJournal and I have a Facebook too; which is why I have not been around here much. However, all that is going to change. I need to get back to the basics, start my PX90 workout plan and see where I end up in the next 8 months!  Oh and I have to go to school and be a geographical single parent since my hubby is overseas right now. Fun, I know.

We've Gone West Coast!

Sep 17, 2006

I know, I know... it has been a long time since I have updated. But I have a really good reason, or rather several! LOL! Let's see since my last update I graduated from college with honors (cum laude) and then I rolled right into another bachelors program, this time in Criminal Justice & Homeland Security! Yeah, who would have thought it?! Then in July we moved from Fort Campbell, KY to Fort Lewis, WA! So now I am trying to get settled into a whole new lifestyle, get used to my new body, and try to achieve my dreams of becoming a police officer! Two years ago I would have never imagined that I could have a chance at achieving that goal!

Of course meeting that goal has not been an easy feat. I am turning 30 in a few short months and after having such a radical transformation done to my body, it just doesn’t seem to want to perform to the standards required to get into most police academies. I mean heck… I am fit, I run (which is something I never did even as a young athlete), I swim, I do weights, I road march, I hike, I play paintball, I do karate, I can do more that my hubby some days. However the muscular strength I once had being overweight is now gone and I have to train constantly, east a perfect diet, and work 10 times harder than the next person just to meet the standards they are asking for. And then when you drive around town and you see cops out there who can barely buckle their belt around their waist; it makes one feel extremely frustrated! So I am taking it day by day trying to get myself ready to apply to the police academy. I’d rather become a state trooper, but I’d have to get eye surgery first because the WA state troopers require no worse than 20/100 uncorrected and mine is 20/150. *sigh*

Anyways, as far as weight goes… in the last year I have seen the low 140s and hated myself, put weight back on and was happy in the low to mid 150s, then after all the hoopla getting us moved I crept back up to 160s and was NOT HAPPY again. So now that I am in a new training program I am dropping back down into the high 140s and I think I will be alright there as long as a stay toned, fit, and eating a balanced diet.

A milestone: Climbing the rock-faces and cliffs of Badlands National Park, getting to the top of the highest plateau, looking around at all the beauty in front of me and then breaking into tears upon the realization that I have climbed several hundreds of feet and I was not even slightly winded! It was a beautiful day, one I will always cherish.

So anyways, I am still Live Journaling but it is no longer a “public journal,” because of my efforts to get started in my career I have chosen to “friends lock” most of my entries. (I was advised to do so when I started looking into joining the military or trying to get a commissioned law enforcement position.) So if you are still interested in reading about my daily life then just get yourself an account at (its free and you don’t have to do any blogging yourself) and then comment on my top entry telling me who you are, where I know you from, and that you want to be added to my friends list. Give me a few days and I will add you when I have a chance!

Oh and for those who are curious... yes that is a real tattoo I am sporting in my recent picture! It was my gift to myself when I made goal weight. It is a Phoenix, it spans from my spine to my shoulder blade and it's tail wraps over my shoulder and to my chest (sternum). It took three seperate sessions, 2 artists, and over 12 hours of work, but I LOVE IT! You can see much better pictures of it on my LiveJournal!

Later Taters~ Jamie

Weight- 257/149/146
BMI- 44.1/25.6/25
Height- 5'4" Total Weight Loss: -108 lbs.
Surgery Date- 1/19/05, Dr. Sanborn, BACH, Fort Campbell

Doing well...

Nov 11, 2005

OK, so for those who want to check up on me, I do 99% of my journaling on my LiveJournal now so you will rarely see updates to this profile now. I will post new pix and stats and an ocassional entry but it is easier for me to upkeep my livejournal! So anyways, I have been plataued for almost a month and I was SURE that I was not gonna lose anymore. Well, I guess I was wrong. As of friday I am down another 2 pounds, taking my total lost to 105#. *smiles* However, I do not WANT to lose anymore (except for losing the extra skin) so even though I am thankful for the additional weight lose, I am not really looking to lose more. KWIM? I feel like such a slug today, not to mention I am getting sick, but I was unable to work out friday b/c the gyms were all closed and the post gyms are now closed on Saturdays perminantly, so I have not done my weights for the end of the week. ICK! I know Monday is gonna bring some pain since I just went up on most of my weights and now I have had too many days off from them. Anyways, I will live with it. Go to my LJ to see my weekly pros & cons of my WLS journey!

Weight- 257/152/146
BMI- 44.1/26.1/25
Height- 5'4" Total Weight Loss: -105 lbs.
Surgery Date- 1/19/05, Dr. Sanborn, BACH, Fort Campbell

Tae Kwon Do: KIAP!

Oct 19, 2005

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Our TKD pictures arrived and all I can say is.... WOW! I could have never done TKD a year ago! I feel empowered!

About Me
Joint Base Lewis McChord, WA
Surgery Date
Sep 08, 2004
Member Since

Friends 1

Latest Blog 4
We've Gone West Coast!
Doing well...
Tae Kwon Do: KIAP!
