Coming along

Dec 30, 2011

I want to be happy about my decision to have RNY, but right now I am ok with it. I have lost some weight and am fitting in my clothes better. People tell me I look different and are always asking me can you eat this and can you eat that. Most even tease me about what there having having and if I feel bad I can't have it. Lol I tell them I have a small stomach and I'm not gonna waste the space on the trash there eating, but shit it gets old. I feel like a weak person right now because now I have to live without the comfort of foods and it is taking a damper on my spirits. I really do want to be happy and I notice that everyday goes by I get stronger. I have noticed the bad eating habits I have created for my family by always overeating and eating out because now that I don't do that they don't either. RNY saved my life by giving me a reality check and finally for once this summer I will by smaller clothes instead of buying bigger ones and I know when things like that everyday happen I will get stronger. I am up and down right now but my life is worth it.


About Me
Surgery Date
Sep 04, 2011
Member Since

Friends 16

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