Manderley posted a discussion topic 10 years, 8 months ago
Dumping with the Sleeve??? - I thought Dumping only happened with RNY patients. I've been sick as a dog a LOT, puking almost all the time, feeling burning like acid in my gut, nauseous, gassy (sleeved in mi...

Manderley wrote a blog post 10 years, 10 months ago
Sick and tired of being Sick and Tired - i finally felt almost human today. still struggling trying to get in enough fluids and protein...but i managed to eat really slowly today and that helped so far. i had one hard ...

Manderley wrote a blog post 10 years, 10 months ago
Surgery Was Hell - Surgery was so long ago already...but i was so so so sick that i just couldn't even imagine trying to document. I'll try to put it together now. I remember going into the OR, an...

Manderley posted a discussion topic 10 years, 11 months ago
Fever 6 days post op - I've been feeling weaker and weaker as the day goes my belly is so sore, feels like it is swinging like a pendulum with every step i take. I'm complete freezing. Got th...

Manderley posted a discussion topic 10 years, 11 months ago
It's ALIVE!!! - Finally home from the hospital, and post-op. Surgery was on June 18, and I have to say I was sick as a dog for so many days, I honestly was wondering if I would have gone throug...

Manderley wrote a blog post 10 years, 11 months ago
Fasten Your Seat Belts - My surgery is tomorrow at 2pm i've been shaking for 2 days now Can't finish this awful bowel prep, i just can't manage to take another mouthful, this stuff is horrendous...

Manderley wrote a blog post 10 years, 11 months ago
She'll Be Comin' 'Round the Mountain - Okay i'm really tense and nervous now. Surgery is on Tuesday. Tomorrow is my last day of Optifast, then clear liqs for a day and bowel prep Monday night and BOOM there it IS.  ...

Manderley posted a discussion topic 10 years, 11 months ago
It's beautiful here in TWOTERVILLE - Still pre-op...I got my Nephrologist's and Cardiologist's clearances as soon as I saw them. They both said my PCP was just doing a CYA thing. Yeah, I knew that. But it caused a ...

Manderley wrote a blog post 10 years, 11 months ago
OH what a Glorious Morning! - Oh what a beautiful day! My scale is my beautiful friend and no longer my enemy. I have made it to Twoterville. Lovely, Beautiful, Wonderful Twoterville. While I lov...

Manderley wrote a blog post 10 years, 11 months ago
Next Stop Twoterville! - Got on the scale this morning and was thrilled to see a weight of 300.4. By tomorrow i'll be back in Twoterville. I can't even believe how great I feel, and how full of hope...

Manderley wrote a blog post 10 years, 11 months ago
Collarbones and Other Victories - I can see my collarbones in the mirror. They are so beautiful, I can't stop looking at them.  I realized that I no longer need my seat belt extender when I get in the car. A...

Manderley wrote a blog post 10 years, 12 months ago
Stressed - I haven't weighed myself on my own scale. At my Cardiologist's on Friday, I was up 7 lbs, but it was in the late afternoon and i was fully dressed, jeans, sneakers. (sigh). i'm ...

Manderley wrote a blog post 10 years, 12 months ago
It's been 14 Days since I Don't Know When - It's been several days since my last blog post. Several days of weight gain. I knew I'd gain when I started eating again; 2 lbs, then 1 lb, then I stopped weighing since it was ...

Manderley posted a discussion topic 11 years ago
Walking for Gas - My new surgery date is now June 18, pending cardiac clearance (i obtained my Nephrologist's clearance on Friday). When I had the open surgery years ago, the gas pains were BAD a...

Manderley wrote a blog post 11 years ago
Moving Right Along... - Today my Nephrologist signed off on my medical clearance from a kidney/blood perspective. He said my numbers have been the same for quite some time, my cholesterol is fantastic ...

Manderley posted a discussion topic 11 years ago
Ticker/Widget Problem - I've updated my weight but it doesn't show the lower weight on my ticker. I entered a start weight of 343 per my Doc's office but it was actually 345 when i started the Optifast...

Manderley wrote a blog post 11 years ago
Oh, no - So now i'm denied medical clearance by my PCP due to A-Fib, low H&H, low kidney function. She wants my cardio and nephrologist to give me clearance regarding my kidneys and hear...

Manderley posted a discussion topic 11 years ago
DENIED MEDICAL CLEARANCE!!! - just got a call from my primary, she looked at my pre-op clearance test results and said she can't give me clearance. 1) i've got A-Fib (have had it for years 2) i've go...

Manderley posted a discussion topic 11 years ago
Ventilator? - When i had my open stomach stapling back in the 80's i woke up on a vent. i was not a happy camper. i wanted to take a deep breath and i could not. i wanted to clear the mucus f...

Manderley posted a discussion topic 11 years ago
Ventilator? - When i had my open stomach stapling back in the 80's i woke up on a vent. i was not a happy camper. i wanted to take a deep breath and i could not. i wanted to clear the mucus f...

Manderley wrote a blog post 11 years ago
Holy Cow - I weighed myself yesterday, and I was 328. Looked in the mirror today and thought wow I look so much better already. Got on the scale just for the hell of it. Today I am 321. Th...

Manderley wrote a blog post 11 years ago
Damn - NOW i remember why i stopped Optifast the last few times. Night before last I had diarrhea, and i thought maybe i had too many SF popsicles and the artificial sweetner gave me t...

Manderley wrote a blog post 11 years ago
2nd Day on Optifast - I'm so hungry!  Had a dream last night that I was hungry and someone gave me 1/2 a banana and i was about to eat it and at the last minute i realized NO i'm on Optifast! I r...

Manderley wrote a blog post 11 years ago
The Journey Has Begun - Day One of Optifast almost complete. I'm dizzy (have been since my mega-pig-out yesterday) and a little hungry. It's just about time for my last Optifast of the day. Still have ...

Manderley added a goal 11 years ago
no longer see myself as the fattest person in the room
About Me
New Port Richey, FL
May 17, 2013
Member Since

Latest Blog 17
