7 1/2 months since Surgery

May 23, 2008

7 1/2 months since Surgery
Current mood: cheerful
Category: Life

I am down to 197-199.

I am feeling great!

I am eating well, I can eat pretty much whatever, if I can tolerate it.

Hair loss has slowed, finaly seeing alittle increase in energy.


Down to sz 16/18 from 24/26.

4 months

Jan 29, 2008



Hey guys, I know it's been a while, so I thought I'd let you know how I'm doing since surgery.

I am down to 208-210 depending on the time of day, LOL.

I am eating well, no surprise there that's my whole problem!

off of all blood pressure, diabetic, and cholestrol meds!

Down to sz 16/18 from 24/26.

exercising 3-4 times a week

Feeling great except for my current sinus infection and UTI.


2 1/2 months and feeling great!

Dec 08, 2007

Well it's been over 2 months now and I am feeling great!

I eat pretty much what I want, just much smaller amounts. Still struggling some getting in all my liquids and protien. But It's getting to be a habit. 

I am down to 225. Seems like I'm slowing down. Really need to get more exercise. It's been to cold to ride my bike so this week I am going to join a local gym. Hopefully more exerise will get me losing again. 

6 weeks out.

Nov 09, 2007

Well 6 weeks out on my journey and I am down 35 lbs.  This week has been pretty good. Just threw up 1 time, Yepee. I tried some Chunky soup "Broccoli cheese with chicken and potatoes" Never again!    

Found some decaf coffe that I like and sugar free creamer!  I am able to eat cottage cheese, block cheese, Veanna sausages, oats, tuna,Adkins Breakfast protien bars, Refried beans...

I really wish I could have some crackers or toast!  Chicken doesn't sit well and I haven't even tried beef yet. 

All in All I think I'm doing great. 
Thanks for all who have and are supporting me!
Very special thanks to God, with out him I could never do this!

3 weeks post op

Oct 17, 2007

Hey all,
Well I am doing much better this week. I get to start Phase3, yeah!!! (soft/puree). I had baked fish for dinner! oooo so good! It is sittin' pretty good too! 

Went to Doc. today I'm down to 249! yeah me!  I just love Dr. Wheeler he is so down to earth. He said I look great. incissions have healed.  Starting me on Bariactic Vitamins tommorrow.  I chose to take the optisource chewables.  They look like Horse pills! Hope they don't taste like them! I have to take 1- 4x aday.

I have lost  21lbs since surgery.
It's all down hill from here! 

I thank God for a great day today!  May he bless all who read this!


2 weeks Post - op

Oct 12, 2007

Things have been pretty good this week. I am down 17-18 lbs. I am only on 5 meds now instead of 10. Getting real sick of cream soup and protien shakes. Still cannot tolerate skim milk, so I am using soy. wasn't bad the first 4-5 days but now the last is starting to bother me. Wish I could eat yogurt but dairy is out for awhile I guess.  Looking for ward to next week- SCRAMBLED EGGS! Hopefully!
Bowel Movements pretty normal now, Still get gas alot but atleast it's not as painful as when I came home.  It's really hard to get 64 oz of fluids in. I am getting my protein in now atleast. 

I am looking forward to the day I can say this is all been worth it!  I knew this would be hard but I never realized how bad I would miss food. I guess this is just the next phase, hopefully it to will pass soon.

Thanks for your support and interest.


Day 7 post op

Oct 03, 2007

Before you read this please remember everyone is different. 

 With that said,  Today is day 7 on my road to recovery. I haven't had the best time yet. Today  has been my best day so far.

Surgery- Doctor said everthing looked great, went routine.
Hospital stay was fair.  Nurses were awsome. Don't care for the girls in
 x-ray!  Pain was managable.  Hot/cold chills, sweats have been bad too.
the worse part was the gas! Cramping!  uncontrolable bowels for 4 days.
Nausea and dizziness still here. They have let me start chewable dramamine to help with that. I have laughed, cried, screamed. 

Pain is gone since the gas is gone. almost Normal bowel movements now.
Can't seem to get rid of the dizziness. and my biggest problem is I can't get my Blood sugar under control.  It's been, 113, 62, 72, 50, 78 ect.
so I'm sure that has a lot to do with way I can't think straight, nausous, dizzy, ect.

The upside this will pass, eventually! I am off 1/2 my meds from before surgery. Picked up 1 new one. Actagall, to help keep gall stones from forming. They should call it ActaGAG! tasted is gross!

and I am down amost 10 bls!!!!!!!

well got to go not feelin to great right now. But remember we all have different experiances. Just because I've had problems don't mean you will. 


Sep 26, 2007

Started my Bowel prep today, YUCK! Whoever named this stuff needs to be smacked! Go Lightly~ Go quickly sounds more like it! And the taste is terrible!!!  The taste is actually the worst part. 

I'm really surprised at myself, I thought there was no way I'd make it all day with nothing to eat but I am doing fine. I am drinking a lot I think that is really helping. 

Alot of friends have called to check on me today, It's really nice to know that people are praying for me. I know everthing is going to work out great. I keep telling myself and my husband that when I get discouraged just remind me it all going to worth it in the end! I'll be happier, HEALTHIER, and skinnY!!!!

Tommorrow is the 1st day of my new journey!   
See you on the "Loser's" side!

5 days to go...

Sep 21, 2007

5 days to go, I am really getting excited, I'm trying to think of everything I should have done before I go in. I tried making lists of what I need done, what to take to the hospital, what I'll need when I get home. I think I'm just driving myself crazy. So I think I'll take the kids out today and do something with them to take my mind off it for atleast today. 

My kids are so cute, Nik keeps telling me all the things I'll get to do when I'm skinny, And Jess wrote me a note that said "Dear Mommy, I love you. I don't care if your fat. Love Jesse"  She is so sweet. She told me she loves me the way I am. The weird thing is we haven't really talked to the kids about it, they just picked up on it from listening to me and my husband. Isn't it amazing what kids pick up on. They don't miss anything! Even when you think they're not paying attendtion they really are.   I have told them I have to go to the hospital for a couple days and that they'll have to stay with their Grandparents, but they already new.


Surgery Soon 8 days!

Sep 18, 2007

8 days to go!

 Today I dropped off my "Go Lightly" scripts at the Pharmacy. I go Monday for my Pre -Admit Bldwrk & Chest X-ray.  Getting alittle nervous! Trying to decide what needs done before I go in next week.  I am so excited!!!   Yet, Dreeding the day before, they said I'll need to stay home close to the "pot". And Clear Liquids only!  Guess I better get used to that.  

No driving for 2 weeks after surgery! I don't know if I can handle that! My husband said I WILL follow Doc's orders!  I plan too but I will go crazy if I am stuck at home for that long! 

I also have to have a liver biopsy and did you know that they may even take the gall bladder out while there in there? 

Everyone I've talk to says to get up and walk asap after surgery, they say that it hurts but it will make recovery easier and faster.  I just hope I'm not in severe pain! I'm such a wimp! But I don't want any narcotics after surgery. I'm afraid of how addictive they can be. My husband said Oh you''ll get the good stuff, But really all I want is to be comfortable. I know this isn't going to be easy.  But I have to do htis. I have to change the way I eat and I want to be healthy, happy! and if I get Skinny well that will be a major plus!   

About Me
Franklin Furnace,, OH
Surgery Date
Feb 01, 2007
Member Since

Friends 18

Latest Blog 11
7 1/2 months since Surgery
4 months
2 1/2 months and feeling great!
6 weeks out.
3 weeks post op
2 weeks Post - op
Day 7 post op
5 days to go...
Surgery Soon 8 days!
