Getting to know more about me

Apr 19, 2010

Hi All,

I have had my Lap Band Surgery!!  I had it on March 17,2010, good ole St Patrick's day. It is now April 19, 2010,  I am doing great considering I am not as young as I used to be I feel very blessed to be doing so well and loosing weight.

I survived the days of liquid food and actually didn't think it was too horrible.  The Chocalate muscle milk we would freeze and I could eat it like ice cream instead of always drinking my meals. I really was grateful for broth since that too seemed more like a meal to me.

The pain wasn't as bad as I had anticipated it to be and my surgeon was great in prescribing a liquid pain killer that was very effective.  I didn't really need it too much after a couple of days but used it more for bedtime for an additional couple of days.

I would say that trying to get all of the fluid down is still a work in progress for me but each day is a battle won for me.  The first week to week and half was the worst for me as everything started to taste just not that great.  Water was the worst but now I drink cheap bottled water with some flavored water mixed in and it makes drinking much easier.

Eating slower is also a challenge but not impossible.  I am just happy to be able to chew food and swallow it and enjoy the taste again.

I have been lucky to be able to take 6 weeks off from work to get into the spirit of this and that has been a real blessing.  I am able to walk around my block which is about a mile around so that makes for a good routine.  Since I am on oxygen I still have to stop to rest for a minute or two maybe twice but  just to walk  itself seems like quite an accomplishment for me.  I also have an inside bike so I can exercise even if it is cool or rainy.

At this time I have lost 42 pounds since I saw my Diabetic doctor just before I started the 2 WEEK  before surgery diet and then surgery. so that is my exciting share and I am happy to say I am off one of my diabetic medications at this time and even my kidneys are doing better.  YEA ME!!  AND MY SURGEON!!!


Getting to know me

Feb 07, 2010


I live in Castle Rock, Colorado. I have started this weight loss journey in November, 2009.  I went to the seminars on both the lap band and gastric bypass.  I wanted to know both options and then my husband and I talked about it and researched on the web then made an appointment to see the surgeon to chat.  I have had the physic eval and the nutrition eval and now I am ready to see the surgeon again.  This has not been an easy decision and I still have lots of questions

About Me
Castle Rock, CO
Surgery Date
Jan 16, 2007
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