I almost passed out!

Sep 07, 2010

Something very strange happened this weekend. I had a concert to go to with my husband in Minneapolis. We got all dressed up and drove over there and arrived at Epic Nightclub at about 8:30pm. I was feeling great and having a good time. Since it was in a nightclub, we had to stand and I was in 3 inch heels, but my feet didn’t bother me at all. I was drinking Diet Coke....or so I thought.  I was getting a migraine (which isn’t unusual for me) so I took one pain pill – sometimes I take 2 at a time if they’re really bad, so I didn’t think anything of it. The pill is not big, but it kind of felt like it was stuck in my throat so I tried to take a couple of good swigs of pop. Then about 5 minutes later, I started feeling really weird – kind of like I had the wind knocked out of me. I must have looked a bit off because my husband asked me what was wrong and people in the crowd were giving me weird looks. I quickly exited to the side of the dance floor and held on to a column just as I thought I was going to pass out! Looking around there are NO chairs ANYWHERE!! So I broke fire code and sat on the stairs leading to the VIP rooms. It was awful! I felt like I was going to throw up in the garbage can next to me. I was hot and sweaty and just felt terrible. But unlike the last time this happened, my stomach did not hurt at all – it was just a feeling of lightheadedness.   A security guard came to ask me if I was ok and I could barely manage to talk at all and I just told him I wasn’t moving – he left me alone – they all probably thought I was drunk – and I was totally SOBER! With help from my husband I made my way into the bathroom, where the stalls are blessedly private with their own full doors. I thought I was going to throw-up, but then after sitting for a few minutes I felt better – weird. I joined my husband again, only to have the feeling come back! One minute I feel fine, and the next minute I’m hot and clammy and feel like I’m going to take a nose-dive for the floor! So we ended up leaving the concert early because I just couldn’t take standing there anymore!! I was so totally bummed!! And I still don’t know WHY it happened!! Was the medication? But I have taken it before with no problems. Was it the pop? Did they give me regular Coke and it was just too much sugar? Who knows! All I know is I hope that NEVER happens to me again! 

~ Marion


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Hammond, WI
Surgery Date
Mar 11, 2009
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