Sleep Study

Apr 22, 2010

 WOW did my sleep study last night and Dam, I hope that I dont ever have to do that again, they placed 1/4 ton of wires on me, and then they say that the best way to complete the study is to sleep on your back WTF? I dont sleep on my my back, the bed was like sleeping on concrete and when I was getting to leave he asked me to sit on a different bed and see if it was any better and WOW if iI would have had the 2nd bed i would have had slept like a baby, if you need to get up and use the little boys room you have to have someone come in and unplug all the wires, and then I thought that I turned my alarm off on my cell phone NOPE, it went off at 0400 this morning and i couldnt get back to sleep the tech said that he would be back in at 0600 to wake me up, all in all I didnt sleep well at all, I came home and fell asleep at 0630 and was back up at 1400,

WOW April 21st

Apr 21, 2010

 ok here is what has taken place today April 21st, talked to another Dr today regarding my lack of sleep, short story, i get to sleep at the hospital tonight and he will look over the 1000 page response from the study, go back to him next week along with 3 other Dr appts, blood work next week, nut Dr nest week Schedule the big day next week, i need a secretary to keep track of all the appts, so with that said Im taken applications for the job!!

Dr Appt April 15th COMPLETE

Apr 15, 2010

 Went to see Dr Smith today, and purchased the binder with all the information in it, you know what I'm talking about, also scheduled my next 3 (three) appointments 1 for Dr. Smith and 1 for the dietary Dr and the last is for the Psychologist all in the same week April 27Th and April 29Th, OK lets be HONEST here IM PUMPED 
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Dr. Appt

Apr 06, 2010

 April the 15Th at 1130am next Dr. appt to have a good ole fashion talk or to chew the fat and get this show on the road, I cant wait
1 comment


Apr 06, 2010

 Just returned from the seminar, now to call the Dr. for a office visit so far so good must be my year, its about time 

Talk with Insurance Comapny

Mar 31, 2010

 March 31 at 1425 hrs just spoke to Beth with the insurance company and she said told me everything that I would need to do before I can get approved for THE BAND, and that after she gets ALL the paper work in that it could take 7-14 days to get approved, I'm getting very excited right now don't think there is anything that can bust my bubble of happiness 

Tuesday March 30th 2010

Mar 30, 2010

 Getting very excited about the Seminar on April the 6th cant wait 

Wednesday 24th

Mar 24, 2010

 Today Wednesday the 24Th 2010
I made contact with Dr Dwayne Smith in Edgewood Ky, to attend a seminar on April the 6Th at 12:30-1:30pm 
made contact with the insurance company and they WILL cover the surgery, plus Dr.Dwayne Smith is in my net work so thats one more plus in my favor

About Me
Crittenden, KY
Surgery Date
Mar 16, 2010
Member Since

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