I really wish that I would have known about this website months ago, before my surgery.  It's easy for me to think back about my fears, struggles and how I was feeling but there is nothing like telling it when you're in the moment. 
I have struggled with my weight all of my life.  I went on various diets through the years, Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, phen-phen, etc.  All of them worked when I was on them but as soon as I stopped the weight came back plus some!!
My mother and sister both as well as a few friends have had gastric bypass surgery over the years.  I thought about it in the back of my mind but was never too serious since my husband was very against it.  He told me that he would rather have me overweight than not have me at all.  He was really worried about the complications and scared to death that I would not make it and leave him behind with our two children.  Finally, back in May 2007 I started talking about it again with my sister who had just had the surgery 8 months prior.  I was at my heaviest 276lbs, I couldn't walk down the street without my back and knees hurting.  There were times that my lower back would hurt so bad that I COULD NOT take another step, I felt like I was going to collapse.  I went to my primary physician who conducted a complete physical.  She told me that I was healthy!!  You have got to be kidding me!  How could I possibly be healthy that overweight.  I then spoke to her about the surgery and she was not a big supporter of it.  We talked for a while and then she again told me that I was healthy BUT that's not to say that my weight won't effect my health later down the road.  Not too long after that my sister took me to a Gastric Bypass seminar at Alvarado Hospital.  I filled out the necessary paperwork and waited for the approval from my insurance company which was Blue Shield.  About 10 days later I received a letter in the mail indicating that I was denied due to the original doctor not being in their Bariatric Network.  I was confused, I thought that if I had PPO I could go to whatever doctor I pleased.  I spoke to a very nice woman at Blue Shield who explained that even though I have PPO I still had to go to a Bariatric doctor in THEIR network.  At that time I had my mind set and I was already scheduled to have the surgery in June.  I broke down on the phone with the woman from Blue Shield.  She told me that I was going to have my surgery and not to worry about it!  She gave me names of several different bariatric doctors since they are not allowed to actually refer you to just one of them.  Amongst the list of doctors was Dr. Allan Wittgrove.  I was so relieved to find another doctor but then disappointed that I had to go through the process all over again.  I went to Dr. Wittgrove's seminar several days later with my best friend Tracy.  By the end of June I had the approval and a surgery date which was July 21st.  Dr. Wittgrove did not actually schedule surgeries that day since it was a Saturday.  BUT, since he was giving a seminar that afternoon he said that he would come early and perform my surgery.  WHAT A GREAT MAN!  I LOVE HIM FOR THAT!

The night before my surgery I was scared to death.  I actually invisioned myself changing my mind and going home.  My husband and I stayed at the Hilton in La Jolla very close to Scripps Memorial where I would be having my surgery in the morning.
I just remember trying to get some sleep but my mind was going crazy, I was excited and scared to death!!!

We got up at about 4am since I had to check in at the Hospital at 5am.  I checked in, got an IV started and thought WOW...I'm really doing this...FINALLY!!  They then layered me with heating blankets to keep me warm.  A woman came in and told me to say good-bye to my husband..I kissed him and jokingly told him to take care of the kids for me.  We both laughed and then I was wheeled into the surgery room.  I remember them having me slide myself over onto this cold, steel bed.  I could not stop shivering, I'm sure because I was both cold and scared to death.  I kept thinking, I don't have to do this..I can change my mind!  They then put the oxygen mask over my face and told me to take a few deep breaths.....and that is all I remember...
I don't even remember at what point I woke up..

I stayed in the hospital a total of three nights.  The day of surgery, I was up and walking that night!  Years before I had my gall bladder removed laparoscopically and I was in so much pain from the air pockets in my shoulders.  I was not about to make that mistake again!  I'm telling you, GET UP AND WALK!  I know you don't want to, neither did it..but I am sure glad that I did..
At first I was walking like a little old lady, hunched over...but it got a lot easier every time I would walk. 
I went back to work just 10 days after my surgery.  Luckily, my job consisted of sitting the majority of the time..

It has now been 16 weeks since my surgery and I have lost a total of 62lbs.  I really struggled in the beginning.  I read someone's profile who explained it perfectly, it's all a mind game!  Food and I had a relationship, it was always there for me through good times and bad.  I have really had a hard time mentally, not being able to eat what I want.  I have to retrain myself and take control of my life again.  I make the decision of what I put in my mouth and how much I eat.
This is now my new beginning...

About Me
Menifee, CA
Surgery Date
Nov 05, 2007
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
2006 Christmas at my heaviest
Just over a year later....

Friends 20

Latest Blog 8
Plateau again...
Losing Again...
I'm frustrated at myself!!
I'm back from my doctor's appointment
Bariatric Appointment
