4 days out. Thought id post an update.

Dec 01, 2007

I came home from the hospital the day B4 yesterday. I have had a little difficulty with eating (drinking actually). Im on a liquid diet for 2 weeks then pureed foods for a few more weeks. The water goes in ok but Im able to tolerate more volume than I think Im supposed to. I can have 250ml (8fl oz) in around 5- 10 minutes. I understand I should be in-taking around 150ml (5fl oz) over 20-30 minutes. I hope i have not done any damage by trying to get enough fluid down. I am having a total of around 1500ml (56fl oz) over the day. Every time i have anything thicker than water, like soup, yogurt or protein drinks i feel yuck. I just go and lie down and try to go to sleep for a few hours. Ive stoped trying to have thicker stuff for now. Apart from that im better than i expected.

Im going under the knife!! I am at my pre-op weight.

Nov 19, 2007

Im so exited and nervous at the same time. I went for my final pre-op weigh-in today. Im at me required pre-op weight of 155kg (341lbs). Ive lost 8kg (17 1/2lbs) on opti-fast in the last 4 weeks. I was expecting to loose more as I lost double that the first time I used opti-fast six years ago. There was a big change in my eating habits back then, this time ...not so much. I was on shakes and a fairly healthy diet for the last 4 years. I just consumed too many calories in liquid form (like milk). I have to keep an eye on my weight, so no last meals so to speak. My lap band worked well for the first year then I had issues with it slipping up and causing a lot of problems. I am looking forward to the results that most people on this forum have experienced. I cant wait to shop for clothes in the ‘normal’ peoples stores. I want to do so many things with my life that being obese has prevented me from doing, like sky diving, bungie jumping, paragliding, scuba diving, to name a few things. There is so much to do in life (with the required health and stamina), I cant wait. Only 7 sleeps to go!!!! I think i may be getting a little nervous (as if you couldnt tell).

I have a surgery date for a VSG

Nov 04, 2007

I now have a date scheduled for my lap-band to be removed and a Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy performed. I have been working toward this for the last 6 months. All going well I will go in on 27/11/7.
It seems a little strange to be excited about major surgery but I'm not looking forward to the surgery, I'm looking forward to the challenge and the resulting weight loss. I hope this is the last time I have to go through this.
It seems like my struggle with my weight has consumed the last 6 years of my life. There have been times I have enjoyed being smaller and managing to keep it off. I'm just sick of it coming back again so quickly.
The VSG should allow me to not only loose the weight but keep it off for good. I know it's not a magic bullet cure and there will be some hard yards ahead but as I said, I'm looking forward to the challenge and the rewards of success.

About Me
Oct 26, 2007
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Latest Blog 3
4 days out. Thought id post an update.
Im going under the knife!! I am at my pre-op weight.
I have a surgery date for a VSG
