Today is the day!

Jun 29, 2009

Well today was my birthday and we had the dinner celebration over the weekend.  It went great! I was so worried about the cake thing and it really wasn't a big deal.  My mom's husband bought a small cake (one that I wouldn't have wanted to eat) and I did the whole candle thing and then she gave me a little applesauce with a candle in it for me.  It was very cute.  My step-father also grilled me a salmon because he knew I would love it..and it was great! They made me bring it home and put it in my freezer for later.  We cut it into my portion size and put it in my freezer for me to take out and eat all week.  It was a nice birthday and I made it without having any cake!!! And I didn't even miss the cake to be honest.  I guess my lifestyle is changing! I guess this is a good sign!


My birthday on Monday

Jun 23, 2009

Well I have come to relize that I do have a relationship with food and life is much different now that I have had surgery. For example everyone went to Dairy Queen today and it was only the fact that if I ate ice cream that I would get really sick that kept me from eating any or even taking a was today that I relized that food has been my friend and it is hard to say good bye but I am.  I also didn't realize how much our lives revolve around food! My birthday is Monday and this will be the first year that I won't have any cake.  It seems a little sad to me...I mean what is a birthday without CAKE and ICE CREAM! But I guess I wil get over it right...I made this choice and I need to stick with it! Not hard to stick with the sugar thing because I had sugar without knowing and I was sick sick sick! And I only had a very small amount!

I am glad to say that I have found clothes in my closet that I haven't worn since last summer because they were to small! It is nice to go shopping in your own closet!
Anyway that is what is going on with me!

Post surgery

Jun 04, 2009

Well I have made it through surgery and now I am working on recovery.  I am really sore when I get p and sit down but other than that I am okay.  IT is about the same as when I had my tubes tied.  I have a great helper.  HIs name is Jaquay and he is my 12 year old son.  He has been helping me get in and out of the chair, running around getting anything I need. He even gets his 5 year old sisters up in the morning to get them off to school these last few days of school.  Today he helped me remove a local iv I have been carring around since I left the hospital and he helpd me get my lovanox shot today.  He has been cleaning house and cooking dinner! It would be very hard for me if he wasn't here to help. I am very grateful to him.

I'll post again when I feel better!


Surgery date scheduled

May 26, 2009

Well after almost a year my surgery has been scheduled! I have a date of 6/1/2009. I am nervous and excited all at the same time. I hope and pray that I can follow the nutrition guidelines after surgery that I can remain healthy. My husband worries I won't follow the guidelines of vitamins and protein intake but I am determined to be healthy! I am going through this so I can live longer and be healthy with my family.  I am tired of sitting on the sidelines and watching the world pass me by. That is all changing this summer and I will start the school year (I am a teacher) with a new attitude and outlook on life, not to mention looking GREAT!

I'll post after surgery!


About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 31, 2008
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