My Tracker

Jan 02, 2011



getting back on the loosing train!

Jan 02, 2010

I want to be 200 by my birthday May 7th!  I graduate from medical school on June 5th.  I want to be under 200 by then if not smaller!  I'm restarting WW with the new points plus and am really committed.

I've passed some big hurtles in 2010 and am grateful and glad to pass this milestone.

Upward and onward!  Except the weight of course!  DOWN DOWN DOWN!

Getting back on track

Aug 17, 2009

Ok.  So I'm not finished with boards, but I've started 3rd year and am trying to get back on track even before I take my last test in sept.

I'm going to own it!

and Loose it!

Hey I'm back!

Jan 25, 2009

I've lost some more wt but will know how much for sure when I get measured for my body fat content at my gym on monday.

I'm going to kick it up at the gym to get this wt off and tighten up!




Nov 28, 2008


It's ok.  I've lost a lot of wt but I still have 50+lbs to go.  I really just want to get to 200 right now.  Everyone will be happy to see how much I've lost at Xmas.  But, by the summer I want to be at 200.  There I said it, I'm not loosing hope or will.  I'm not weighing myself because it doesn't help me to stress about it.  But on January 1st I want to be refocused.

Keepn' the faith


Aug 19, 2008

So the 3rd world is a great place to shed wt.  Between the constant sweating and the walking and the stomach bugs, it just flies off!

The ashram in the bahamas was also helpful.

Right now though, i'm trying (not very well) not to get back into my old habits.  I'm going to start recording my food again this week.

I am so close to my 100lb mark!  I need to kick it for sure!



May 11, 2008


So I'm coming up on exams and just passed my 33rd birthday.  I want to be at goal by next Christmas but I'm going to need to get a jump start once exams are over.  I'm going to africa for much of the summer to work in a clinic in a rural area.  I know I'll drop at least 20lbs while I'm there just because of the food (everytime I leave the country I loose unless its to cancun;-).  It's a poor rural area in western tanzania and I'm stoked.

I also switched gyms and love the new gym.  I've been 4 times in the past 7 days.  But I overslept for weightwatchers after celebrating my B-Day so I don't have a new weight to enter.  When I get back i'm going to do core (weight watchers plan) and eliminate cheese and most alcohol...going to get really serious.  I'm also giong to take spin classes and yoga at my new gym starting after exams and getting serious when I return in august!

So I won't be able to update for June July and part of august but I willbe logging in a big loss when I get back!

Ok...time to study!


blood test results

Mar 07, 2008

Hi everyone, 
So to my surprise, my thyroid is totally normal...even better than before Hurricane Katrina!  My liver enzymes are almost within normal but my professor says not to worry about being slightly out of could be due to exercise its totally fine!  So I guess all is good.  Exercising really helps and maybe I could eat a little less cheese.  School is stressful and takes so much out of me, I think I'm doing pretty well considering.  The size 16 jeans I just got (wahoo!) are too loose already.  They're stretch though and I can get into my old 18 (non-stretch) but they're still a little too tight..something I no longer tolerate.  I'm wearing a Tshirt right now that was too tight when I bought it but its perfect now.  I made a big pile of too big, will never wear agains and I was pretty conservative about what went in the pile and its still huge!  Off to goodwill!  I think the clothing landmarks are my biggest triumph;-)  The scale may be slower coming, but I think I'm ok with that.  I would still pick my VSG. No vitamin deficiency problems or duodenal ulcer risk...nothing that will come back to bite me for being impatient 10-20 years from now.   I'm so going to be a sassy sexy old lady someday;-)  Skinny, did I mention skinny?  I'm going to take a picture soon, I swear!  Right after exams.


Feb 23, 2008



slowly but surely

Feb 21, 2008

So I finally had my blood work redone.  I'm waiting on the results; my liver panel, my thyroid, everything.

I'm pretty sure my thyroid isn't working.  My mom has been on thyroid hormone supplementation for decades and my little sister started on it a couple of years ago (didn't tell me thanks).  And my wt loss is so slow nowadays, I think the only reason I'm still loosing (a few pds a month) is because I'm exercising.   I await my results.

fingers crossed;-)

About Me
Vallejo, CA
Surgery Date
Mar 03, 2007
Member Since

Friends 10

Latest Blog 16
blood test results
slowly but surely
