Catching you up!

Aug 11, 2008

Hello!  I have been away from this blog for way to long - not good.  I find using this website does keep me motivated so I need to try getting online more often. 

So here's my update - I had surgery on March 27,2008 so I am just over 4 months out. I am down 115 pounds since surgery.  (okay, so I lost 31 pounds before surgery - it all counts!)  I am more than THRILLED!  I find walking is easier and I don't get as out of breath, stairs are less of a problem for me.  I've started swimming which I enjoy  great deal.. I finally saw one of brothers since the surgery and he was very delighted to see the progress that I've made and how I am looking.  Okay - so I"m not even close to small, but you can see the difference in me.  Yeah!! 

Two Month's since surgery

May 27, 2008

Wow - I didn't realize that it's been so long since I've updated my profile.  The good news is that I am now down 59 pounds from my surgery date.  My grand total since I started my pre-surgey weight loss on Jan. 2, 2008 is 90 pounds . 

It's been an interesting month - full of new challenges for me.  I had to take 2 business trips for 5 days each back to back.  It was a juggling act to find something to eat when you have to eat out for so long and for so many days.  I ordered a lot of soup and just ate the meat from deli sandwiches.  Fortunately my room did have a mini-frig in it which means that I kept it well stocked with my leftovers.  Thanks to advice from a super friendly person in my support group, I went prepared with numerous protien bars to keep me going. 

I also hosted a good portion of my family at my home 2 weekends ago to celebrate the college graduation of my niece from Cal.  We had several parties here with her college friends and family.  Food was all around and it all looked so yummy.  One night at dinner, I was so caught up in conversation that I just kept eating the hamburger patty and I wasn't listening to my stomach - until it hit me.  I over did - got the sweats, dizzy, nauseous, the whole shabang!  At least I can say I've experienced it.  Not good at all.  I learned my lesson and was on extreme alert the rest of the weekend.  

Well, I'm looking forward to June and hitting my first 100 pounds off! 

Week 1 Update

Apr 04, 2008

Well, my surgery was 1 week ago on Thursday, April 3rd.  I was eager to get on the scale and see the results.  I was down 22 pounds from my weight the day of surgery!  WOW - I couldn't believe it.  I weighed again, same number, and one more time, and I still got the same weight.  I never imagined that it would be 22 pounds.  Where did it all go?   

My energy is coming back, I kinda overdid it one day this week and I was zapped the next day, but hey, one day of rest and then back up and at it again.  I am truly amazed at not feeling hungry.  I am watching the clock to make sure that I do try to eat.  Plus I am almost getting in all my wtaer - close to like 50 ounces.  I am pushing for more.  I am not nearly getting the protien I know I should, but I've checked in with Anne at JMuir and she said that's ok for now. I am still on stage 2 (and stage 1) foods only.

Actually from the start of my WLS process on Jan. 2, 2008 I am down a grand total of 56 pounds.  The first 34 pounds came off with dedication to lose as much as I could before surgery.  BMI is now at 62.  I am psyched!
Thanks again to my friends for your support!  It helps!   

I'm home - surgery went well!

Mar 31, 2008

Well, I've been home since Friday but really didn't have the energy or desire to even turn on my laptop.  Things went well in surgery - I saw Dr. Otero twice before my procedure and met my anesthesiologist - who was nice and funny.  I remember him asking me what I was allergic to and I said shellfish and cats.  He told me that he'd watch out for the shellfish allergy (I guess it has something to do with the iodine and how it effects me) and that he didn't expect we'd have any problems with my other allergy as he wasn't prepared to cough up a hairball! That put me at ease right away.  

My surgery lasted longer than expected, but that was due to an artery that gushed that needed to be investigated, x-rayed, and repaired before the sleeve procedure could be done.  This added delay caused my sister (who was waiting for me) to grow anxious but she was greatly relieved after she talked with Dr. Otero.  

I woke up from surgery with the strong desire to use the bathroom, I remember begging them to let me up and sue the bathroom.  I was also super thirsty but they wouldn't give me anything to drink until the anesthesia wore off more.  When I got to my room, I remember seeing a view of the Mt. Diablo mountains from my room and thought how nice that was. I guess I said it in a funny way that they all told me I was pretty loopy! Then I saw my sister and felt much better!  I made it through.  

I was up and walking within an hour of being in my room and using the bathroom. Talk about being loopy walking around and having a conversation with my tall handsome date that I realized was my IV stand!  I made several trips around the floor that afternoon and evening.  But I also slept a lot.  I was in moderate pain - a lot less than I had expected.  On Friday, I sat up in a chair for a good part of the day - it was more comfortable than the bed and it was easier to get up and walk and use the bathroom.  I was released home by 6pm on Friday.  That drive home was interesting, I think I was super sensitive to every pothole in the road and I just help my stomach.  Once home, in my favorite chair I had some apple juice and felt like, okay house, I've done it, I'm here, and this is my new beginning!  

My sister was wonderful and stayed with me through the weekend.  She helped to bring me the foods I was going to drink and eat (okay, slurp since it was all liquids).  It was great to know that someone else was here with me and if I needed anything I could give her a call. I used some pain medication Friday night which helped.  Took my first shower Saturday morning - it felt so great and then I pretty much slept the entire day on Saturday.  I think it's because I was short on sleep leading up to my surgery with excitement and nervousness.  

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday - I started to feel so much better.  I haven't taken any pain medication since Friday night.  I have one incision site that is sensitive when I move in certain ways, otherwise, not much pain.  That surprises me, but I am so grateful. 

I am on the losing side now – YEAH!!!   Thanks for all your support and messages! 


It's a GO!!

Mar 26, 2008

I saw my surgeon, Dr. Otero this afternoon and he gave the best possible news - everything is cleared and it is a GO for my surgery on Thursday morning.  I can hardly wait - a bit nervous - but mainly super excited.  

I'll see you all on the losing side - post surgery!  Thanks again for everyone's support! 

Two days to go

Mar 24, 2008

Well, I've got 2 days to go for my surgery.  I am excited and nervous. Today I went in to do the pre-admission routine, had an EKG, and blood work.  Little did I know that once I had the blood work done, I'd get a lovely new bracelet to wear through my surgery until I'm discharged.  

I pretty much have all my initial first week or 2 of supplies ready to go.  The vitamins, the calcium, the B12, the protein supplements and powders.  Tomorrow I see my surgeon, Dr. Otero for my final pre-surgery appointment - once I have that appointment and hopefully get the OK to proceed from my doc, then I think I will actually be able to believe that the surgery will happen.  That I will be taking control of my life and working to improve my health and mobility.  

Thanks to everyone that has reached out to me from here and my support group.  It really helps to hear from people that are living and succeeding on the losing side.  Soon, I will be joining you! 

About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 13, 2008
Member Since

Friends 10

Latest Blog 6
Catching you up!
Two Month's since surgery
Week 1 Update
I'm home - surgery went well!
It's a GO!!
Two days to go
