8 Weeks after surgery

Feb 23, 2009

I cannot believe it.  It's been 8 weeks since the surgery.  I cannot say it was easy, but it is definitely starting to payoff.  My health seems to be improving.  I can fix my hair without sitting on the toilet.  I can fold clothes without sitting down.  I can go up and down the stairs more than once a day. 

Since the doctor changed me from Lexapro to Celexa, I seem to be doing much better.  I know it's only been a week, but still, BETTER.

My friend, Michelle, is having the RNY tomorrow, so keep her in your prayers.  I know I am.  I met her in person today for the first time and I really feel she'll do great with the surgery.  She's a terrific person. 

Oh yeah, I'm down 37 pounds and getting ready to cross the 40 mark.  I really didn't think that was possible.  Just 13 more pounds and I'll be at the point where I was at when I met my husband.  It really felt good last weekend when he said I reminded him of how I look when he first fell in love with me.  He loves me no matter what my size, but he wants me to be healthier, which I am becoming.

Has anyone ever found a good way to fight the after taste of the extra protein?  I find myself constantly tasting it through out the day.

I tried some macaroni tonight.  Maybe it was because I didn't make it, but it actually didn't taste good.  Very, starchy!  They said my taste might change.  It's hard to believe I might not care for macaroni.  Anyone that knows me, knows that was one of my favorite foods.

Over the weekend, we went to a cousins birthday party.  Of course, there was cake there.  And guess what, I didn't try it.  Was I tempted?  Yes....but I didn't.  I did however sneak 2 chips, but even they didn't taste good.

